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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Sit back and poke unless she wastes her knockup. She will cancel your w reset, your damage and just kill you. You have to bait her.
Itemization and Runes
Incomplete Guide as of yet. Will be Copy+Pasting my Notes here and cleaning this up. Published a bit too early.
Starting Game Itemization Notes - You must choose here whether you will be Skirmishing with the enemy jungler, or if you will be ganking, farming, and providing vision for your team. Pick between the two. If you pick skirmishers, keep green trinket, if not, pick up your sweepers.
Early Game Itemization Notes - Finish your jungle item and pick up your tier 1 boots. Here is where you make another big decision, Rylais or ROA. The choice is almost always Rylais for me, but a lot of people like ROA for good reason. It scales better, but immediate damage, cc and such all synchronize with Nidalee much better than ROA does. Personally, pick up Rylai's. The order should be, Giants belt, NLR completion, or if you arent fed you might end up completing the items slower.
Early Game Against Fed Opponent Notes - If you run into a fed opponent and cannot rush your Rylai's safely, you will likely benefit from rushing the giant's belt, then itemizing against the enemy team comp. If the enemy AP is fed, rush negatron, if the enemy AD is fed, rush Glacial shroud, then complete your core.
Mid/Late Game Notes - Once you have you core, you should be able to determine who is the biggest threat on the enemy team. That is who you will itemize against first. Pick up either Abyssal Sceptre, or Iceborne, UNLESS YOU ARE INSANELY FAR AHEAD DO NOT GET LICHBANE. (ALSO in extreme cases, like a 4-0 zed for example, you will rush armguard into zhonyas.)
Final Build example Notes - In this example, I eventually swapped out Lucidity boots for Sorc shoes, as I eventually hit the CDR cap. Keep in mind, early cdr cap is your friend.Lucidity boots are still a great priority pickup.
Lich Bane: If you are snowballing VERY Hard, you will enjoy this pickup (still weak imo)
Morello: Only pickup if you need the anti healing.
Deathcap: Another snowball item, really only super effective on the heal, which is nice for kiting comps.
Void staff: Late game item if the enemy team is heavily prioritizing MR.
Spirit Visage: If the enemy team consists of so much AP that Abyssal isn't cutting it, you can pick up SV and it will work wonders with your heal and tankiness.
Ninja tabi: Underrated since buff, strong boot choice vs AA based teams.
Mercs: If you're constantly getting cc'd.
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