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Amumu Build Guide by BubbleBursts

Jungle Master tier Amumu

Jungle Master tier Amumu

Updated on July 6, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BubbleBursts Build Guide By BubbleBursts 23,037 Views 2 Comments
23,037 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BubbleBursts Amumu Build Guide By BubbleBursts Updated on July 6, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Threats & Synergies

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About myself

Here is my lolking: profile

I am currently diamond (s5). I have reached master tier with amumu jg (amumu carried me from d4 to master tier).

My win rate peak at 72.6%. (61-23)

I was #1 amumu world:

I never wanted to make my amumu guide public, but right now I am leveling up my lv 27 smurf and planning to play purely master yi on that acc. Since I am not playing amumu in ranked, it is ok for me to share my amumu guide with you guys.
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Pros and Cons

+ fast clear
+ Tanky
+ % health damage
+ good ganks
+ Good initiator

- vulnerable to counter jungle (shaco)
- can be kited
- dependent on mana. (once you build righteous glory, you should have no problem with mana without blue buff)
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Attack speed makes your clear much faster! With Martial Mastery (+4 ad from mastery), it's even faster. ad gives you more single target damage compared to ap for early game.

Scaling hp is the most efficient. (I am usually the highest level in the game as well.) I have no problem sustaining in the jungle and I only buy 1 pot for the whole game.

Scaling MR. The more def, the better.

Since I take tp, movement speed is a must. It help you stick to your target. I build stalker smite, righteous glory, and randuin. I can always stick to the target I want.
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I go 9-21-0
Defensive stats are the most important for tank amumu. And I also want damage for faster clear and faster kill.
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Mechanics & abilities

You can neglect cc with Q.

Cursed Touch
Amumu's basic attacks reduce their target's magic resistance by 15 / 20 / 25 for 3 seconds. This debuff refreshes with every basic attack.
It is extremely powerful. I always aa first before I use my E. It also makes ur ult do much more damage. With abyssal, you do so much more damage.
Bandage Toss
Great gap closer. You can also neglect cc with this ability. (see above)
Great aoe hp% damage. Extremely useful for late game. Max this second.
Great aoe damage. Enemy basic attack (include minion, monsters, but not dragon) reduce cd on this skill. Max this first for fast clear.
Curse of the Sad Mummy
Great aoe cc. Tons of damage as well.
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Lv 6 at 6:15 without leash

I get lv 6 at 6:15 without leash, then I go for my first gank (probably mid).

My standard jg path: gromp -> wolves -> raptor -> golems -> recall
tp -> blue -> gromp -> wolves -> raptor -> red -> golems -> recall
gromp -> wolves, lv 6 -> first gank.

but sometimes, blue side bot lane may take golem lv 1. In this case you recall after raptor, then tp blue -> crab -> gromp -> .... (I can also get lv 6 at 6:20 this way)
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Full build

I usually finish my build at around 32~35 minute.

The following picture show that I finish my build at 29:39
You can even sell your boots for trinity (34 min):
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Other items?

Liandry's Torment

+50 ability power
+300 health
15 magic pen
passive: 2% current health in 3 seconds

Liandry's Torment is common on amumu. But I actually think it's not a great item for amumu because only Q and R can double liandry's passive. (items like righteous, randuin will help though).

Second, abyssal is much better. the 20 MR reduce is not only greater than 15 MR pen. It can actually give u negative 45 MR with amumu's passive for jungle camps, making jungling fast af. (magic pen doesn't apply beyond negative numbers) And generally you must build one MR item for the game, may as well build abyssal. It has better stats than liandrys, and cheaper. Since liandry's passive is not too great on amumu, and u need mr item, u should get abyssal.

Plus, abyssal is aoe aura, which is great for teamfight as well.
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Full game

8-2-13 this game:

3-5-9 this game:

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