A good graves will invade you early and shut you down. If vsing graves, I recommend warding your opposite buff of where you're starting and path according to guides on youtube about pathing when scared of invades. There are plenty of guides out there. This will be a common theme. These champions will basically always start at their red buff and hop over the wall to invade you.
Same exact thing as Graves, except she is longer range and will directly contest your camps constantly which will be very annoying.
Jarvan IV
Out ganks you, has more movement around the map, has max hp damage, and will just completely take over. This is my choice of ban right now.
Master Yi
A good yi will cheese you on your buff or kill you at scuttle. Be extremely cautious and try to figure out where he started. Put control wards in your buff bushes. Most low elo yi players won't do this unless they're a one trick.
Can easily invade you all game and one shot you early. You really can't do anything vs this champion. Try to figure out where he started and track him accordingly.
Can out farm you and run to objectives before you do, not much you can do but try to steal her camps and take an early dragon (this reduces your tempo since your early dragons take forever). You will win team fights vs her however she can one shot your team if she's left unchecked.
Will invade you almost every game on your buff. Ward your buff across from his red buff and see what he does and path accordingly. You will absolutely run him over in the mid game however if you get punished by him early he will take over your jungle and prevent you from farming.
Can beat you at every stage of the game and take over. I would recommend taking bramble after first/second item and playing for a tank shredder on your team.
Will take over the map if left unchecked. Zac players seem to like ignoring their camps so taking his camps while he's ganking will set him very far behind and put you very ahead so you can win in team fights.
Ban or pray. In all seriousness though ghost and your R are usually enough to just run her down. If you don't target her she will shred you.
Will do lots of damage to you but you beat her in the mid game pretty easily and can often times use your tempo advantage to take all grubs and rift from her. She could theoretically invade you but Bel'Veth players in low elo never really do that. It will take quite a while for her to out scale you.
Can almost match your farm and deal a huge amount of damage to you and your team. I would suggest invading him once you're level 6 and after you've spent your gold and contesting his farm.
Can potentially out tempo you in higher elos but most Hecarims will fall behind due to forced ganks and bad objective taking. You can win vs him in duels with your ult and you can contest his farm. Later on in the game you can just run him over.
Can be a bit of an issue by getting your passive off of you early and not letting you move. His shields can also be a huge problem for you. I recommend trying to run over ivern while your passive is still up and try to not let him hit random qs on you. Just go in.
Beats you early very hard and can beat you in the mid game as well. Try to avoid being isolated and be careful for post 6 invades.
Max hp damage, mobility, and lots of other annoying things. You can run her over later if you play it properly but she can be very annoying to play against. I would take force of nature against her.
Nunu & Willump
Will definitely kill your team over and over again and block your q poke. He is pretty useless later on though and you can often times ignore him and run down his team.
Will come close to your farm and will perma slow you along with max hp dps. You out scale him pretty hard though and he ends up being pretty useless vs you. Setting up a dragon win condition vs him is great.
His passive along with bork can do massive damage to you, so be very careful face tanking him. Poking him out with q and kiting him out with ghost and ult is a great way to win against him. You will out scale and out farm him easily.
If he can land q on you he will do massive damage and can shut you down. This is pretty unlikely though but he can be an issue with Liandry's. He could in theory out farm you if you're inefficient but you should be fine. Get objectives before he does and you should be alright.
If you ever encounter this matchup your best bet is to kite her with your q and steal her camps. She can never catch you with your ult and ghost. If you face tank her damage she will one shot you.
Rhaast could be a problem, so build thornmail and run him down before your team dies. He will farm very quickly and will try to take your raptors frequently. Try your best to avoid this.
Can wipe your team and take all of your damage easily. I recommend thornmail and stealing his camps post 6.
Can cause your team to get one shot and perm cced. You yourself can run past him, however he can be problematic for your team. I would try to kill their main damage dealer asap and take qs for your carries.
Can steal your objectives with E/passive + smite and get out for free. Can also do unexpected large amounts of damage to you. A bit annoying but you out scale him hard.
She can invade you early and be annoying but after your first item she will do little to no damage to you unless she has like 25 mejai's stacks
Can be an issue but thornmail shuts him down pretty well and most of the time he won't be able to keep up with your farm.
Super easy matchup, he can't E you and can never fight you. You can just steal his camps all game.
She can't ever kill you and you will just run her over.
Literally can't do anything to you lol
Lee Sin
As long as you don't fight him at lvl 3 he can't keep up with you and will just get one shot.
Could burst you with her E damage but you out heal everything and she can't out dps you. Invading her after you're 6 is a good option.
Useless compared to you and vs you
Xin Zhao
Beats you early but that's about it. Will never match your farm
Can block your q poke but that's it. Useless vs you
Does nothing unless in an OP state
Beats you pre 6 and possibly does a bit after that, however you can always run/kite him and realistically he will never kill you. You out scale him insanely hard.
Can kill your team a lot however it won't matter much due to your scaling vs her. Invade her post 6.
Literally just ignore him. He can't E you and even if he does for some reason your carries are safe.
Can be annoying but you just out dps her easily and out scale her.
He can't kill you ever. Just don't take sustained fights against him and kite him as much as you can. You will always out scale him.
You out damage him at pretty much every stage of the game. He can't do anything to you and you out scale him.
Makes you unkillable if they actually decide to stay on you.
Scales with you and can make you immortal. Doesn't look to be proactive early either which is great for you.
Makes you god mode
Perm slows their team and buffs you. Lets you run at them for free.
Protects carries for you and can block annoying skill shots.
Distracts entire enemy team and lets you do what you want all game and in team fights.
Great engage, lets you run the enemy team over.
Self peeling
Makes you unkillable if they actually decide to stay on you.
Scales with you and can make you immortal. Doesn't look to be proactive early either which is great for you.
Makes you god mode
Perm slows their team and buffs you. Lets you run at them for free.
Protects carries for you and can block annoying skill shots.
Distracts entire enemy team and lets you do what you want all game and in team fights.
This playstyle of Mundo is definitely not for everyone and will most definitely get you flamed by your team. I recommend muting all here. What this guide will teach you to do is to EFFECTIVELY AFK farm.
The AFK Farming Mundo Philosophy
Now you might be asking "Why AFK farm? Won't your team just lose and therefore you lose?". Generally I would agree with you, however Mundo is a very unique champion in the way that he operates. The whole "Mundo goes where he pleases" saying is very true and is something you can take advantage of. Still have questions? Let's go through my thinking and experience here. Mundo is a huge stat stick. What this means is he takes stats and uses them very efficiently and albiet very linearly. We can use this to our advantage though and have a linear game plan and playstyle ourselves as the player. The enemy team will almost always think you're weaker than you are, and when it comes time to team fight you will run them over 9 times out of 10. Due to how efficientally Mundo uses gold (stats) you will pretty much always be stronger than your opponents and they won't expect it at all. Will your team hate you? Yes. Until they see you run over the entire enemy team and have your first item at 9 minutes without a single kill.
How Does All This Work? What Do I Need To Do?
With this playstyle, you should be aiming for a minimum of 9 cs per minute at the very very low end. 10 cs per minute is decent, however you should ideally aim for 11-12 cs per minute. This IS possible and isn't as hard as it sounds.
How do I achieve 12 cs per minute? This is from a mix of many things: Farming all camps on spawn, taking waves that are unattended, and stealing enemy camps. All of this can make you go beyond 11-12 cs per minute and will make you a monster.
The entire goal of this strategy is to spike really hard in the mid game. Once again, it's unexpected and no one will be reasonably as strong as you are.
Typical Mundo Game Example With This Strategy + TIPS
When you spawn in, ward the opposite buff of where you start at 1:18. This checks for invades. I recommend generally starting on your blue buff. Your Q one shots single target monsters and you'll have your W for raptors and krugs. Hold your W for the tiny krugs. Full clear every game no matter what. When the time comes to take scuttle, remember that you should be out clearing basically everyone so go for double scuttle 9 times out of 10. When doing this, walk straight through mid and gank mid during that time period if possible. Don't force anything though, only go for damage on the enemy laner if it's free. Don't delay your path to scuttle too much if you can help it, but that doesn't mean you should ignore a kill. After this, reset and head to your next camps. Prioritize buying HP items (they convert to AD on your E passive) early. Personally I like building 2 giants belts; you will be extremely tanky. Keep full clearing and don't force ganks. Invade when you can and then go for dragons/grubs if you don't have any camps up. Only invade with prio. Don't be afraid to run at the enemy jungler with ghost and R. Make sure you're only using your R when you're low HP due to the missing health healing it gives. Side laning with titanic for example can be extremely good and will get you incredibly fed. You don't need titanic to do this, but it's especially good with titanic. When it comes to team fighting be sure to identify the biggest threat to you and do your best to run them down. Pay attention to where your team is and make sure you aren't going in 1v5 at all times.
How to Deal With Feeding Teams
This WILL happen frequently due to you not ganking. The goal here is to actually take advantage of the fact they're dying and take their CS. Your team dying here is actually a good thing. Why? Because them dying funnels all resources on the map to you. This increases your mid game spike and actively looking around to take advantage of this will skyrocket your power levels. A good thing you can do for your mental is actually look forward to your teammates dying and get more farm.
Clearing Tips
1. Start other camps early while finishing a camp or walking over to a camp by throwing a Q at them.
2. Make sure to use your E to hit tiny monsters for the AOE effect.
3. Use your W for the tiny krugs.
4. For wolves, auto each small wolf once then only target the big wolf.
Invading on Mundo is very simple. Check to see if you have lane priority. If you do, you can run into their jungle and take their camps without a care in the world. Most champions will never be able to catch/kill you once you're 6 so I really wouldn't be very scared unless it's a Jarvan or someone that can fully lock you down even through your passive.
When Should I Stop Farming?
I only ever stop farming when there's a cookie cutter way to end the game by team fighting for objectives. Bait fights at baron by starting the baron then turning on the enemies. This is one of the most consistent ways of ending a game. If it's still looking very difficult to end, keep farming as much as possible and don't be afraid to steal resources from your team if it's reasonable. Don't do it to the point where they'll probably tilt, but if they're far away and it's only once in a while you'll usually be fine. Just use your head and you'll figure it out in the moment.
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