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Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability
Not every game goes perfectly, and I can't recommend enough that you treat each game as unique and learn to adjust your build situationally.
That being said, you aren't building much MR or Armor with this build as you are just straight health. That may not work in all situations. I trust you can figure out how to change this build to handle those situations. This is a Best Case Scenario of how I hope things will go for you.
That being said, you aren't building much MR or Armor with this build as you are just straight health. That may not work in all situations. I trust you can figure out how to change this build to handle those situations. This is a Best Case Scenario of how I hope things will go for you.
Its REALLY hard to carry as a tank. So you need to rely on your team to follow you into fights. That being said, you should be able to battle squishy shamps like an ADC 1v1 with this build. They won't expect the amount of damage coming out of you and at the same time they won't be able to work down your health before they die.
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