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Darius is hard to play against because of his auto damage and his passive. In this match up, I suggest playing passive and do not let him attack you for free. You will need to play safe, and not over greed or over extend. This is a terrible match up for you.
Fiora is rather annoying to play against because she is an AD champion and a fighter. In the early game you must not let her attack you for free, beware of her W as it can stop some of your abilities. In this lane you need to just farm and get ready for level 6 all in. If she is 6 and ults you, back off so she doesn't get the heal bonus.
This champion easy to play against however before level 6 Akali must not let him poke you down. He is rather squishy especially in the early game, so you must try to go for trades that are in your favor. For example, when he wastes his jump. This would be a good time to engage on him as he has no escape. You must not let him poke you down and put you behind especially early. Once you a level 6 his lane becomes much easier.
If Jax uses his E then back off and usual W to escape. This is a frustrating lane because he is a fighter champion, try to poke him as much as possible with you Q auto attack combo. However do not let him trade if you long because he's an AD champion and we'll come out to her.
This matchup is hard because they have the Range advantage. All you need to do is Play safe and not get poked down by the enemy. At level 6 you should be able to all in them and have an easier time in lane. Try your best to not to get put down and fall behind, sacrifice CS for experience.
This matchup is hard because they have the Range advantage. All you need to do is Play safe and not get poked down by the enemy. At level 6 you should be able to all in them and have an easier time in lane. Try your best to not to get put down and fall behind, sacrifice CS for experience.
In this match up you need to farm early and fight whenever he miss positions. If you can fight him where he goes into his second form then it should be easy kill for you. When he is Mountless, you should bust him down with your combo this is because he is less healthy and overall less strong.
This is an easy matchup because he is a tank champion. Akali does really well against tanks such as Malphite. Poke him early, and try to dodge his Out level 6. You can use your W to escape.
This is an easy matchup because he is a tank champion. Akali does really well against tanks especially Maokai because he is melee. In this match up you want to poke him and go for trades whenever possible, however be aware of his passive and do stay away from bushes as his saplings grow and will do extra damage if you're caught by them.
Pantheon is hard to play against because he is one of the strongest early game champions in the game. For this lane, you need to play Safe and not over extend for farm. Unfortunately there is no easy way to win this lane except waiting for him to miss position and going out of mana. After level 6 this lane turns into your favour you just need to survive the early game.
This matchup is hard because they have the Range advantage. All you need to do is Play safe and not get poked down by the enemy. At level 6 you should be able to all in them and have an easier time in lane. Try your best to not to get put down and fall behind, sacrifice CS for experience.
A good Riven will deny you as much CS as possible and abuse your early game weakness. To play against akali you need to outsmart the enemy and put yourself in a position where she hurt you for free. Whenever she comes to combo you, run away with your W. Try to poke her as much as possible and wait for her to out play herself.
This matchup is hard because they have the Range advantage. All you need to do is Play safe and not get poked down by the enemy. At level 6 you should be able to all in them and have an easier time in lane. Try your best to not to get put down and fall behind, sacrifice CS for experience.
This is a tank matchup and easy for you. You must dodge his q, and not directly fight him. I recommend trying to poke him whenever possible. Try your best to gain a CS advantage, and to deny him as much as possible. You want to abuse your level six and go for extended traits. Pre-6 this is a farm lane. You can dodge his Q with your w or ultimate.
This matchup is hard because they have the Range advantage. All you need to do is Play safe and not get poked down by the enemy. At level 6 you should be able to all in them and have an easier time in lane. Try your best to not to get put down and fall behind, sacrifice CS for experience.
This matchup is hard because they have the Range advantage. All you need to do is Play safe and not get poked down by the enemy. At level 6 you should be able to all in them and have an easier time in lane. Try your best to not to get put down and fall behind, sacrifice CS for experience.
This matchup is hard because they have the Range advantage. All you need to do is Play safe and not get poked down by the enemy. At level 6 you should be able to all in them and have an easier time in lane. Try your best to not to get put down and fall behind, sacrifice CS for experience.
This is a frustrating match up because he can run around you and deal lots of damage to you. Akali is quite weak early, so do not let him poke you down. Yasuo will win trades because of his Q, so you should try to dodge it as much as possible and do not let him trade with you for free always fight back however do not get too aggressive.
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