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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Staggering Blow (PASSIVE)
Nautilus Passive Ability
Hello Mobafire, this is my first guide here.
Now we will be reviewing the titan of the depths - Nautilus.
We will get this guy tanky. This is one of the agressive tanks in the game.
Any criticism is accepted if you have a propper point.
NOTE: Nautilus steals kills alot and some QQ's may rage!
Jungle Hopender chapter - Jungle section start!
Lane Deathbringer chapter - Lane section start!
Now we will be reviewing the titan of the depths - Nautilus.
We will get this guy tanky. This is one of the agressive tanks in the game.
Any criticism is accepted if you have a propper point.
NOTE: Nautilus steals kills alot and some QQ's may rage!
Jungle Hopender chapter - Jungle section start!
Lane Deathbringer chapter - Lane section start!
Now here is something important about runes in general. I basically start with Tier 1 runes. A full page is 1000-1500 IP and they are 2/3 times weaker. I upgrade them over time if I dont give up with the champ!
Now for Nautilus. For marks I strongly recommend
Phase Rush
This will boost up your jungling speed!
The seals are a pick of two.
Phase Rush
Flat HP can increase your jungle sustain because your HP bar will be higher. I actually prefer the armor because you will take 12.69 less physical damage.
The Glyphs - Here you can also choose from two.
Phase Rush
This is mostly your personal opinion. The MR Per level is for higher MR at level 18, but aint that effective on early game. You will jungle early game so this pick is better unless you get counter-jungled. If you plan level 1 ganks you better get flat MR.
Last but not least, or the most important the Quints!
Fleet Footwork
The movement speed quints can make you go arround faster, this provides help because Nautilus is slow. The flat HP quints rise your sustain. You can mix those two aswell.
Now for Nautilus. For marks I strongly recommend
The seals are a pick of two.
The Glyphs - Here you can also choose from two.
Last but not least, or the most important the Quints!
Starting Items:
You have two opportunities here.You can either go
Cloth Armor and 5x Health Potion This one is better in my opinion because your HP bar will be higher in the jungle.
The second starting items are
Regrowth Pendant and 1x Health Potion
I do not reccomend this start, but if you know what you are doing go for it.
Boots For removing the slow problem a little bit.
Philosopher's Stone Gold per 10 cheap item that gives HP Regen - You're a tank go get it!
Mercury's Treads In most of the cases you pick this boots, they give you MR
Ninja Tabi Versus heavy AD team with not much CC - Needed them only one game!
Heart of Gold Yes a Gold per 10 item with a HP boost, you will need that!
Core Items
Here we have the items that you get after the starting set.Aegis of the Legion This one fits our Nautilus very well. It gives him that tanky aura and its not so expensive. This is a must for Naut! It might be the best earlygame item for most of the tanks! Important role in teamfights.
Frozen Heart Wow! So much armor and some 500 mana to remove any needs of blue buff, but that will be explained in the jungling section. Provides an epic slow that ends the hope of anyone who gets ganked. Not to mension the CdR it gives. Nautilus NEEDS this item!
Force of Nature I do say that Naut needs that item. It gives MR that protects you from that nasty AP Carry who lands some visible damage. The HP Regen combined with the passive can make you even more impossible to get down!
Now come the following items that you must pick based on what you need!
Abyssal Mask Takes away enemy MR gives you MR and AP. Versus nasty casters, it also gives you a bit of nuke to your skills. <one step away from core>
Randuin's Omen Not the cheapest defense item, but it does have epic uniques for it. Become the king of CC with it while recieving armor and flat HP and HP/5 boosts! Builds out of heart of gold, that makes its price lower lategame. Used versus non-ranged carries and to pervent squishies from escaping death!
Thornmail This one is epic, if a Sion with low HP stuns you he might kill himself while attacking you! It can pwn AD teams and it isnt expensive. Bonus 100 armor and two of those will be great versus physical teams.
Frozen Mallet If you need slow and HP thats the item for you. If your team is doing better, you might want to buy this item.
Warmog's Armor If the enemy carries aren't that fed then yes that will be a good pick, it will provide you with HP wich will make you harder to be brought down.
Atma's Impaler Yes that will make you quite agressive. Will give you bonus damage (More HP = More Damage) some armor and 18% critical chance. Yes, I DO say! Works well with warmogs and its quite experimental since you are a tank.
Red - Aggresive Items
Green - Defensive items
Orange - Balanced (Off and Def)
Since you dont intend to die be the one with oracle's! If you somehow fail playing you better not!
Like on most champs give a point to the ultimate Depth Charge whenever you can.
Take a point in Dredge Line at level 3 and max it last. The Titan's Wrath should be maxed first and Riptide afterwards.
Basically Depth Charge > Titan's Wrath > Riptide > Dredge Line
Dredge Line - Use it for ganking, its like blitz's grab but better! It drags you to the opponent and can be used for movement when hitting a wall with it!
Titan's Wrath - Always use it before approaching battle conditions! Will speed up jungling and can make you 140% Immortal
Riptide - Used in combos or to stop that yi or olaf in ultimate. Works good for killing mobs faster!
Depth Charge - Chase an enemy launching into the air everything on its way to it, escaping got impossibru! Good for initiating.
As you see we always tap W before initiating, so you get the dark energies arround you, In the first combo we grab him with Q and stun him with a hit then instantly press E to hit him with the explosion! If your team doesnt get a kill finish him with R! Doesn't die? Well maybe you did something wrong.
In the second combo after initiating with W we do an R on him, instantly grab him with Q and hit him to stun then E and do anything to kill him.
Take a point in Dredge Line at level 3 and max it last. The Titan's Wrath should be maxed first and Riptide afterwards.
Basically Depth Charge > Titan's Wrath > Riptide > Dredge Line
Dredge Line - Use it for ganking, its like blitz's grab but better! It drags you to the opponent and can be used for movement when hitting a wall with it!
Titan's Wrath - Always use it before approaching battle conditions! Will speed up jungling and can make you 140% Immortal
Riptide - Used in combos or to stop that yi or olaf in ultimate. Works good for killing mobs faster!
Depth Charge - Chase an enemy launching into the air everything on its way to it, escaping got impossibru! Good for initiating.
W --> Q -> Hit -> E -> R
W --> R > Q -> Hit -> E -> Anything to kill him
As you see we always tap W before initiating, so you get the dark energies arround you, In the first combo we grab him with Q and stun him with a hit then instantly press E to hit him with the explosion! If your team doesnt get a kill finish him with R! Doesn't die? Well maybe you did something wrong.
In the second combo after initiating with W we do an R on him, instantly grab him with Q and hit him to stun then E and do anything to kill him.
Why would you play him jungle?
First of all, the solo top will recieve more XP and Gold if you go jungle that means faster feed, also if you dont get counterjungled very much you will start ganking fed a bit with creeps.
You enter jungle for wolfs, recommended to ask mid for pull. Nautilus kills wolfs.
You are now facing golems, if you get a pull dont waste your smite there.
Wraiths - No need for pull here. Wont really be hard.
Golems - You dont really need much help now.
Red Buff - Tap 2 or whatever the hotkey for the HP Potions is before entering, Smite should be available, make use of it!
From now on you can either gank or recall if you dont have enough HP. After that continue clearing jungle and enemy jungle once you get ultimate. Gank often!
Route 2:
Get Blue Buff, make sure the solo top and the mid are there to possibly win at ganks while recieving a pull. Not necessary to waste smite, make sure they both go away once the golem is at low HP.
Afterwards hastely do Wolves -> Wraiths -> Golems
After that Go at red buff, make sure smite is available to cast. Finish him off with smite once it can KO him.
After that you may recall to buy items or gank a lane if you have enough HP, or continue clearing jungle. You better help the solo top/bot (yes there are solo bots)
NOTE: Use potions when you need them but keep one for that red buff! I tried it out and I noticed that its much more efficiant.
NOTE2: If no one pulls, you can freely give first blood to enemy if they gank your jungle and somehow find you.
NOTE3: Press W anytime you start beating up creeps! Its very important.
NOTE4: Give blue buff to one of your allies that needs it! Just pull it and give it to them once its low on HP.
NOTE LAST: If you get a pull at start make sure they get away once creeps start to die, losing that much XP is a waste. Its quite precious!
First of all, the solo top will recieve more XP and Gold if you go jungle that means faster feed, also if you dont get counterjungled very much you will start ganking fed a bit with creeps.
You enter jungle for wolfs, recommended to ask mid for pull. Nautilus kills wolfs.
You are now facing golems, if you get a pull dont waste your smite there.
Wraiths - No need for pull here. Wont really be hard.
Golems - You dont really need much help now.
Red Buff - Tap 2 or whatever the hotkey for the HP Potions is before entering, Smite should be available, make use of it!
From now on you can either gank or recall if you dont have enough HP. After that continue clearing jungle and enemy jungle once you get ultimate. Gank often!
Route 2:
Get Blue Buff, make sure the solo top and the mid are there to possibly win at ganks while recieving a pull. Not necessary to waste smite, make sure they both go away once the golem is at low HP.
Afterwards hastely do Wolves -> Wraiths -> Golems
After that Go at red buff, make sure smite is available to cast. Finish him off with smite once it can KO him.
After that you may recall to buy items or gank a lane if you have enough HP, or continue clearing jungle. You better help the solo top/bot (yes there are solo bots)
NOTE: Use potions when you need them but keep one for that red buff! I tried it out and I noticed that its much more efficiant.
NOTE2: If no one pulls, you can freely give first blood to enemy if they gank your jungle and somehow find you.
NOTE3: Press W anytime you start beating up creeps! Its very important.
NOTE4: Give blue buff to one of your allies that needs it! Just pull it and give it to them once its low on HP.
NOTE LAST: If you get a pull at start make sure they get away once creeps start to die, losing that much XP is a waste. Its quite precious!
The main thing is to avoid getting ganked in jungle, and make good ganks. Most importantly - Not to die or waste time. Why fail ganking? That means no kill or assist you better had killed golems or something. Simple as that. Combos explained in skill sequence chapter.
Warding is important.
Here I will explain a bit about warding.
Text color matches same color dots on the map.
Nautilus needs red buff and Blue buff for allies
I suggest you put wards there earlygame so you dont get them stolen by a nasty enemy who attempts to troll you.
Warding dragon and baron is important. You dont want it to get stolen cause it will give boost to enemy. 950 global gold for dragon and 1500 global gold for baron aswell as a nice buff. You want this to be given to your team!
Anti gank or privacy wards. Used For protection for you and allies. Can pervent enemies waiting for a perfect gank opportunity and some enemies recall there if they're stupid enough. I wish you they are for free-kill
Hot Spot Wards. Theese wards are the two most common visited places in the entire map! You can see enemies going in your jungle, running away, ganking, changing lanes, going for baron/dragon those 2 brushes literally see everything, well not everything but they truly are hotspot
Warding is important.
Here I will explain a bit about warding.
Text color matches same color dots on the map.
Nautilus needs red buff and Blue buff for allies
I suggest you put wards there earlygame so you dont get them stolen by a nasty enemy who attempts to troll you.
Warding dragon and baron is important. You dont want it to get stolen cause it will give boost to enemy. 950 global gold for dragon and 1500 global gold for baron aswell as a nice buff. You want this to be given to your team!
Anti gank or privacy wards. Used For protection for you and allies. Can pervent enemies waiting for a perfect gank opportunity and some enemies recall there if they're stupid enough. I wish you they are for free-kill
Hot Spot Wards. Theese wards are the two most common visited places in the entire map! You can see enemies going in your jungle, running away, ganking, changing lanes, going for baron/dragon those 2 brushes literally see everything, well not everything but they truly are hotspot
I mentioned it in the jungle section but incase you skipped it I will repeat myself here. I always buy a T1 Page before a T3 page, simply because its arround 1000-1500 gold and is 2 to 3 times weaker. It still gives you that boost. I upgrade them over time!
Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Here we take Greater Mark of Magic Penetration to provide you with more effective nuke skills.
Greater Seal of replenishment or Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration
Its a matter of personal choice here, I recommend the first one because you wont be that mana hungry lategame anyways, but its up to you.
Greater Glyph of Ability Power Yes even more power to your abilities! To be exact 8,91 AP will be given to you.
Greater Quintessence of Health Same as the jungle runes 78 Flat HP from the start, now thats a good boost.
Greater Seal of replenishment or Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration
Its a matter of personal choice here, I recommend the first one because you wont be that mana hungry lategame anyways, but its up to you.
Greater Glyph of Ability Power Yes even more power to your abilities! To be exact 8,91 AP will be given to you.
Greater Quintessence of Health Same as the jungle runes 78 Flat HP from the start, now thats a good boost.
Starting Items:
Doran's Ring - Gives HP, AP and MP per 5. Yes you play as AP tank so thats what you get!
That can be replaced with
Doran's Shield - Gives HP, Armor and HP per 5 - You take this one if the enemy is heavy AD. This won't be needed often.
Heart of Gold - You still need a gold boost, it also gives HP. Will be upgraded to solari later.
Mercury's Treads - For that Tenacity and MR.
Ninja Tabi - AD Enemies with not much CC at all/ Sustain vs AD and cheaper than mercury's
Sorcerer's Shoes - vs Casters will be a good choice, or if going agressively that may happen when there is another tank
Aegis of the Legion - It gives Nautilus a tanky aura and its not so expensive. This is a must for Naut! It might be the best earlygame item for most of the tanks! Important role in teamfights.
Locket of the Iron Solari - The aura is very helpful, it makes you a supportive agressive tank, the active is very good aswell. Might save that ally with 30 HP on Ignite even if you are that ally.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter - This one will give you HP and AP. It has a nice slow, that will make your spells very effective. Thats great aswell. If the casters aint that a threat on you get this one. When you gank -> Enemy death level: Nautilus - Thats OVER 9000!!!
But seriously their escape will be even harder.
Optional/Aftercore Items:
Abyssal Mask - Gives you AP and MR and reduces enemy MR. Your skills are more effective and casters will deal 70 less damage to you. Isnt that great? Taken versus strong casters.
Frozen Heart - Mana, Armor and CdR can make you totaly not mana hungry. The CdR is important for the ganking and fighting. Faster kills less escapes less deaths. You can not rely on that so much but its useful.
Force of Nature - Great versus AP casters, they will be so uneffective on you that they will rage. The regen is pretty good aswell.
Thornmail - 100 damage per hit? They will take back 30! 1000 Damage crits? They will take back 300. Can stop that fed trynda and make him waste his ultimate. Gives Armor aswell!
Frozen Mallet - Guess what even more slow. Provided with HP aswell and a bit of damage this item can be a great choice if the enemies keep escaping with low HP or you just want to slow them down even more
Warmog's Armor - If you are hard to be brought down that can either mean the enemy is not fed enough, then buy this item. This will provide a good sustain in teamfights for now.
Sunfire Aegis - Some HP and Armor and epic passive. May screw you up by flashing through wall near baron or dragon. Not sure if it is that good item on Nautilus but since hes agressive that will do good.
Atma's Impaler - If there is another tank in your team, then you might want to buy this item, it gives damage and a little bit armor. Not really recommended.
Guardian Angel - This can save you alot. Extra life each 5 minutes ain't that great. It gives armor and MR aswell.
Banshee's Veil - Gives you HP, mana and MR and can protect you from Requiem or other nukelike skills once each 45 seconds.
Red - Aggresive Items
Green - Defensive items
Orange - Balanced (Off and Def)
Doran's Ring - Gives HP, AP and MP per 5. Yes you play as AP tank so thats what you get!
That can be replaced with
Doran's Shield - Gives HP, Armor and HP per 5 - You take this one if the enemy is heavy AD. This won't be needed often.
Heart of Gold - You still need a gold boost, it also gives HP. Will be upgraded to solari later.
Mercury's Treads - For that Tenacity and MR.
Ninja Tabi - AD Enemies with not much CC at all/ Sustain vs AD and cheaper than mercury's
Sorcerer's Shoes - vs Casters will be a good choice, or if going agressively that may happen when there is another tank
Aegis of the Legion - It gives Nautilus a tanky aura and its not so expensive. This is a must for Naut! It might be the best earlygame item for most of the tanks! Important role in teamfights.
Locket of the Iron Solari - The aura is very helpful, it makes you a supportive agressive tank, the active is very good aswell. Might save that ally with 30 HP on Ignite even if you are that ally.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter - This one will give you HP and AP. It has a nice slow, that will make your spells very effective. Thats great aswell. If the casters aint that a threat on you get this one. When you gank -> Enemy death level: Nautilus - Thats OVER 9000!!!
But seriously their escape will be even harder.
Optional/Aftercore Items:
Abyssal Mask - Gives you AP and MR and reduces enemy MR. Your skills are more effective and casters will deal 70 less damage to you. Isnt that great? Taken versus strong casters.
Frozen Heart - Mana, Armor and CdR can make you totaly not mana hungry. The CdR is important for the ganking and fighting. Faster kills less escapes less deaths. You can not rely on that so much but its useful.
Force of Nature - Great versus AP casters, they will be so uneffective on you that they will rage. The regen is pretty good aswell.
Thornmail - 100 damage per hit? They will take back 30! 1000 Damage crits? They will take back 300. Can stop that fed trynda and make him waste his ultimate. Gives Armor aswell!
Frozen Mallet - Guess what even more slow. Provided with HP aswell and a bit of damage this item can be a great choice if the enemies keep escaping with low HP or you just want to slow them down even more
Warmog's Armor - If you are hard to be brought down that can either mean the enemy is not fed enough, then buy this item. This will provide a good sustain in teamfights for now.
Sunfire Aegis - Some HP and Armor and epic passive. May screw you up by flashing through wall near baron or dragon. Not sure if it is that good item on Nautilus but since hes agressive that will do good.
Atma's Impaler - If there is another tank in your team, then you might want to buy this item, it gives damage and a little bit armor. Not really recommended.
Guardian Angel - This can save you alot. Extra life each 5 minutes ain't that great. It gives armor and MR aswell.
Banshee's Veil - Gives you HP, mana and MR and can protect you from Requiem or other nukelike skills once each 45 seconds.
Red - Aggresive Items
Green - Defensive items
Orange - Balanced (Off and Def)
Spells I pick:
Flash - For escapes, approaches, helps chasing and many more. Quite useful.
Clairvoyance - For firstblood, you can see where they are going to by casting it infront of their front turret or save it for brush.
Other Spells that will work good
Ignite - Critically low HP, Cant catch up, in the hugs of turret yeah this should finish him off
Exhaust - Extra slow, may neutralize a DPS in the tap of a button. You read it fap didn't you? Nvm still a good pick.
Cleanse - No more slowed in asured doom
Ghost - A replace for flash, good for chasing and escaping and might save a pushed turret but that is a matter of luck for the turret.
Heal - I am not against this spell just cause they approach an enemy with heal. They saw I had heal, unless noob level 9001 (OVER 9000!!!), Both at low HP *presses D/F* Haha you win and you are called noob. Do you care that you are called noob for a kill? Or aswell might save an ally or if they leave you to retreat with 30 HP and Ignite, they shoulde've dived for a kill.
Other spells just won't work well
Like on most champs give a point to the ultimate Depth Charge whenever you can.
Take a point in Dredge Line at level 1 and max it last. The Titan's Wrath should be maxed equally with Riptide I usually take a point on whatever I need there.
Basically Depth Charge > Titan's Wrath = Riptide > Dredge Line
Dredge Line - Use it for ganking, its like blitz's grab but better! It drags you to the opponent and can be used for movement when hitting a wall with it! (Why gank when not jungle?) - Because look at chapter below!
Titan's Wrath - Always use it before approaching battle conditions! Will speed up farming/pushing/killing and can make you 140% Immortal
Riptide - Used in combos or to stop that yi or olaf in ultimate. (No it wont stun them, will just kill them while they start running away) Works good for killing mobs faster!
Depth Charge - Chase an enemy launching into the air everything on its way to it, escaping got impossibru! Good for initiating and finishing a low HP opponent. Will also go through entire map to chase an enemy that recalled right after you casted it. He provided you some pros rather than cons like that. Yes it works!
As you see we always tap W before initiating, so you get the dark energies arround you, In the first combo we grab him with Q and stun him with a hit then instantly press E to hit him with the explosion! If your team doesnt get a kill finish him with R! Doesn't die? Well maybe you did something wrong.
In the second combo after initiating with W we do an R on him, instantly grab him with Q and hit him to stun then E and do anything to kill him.
Take a point in Dredge Line at level 1 and max it last. The Titan's Wrath should be maxed equally with Riptide I usually take a point on whatever I need there.
Basically Depth Charge > Titan's Wrath = Riptide > Dredge Line
Dredge Line - Use it for ganking, its like blitz's grab but better! It drags you to the opponent and can be used for movement when hitting a wall with it! (Why gank when not jungle?) - Because look at chapter below!
Titan's Wrath - Always use it before approaching battle conditions! Will speed up farming/pushing/killing and can make you 140% Immortal
Riptide - Used in combos or to stop that yi or olaf in ultimate. (No it wont stun them, will just kill them while they start running away) Works good for killing mobs faster!
Depth Charge - Chase an enemy launching into the air everything on its way to it, escaping got impossibru! Good for initiating and finishing a low HP opponent. Will also go through entire map to chase an enemy that recalled right after you casted it. He provided you some pros rather than cons like that. Yes it works!
W --> Q -> Hit -> E -> R
W --> R > Q -> Hit -> E -> Anything to kill him
As you see we always tap W before initiating, so you get the dark energies arround you, In the first combo we grab him with Q and stun him with a hit then instantly press E to hit him with the explosion! If your team doesnt get a kill finish him with R! Doesn't die? Well maybe you did something wrong.
In the second combo after initiating with W we do an R on him, instantly grab him with Q and hit him to stun then E and do anything to kill him.
If you are solo top, play defensively and get farmed, kill when you can and ask jungler for ganks when possible (Not really always before lvl 6)
If they push turret or no enemy minions in turret range, you can grab an enemy for free turret hit, even 2 or 3 if you are good.
In duo bot (if solo bot that rarely happens do as solo top but at bot)
get in first sidebrush as fast as possible so it is clear, wait a little bit there and tell your ally to be prepared for a kill, then throw your epic anchor in the second brush. Beware if your lanemate is support, he may not provide good damage, but still do it. If empty signal your lanemate to go in your first brush before you, fallback, or ask your lanemate to check if possible . If you waited for minions at turret do a grab at 1st brush and if no one hooked, approach it. [To skip such headache use the clairvoyance if support didnt got it, if he did tell him where to use it!]
For the minions share them equally with lanemate. If your lanemate is support, kill all the minions.
If you are mid, that would be going off your common play, if so go fully AP but keep tanky elements! Go agressively if so.
Now for the ganking, I know youre not jungle, just go in side brush, recall or go to other lane without being seen by an enemy unit. This could be supereffective if the enemy at your lane falls back waiting you to gank him, while you kill his allies.
Make sure you get dragon with help of jungler when it respawns, and get red buff if jungler allows you to or if there is no jungler.
Warding is important.
Here I will explain a bit about warding.
Text color matches same color dots on the map.
Nautilus needs red buff and Blue buff for allies
I suggest you put wards there earlygame so you dont get them stolen by a nasty enemy who attempts to troll you.
Warding dragon and baron is important. You dont want it to get stolen cause it will give boost to enemy. 950 global gold for dragon and 1500 global gold for baron aswell as a nice buff. You want this to be given to your team!
Anti gank or privacy wards. Used For protection for you and allies. Can pervent enemies waiting for a perfect gank opportunity and some enemies recall there if they're stupid enough. I wish you they are for free-kill
Hot Spot Wards. Theese wards are the two most common visited places in the entire map! You can see enemies going in your jungle, running away, ganking, changing lanes, going for baron/dragon those 2 brushes literally see everything, well not everything but they truly are hotspot
If they push turret or no enemy minions in turret range, you can grab an enemy for free turret hit, even 2 or 3 if you are good.
In duo bot (if solo bot that rarely happens do as solo top but at bot)
get in first sidebrush as fast as possible so it is clear, wait a little bit there and tell your ally to be prepared for a kill, then throw your epic anchor in the second brush. Beware if your lanemate is support, he may not provide good damage, but still do it. If empty signal your lanemate to go in your first brush before you, fallback, or ask your lanemate to check if possible . If you waited for minions at turret do a grab at 1st brush and if no one hooked, approach it. [To skip such headache use the clairvoyance if support didnt got it, if he did tell him where to use it!]
For the minions share them equally with lanemate. If your lanemate is support, kill all the minions.
If you are mid, that would be going off your common play, if so go fully AP but keep tanky elements! Go agressively if so.
Now for the ganking, I know youre not jungle, just go in side brush, recall or go to other lane without being seen by an enemy unit. This could be supereffective if the enemy at your lane falls back waiting you to gank him, while you kill his allies.
Make sure you get dragon with help of jungler when it respawns, and get red buff if jungler allows you to or if there is no jungler.
Warding is important.
Here I will explain a bit about warding.
Text color matches same color dots on the map.
Nautilus needs red buff and Blue buff for allies
I suggest you put wards there earlygame so you dont get them stolen by a nasty enemy who attempts to troll you.
Warding dragon and baron is important. You dont want it to get stolen cause it will give boost to enemy. 950 global gold for dragon and 1500 global gold for baron aswell as a nice buff. You want this to be given to your team!
Anti gank or privacy wards. Used For protection for you and allies. Can pervent enemies waiting for a perfect gank opportunity and some enemies recall there if they're stupid enough. I wish you they are for free-kill
Hot Spot Wards. Theese wards are the two most common visited places in the entire map! You can see enemies going in your jungle, running away, ganking, changing lanes, going for baron/dragon those 2 brushes literally see everything, well not everything but they truly are hotspot
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