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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
Can do Pro Plays with
Warrior Trickster
Has Armor Penetration with
Crushing Blow at Level 1
Good CC with
Very nice Passive in Team Fights
Nice combos
Heavy damage at level 3
No CC till 6
No survivability
Mana eater if you harras too much
Easily get countered
Can do Pro Plays with

Has Armor Penetration with

Good CC with

Very nice Passive in Team Fights
Nice combos
Heavy damage at level 3
No CC till 6
No survivability
Mana eater if you harras too much
Easily get countered

Marks |
Flat AD the best thing you can have because you already have Armor Penetration with your

Seals |
Armor for a little survivability and seals are just very goo at armor :P
Glyphs |
Magic resist for a little survivability.
Quintessences |
Same with marks Flat AD.
Now its time to review items. We'll start with boots
Mercury's Treads If their AP carry is fed or you need tenacity.
ninja tabis If their AD carry or Bruiser is fed.
Black Cleaver YOU MUST BUY THIS ITEM Armor Penetration , AD and some Cooldown Redution is really cool
Ravenous Hydra AD , Health Regen , Lifesteal real deal. You should get this.
Frozen Mallet AD , Healt and Slow in every hit very nice item.
Maw of Malmortius Magic Resist , AD by missing health and barrier against AP based skills you should get this if you are against fed AP Carry
Sunfire Aegis Armor , Health and 40 magic damage per second to nearby enemy its really good with your Ulti.
Iceborn Gauntlet Armor , Slow after an ability , your
Crushing Blow will be OP as hell.
Randuin's Omen If their AD Carry is fed it will slow his/her Attack Speed and its active works with your ulti really good.
Thornmail Meh , but still usefull
Spirit Visage Nice magic resist and cooldown reduction if you wanna buy it i think you should get Lifesteal either
Atma's Impaler Armor , Crit Chance(meh) , and AD by your full health its good if you bought some Health items or want Armor and AD either in one item ^^
Bloodthirster SNOWBALL Very nice AD and Lifesteal
Infinity Edge You may think for AD.

ninja tabis If their AD carry or Bruiser is fed.

Thats where your real play is begin. Harras your enemy with your
Crushing Blow since its range has buffed its OP. When you get 2 W>Q is very good but use it wisely if you dont have ward i dont recommend it. And now you are 3 thats is the part you'll hurt more your E>Q>W combo will hurt so much if they underestimate
Wukong. When you are 6 it will be time for real fun ^^. E>Q>R>Ignite>W and he is now dead man.
Don't ever use your skills on creepss if your enemy is near you wouldn't want to be Out of mana in fight becaouse your skills is hurting too much not your Auto Attacks.
Thats where your real play is begin. Harras your enemy with your

Don't ever use your skills on creepss if your enemy is near you wouldn't want to be Out of mana in fight becaouse your skills is hurting too much not your Auto Attacks.
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