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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Pretty much like Lulu, but she can cancel your R from further and has an AoE R.
Sorcery - Always your Main Rune because Arcane Comet can really change a laning phase over 4/5 hits. This is normally hard to do, but since Make it Rain(E) slows enemies, it's actually pretty easy to have a 90% hit rate.
Manaflow Band - Another must have because Miss Fortune can be mana hungry early, and it allows you to build less mana, helping with damage output later in the game.
The Ultimate Hat - Can be a good option given that Miss Fortune relies on her ultimate in teamfights, but I don't recommend it.
Celerity - Great for avoiding CC, getting in position for Bullet Time(R), chasing and running from enemy champions and roams.
In addition, has very good synergy with Approach Velocity, from the second Rune.
Transcendence - Procs at level 10, missing all early game, which is why I don't take it.
Scorch - 20s cooldown, same as Make it Rain(E), so it's a buff to your poke. Also the other options are not good.
Inspiration - Magical Footwear belongs to this Rune, so we take it!
Magical Footwear - Boosts your boots' movement speed by 10, making you faster later on, saves you 300 gold, which might be important to the Phage completion timing and most importantly makes you not forget to buy boots ;)
Approach Velocity - Was not my first instinct, but when I tried it, I knew it was right.
Make it Rain(E) procs it, making it super easy to land the passive empowered basic attack, and making Miss Fortune that much more oppressive early.
Cosmic Insight - My first instinct, 5% CDR means more E spam and the 5% maximum CDR is good because the build will reach 40% almost every time, great rune!
Manaflow Band - Another must have because Miss Fortune can be mana hungry early, and it allows you to build less mana, helping with damage output later in the game.
The Ultimate Hat - Can be a good option given that Miss Fortune relies on her ultimate in teamfights, but I don't recommend it.
Celerity - Great for avoiding CC, getting in position for Bullet Time(R), chasing and running from enemy champions and roams.
In addition, has very good synergy with Approach Velocity, from the second Rune.
Transcendence - Procs at level 10, missing all early game, which is why I don't take it.
Scorch - 20s cooldown, same as Make it Rain(E), so it's a buff to your poke. Also the other options are not good.
Inspiration - Magical Footwear belongs to this Rune, so we take it!
Magical Footwear - Boosts your boots' movement speed by 10, making you faster later on, saves you 300 gold, which might be important to the Phage completion timing and most importantly makes you not forget to buy boots ;)
Approach Velocity - Was not my first instinct, but when I tried it, I knew it was right.
Make it Rain(E) procs it, making it super easy to land the passive empowered basic attack, and making Miss Fortune that much more oppressive early.
Cosmic Insight - My first instinct, 5% CDR means more E spam and the 5% maximum CDR is good because the build will reach 40% almost every time, great rune!
I finish my build differently almost every game, the situational items being actually situational with Miss Fortune.
Frostfang - Must get:
Needlessly Large Rod(NLR) - If you managed to go back with 1250 gold, it's pretty safe to say that you are ahead. NLR gives you ridiculous poke and makes the snowball easier.
The Black Cleaver(BC) - Everything about BC is great, it increases your damage output, gives you CDR and most importantly shreds enemies' armor. This is very important because once you finish BC your R will get utility in addition to the damage, given that every champion hit by your R gets their armor shredded up to 20%.
Executioner's calling - More utility to your R, everyone hit by it gets Grievous Wounds.
Redemption (3rd item) - Gives CDR and health, which I find really helpful in skirmishes and it fits an agressive playstyle, not to mention the powerful active.
Boots of Swiftness(Core) - Increases your movement speed, making it easier to roam, position in fights, catch enemies or run from them, avoid CC, etc.
Ninja Tabi -
Mercury's Treads -
Locket of the Iron Solari - Gives armor and magic resistance that go really well with the health from BC and Redemption, also the active is really good against the likes of Shaco, Khazix or Evelynn.
Guardian Angel - If the enemy ADC or midlaner is focusing you down.
AD, some armor and a life saving passive (literally).
Maw of Malmortius - Against Veigar and such.
AD, magic resistance and a life saving passive.
Thornmail - Against full AD comps.
The health from Remnant of the Watchers, The Black Cleaver and Redemption is already substancial, if you had Thornmail's armor to it, a full AD comp will be a joke.
Mercurial Scimitar - To survive heavy CC.
Against badly designed champions like Sejuani, Skarner, Veigar and such.
Spellbinder - If you bought NLR.
Use the active before your R to increase the damage output.
I don't recommend attack speed items, because Miss Fortune is a caster, appart from that, feel free to buy any item.
(I'm currently trying to find the balance in items between AP and AD, because the new "adaptive damage" mechanic is hard to deal with, especially in Support MF because the E poke receives a massive debuff once the adaptive damage turns AD,once I nail it I'll let you know).
First Back
Frostfang - Must get:
Unlocks Wards
20 gold on enemy hit(faster wards)
More poke on E
More Mana regen
Needlessly Large Rod(NLR) - If you managed to go back with 1250 gold, it's pretty safe to say that you are ahead. NLR gives you ridiculous poke and makes the snowball easier.
The Black Cleaver(BC) - Everything about BC is great, it increases your damage output, gives you CDR and most importantly shreds enemies' armor. This is very important because once you finish BC your R will get utility in addition to the damage, given that every champion hit by your R gets their armor shredded up to 20%.
Executioner's calling - More utility to your R, everyone hit by it gets Grievous Wounds.
Redemption (3rd item) - Gives CDR and health, which I find really helpful in skirmishes and it fits an agressive playstyle, not to mention the powerful active.
Boots of Swiftness(Core) - Increases your movement speed, making it easier to roam, position in fights, catch enemies or run from them, avoid CC, etc.
Ninja Tabi -
Against heavy AD teams.
If the enemy AD midlaner is fed.
Mercury's Treads -
Against heavy CC teams.
If the CC is not QSSable, for instance Orianna R, Alistar combo, Leona combo.
If the enemy AP midlaner is fed.
Locket of the Iron Solari - Gives armor and magic resistance that go really well with the health from BC and Redemption, also the active is really good against the likes of Shaco, Khazix or Evelynn.
Guardian Angel - If the enemy ADC or midlaner is focusing you down.
AD, some armor and a life saving passive (literally).
Maw of Malmortius - Against Veigar and such.
AD, magic resistance and a life saving passive.
Thornmail - Against full AD comps.
The health from Remnant of the Watchers, The Black Cleaver and Redemption is already substancial, if you had Thornmail's armor to it, a full AD comp will be a joke.
Mercurial Scimitar - To survive heavy CC.
Against badly designed champions like Sejuani, Skarner, Veigar and such.
Spellbinder - If you bought NLR.
Use the active before your R to increase the damage output.
I don't recommend attack speed items, because Miss Fortune is a caster, appart from that, feel free to buy any item.
(I'm currently trying to find the balance in items between AP and AD, because the new "adaptive damage" mechanic is hard to deal with, especially in Support MF because the E poke receives a massive debuff once the adaptive damage turns AD,once I nail it I'll let you know).
Ashe - The duo that Support Miss Fortune is known for, everyone heard about Gorilla and Pray smashing SKT with this duo.
Obviously the best ADC for MF support, but be careful, some people just pick Ashe because they think it's their only option and end up feeding. For this duo to work you must sync the ulties and sync the poke.
Jhin - My favourite duo and OP atm.
Miss' E procs his snare, so the snare hits, E deals full damage and it's an easy follow up, also Jhin's ult can help you get a good ult in some situations.
Caitlyn - An agressive ADC with pushing power and strong early game, MF's E makes for an easy Caitlyn Q that can lead to a lot of damage.
Xayah - Very powerful ADC at the moment, can peel herself with ult and can play agressively.
Sivir - I've found this ADC to be pretty good as it has been more popular lately, Make It Rain makes for an easy Sivir Q, which can completely destroy an ADC if not kill him. A duo to look out for.
Vayne - Just kidding.
Obviously the best ADC for MF support, but be careful, some people just pick Ashe because they think it's their only option and end up feeding. For this duo to work you must sync the ulties and sync the poke.
Jhin - My favourite duo and OP atm.
Miss' E procs his snare, so the snare hits, E deals full damage and it's an easy follow up, also Jhin's ult can help you get a good ult in some situations.
Caitlyn - An agressive ADC with pushing power and strong early game, MF's E makes for an easy Caitlyn Q that can lead to a lot of damage.
Xayah - Very powerful ADC at the moment, can peel herself with ult and can play agressively.
Sivir - I've found this ADC to be pretty good as it has been more popular lately, Make It Rain makes for an easy Sivir Q, which can completely destroy an ADC if not kill him. A duo to look out for.
Vayne - Just kidding.
Laning is the reason behind playing Miss Fortune, you play Miss Fortune with the goal of destroying lane and snowballing the game.
Use E whenever it's up, and try to bear in mind that enemies try to run backwards when you E, to avoid all-ins. With this in mind, try to place E where you think they'll run to, making them take more damage, be slowed longer and missing more minions.
Remember MF's passive, that deals additional damage in the first time you hit an enemy with a basic attack. What you want to do is hit a minion after you hit a champion, to reset the passive. Given that mostly we want to poke and not all-in, this should be easy to do.
Lastly remember to always poke the ADC, as they are squishier, have less pots and are the ones trying to farm, so putting the pressure on them makes it harder for them to do so, giving you a bigger lead.
When hitting turrets, proc W to get attack speed, and use Q on enemy minions, which pushes the wave, lowers W's cooldown and resets your passive.
Roaming is, in my opinion, one of the things that Miss Fortune excels at, because she is really fast, has an AoE slow and can deal a good amount of damage very quickly, with Q, E and R.
What I like to do is: after my ADC goes for first back, I go midlane, get a kill or a flash, then go toplane, get another flash or kill and go base, returning to botlane. This is possible because you will be pushing bot most of the times, so when your ADC goes to base, you roam (takes 20/30 seconds), and when you reach bot again the wave is in your tower, with your ADC under no real threat and not having missed too much CS.
Since you want to snowball a lead, getting tower first blood is not good enough, so staying bot after there is no tower is not an option, because you want to be pushing, and pushing into the tier 2 tower is risky, puts you in a vulnerable position to ganks or roams and will 99% of the times not result in a second tower.
So what you want to do is get tower first blood in the botlane, rotate top with your ADC, asking nicely for your toplaner to defend bot, get that tower aswell, then rotate mid to get the last outer tower and at last get rift herald, to force one of the tier 2 towers. From here your team will have a good lead, and the game is snowballed.
Use E whenever it's up, and try to bear in mind that enemies try to run backwards when you E, to avoid all-ins. With this in mind, try to place E where you think they'll run to, making them take more damage, be slowed longer and missing more minions.
Remember MF's passive, that deals additional damage in the first time you hit an enemy with a basic attack. What you want to do is hit a minion after you hit a champion, to reset the passive. Given that mostly we want to poke and not all-in, this should be easy to do.
Lastly remember to always poke the ADC, as they are squishier, have less pots and are the ones trying to farm, so putting the pressure on them makes it harder for them to do so, giving you a bigger lead.
When hitting turrets, proc W to get attack speed, and use Q on enemy minions, which pushes the wave, lowers W's cooldown and resets your passive.
Roaming is, in my opinion, one of the things that Miss Fortune excels at, because she is really fast, has an AoE slow and can deal a good amount of damage very quickly, with Q, E and R.
What I like to do is: after my ADC goes for first back, I go midlane, get a kill or a flash, then go toplane, get another flash or kill and go base, returning to botlane. This is possible because you will be pushing bot most of the times, so when your ADC goes to base, you roam (takes 20/30 seconds), and when you reach bot again the wave is in your tower, with your ADC under no real threat and not having missed too much CS.
Since you want to snowball a lead, getting tower first blood is not good enough, so staying bot after there is no tower is not an option, because you want to be pushing, and pushing into the tier 2 tower is risky, puts you in a vulnerable position to ganks or roams and will 99% of the times not result in a second tower.
So what you want to do is get tower first blood in the botlane, rotate top with your ADC, asking nicely for your toplaner to defend bot, get that tower aswell, then rotate mid to get the last outer tower and at last get rift herald, to force one of the tier 2 towers. From here your team will have a good lead, and the game is snowballed.
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