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Author note
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Thank You for even reading this part of the build. I hope this can be helpful to you. This is my first build. Please leave your comments whether its good or bad. Thank you for any suggestions!!! Votes would be greatly appreciated! |
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5/15/12: New Rune set added
5/16/12: Added Clarity to the summoner spells.
Edited summoner spells.
Edited Skills/Abilities
5/18/12: Added chapter on Boots
5/20/12: Took Corki off laning partners. ALSO, I want to thank EVERYBODY for helping me hit 10,000 views and think that think my build is useful to them, I really appreciate it!
6/5/12: Added Bushwhack to chapter "Warding+Oracles+Bushwhack."
6/20/12: Fixed grammar on build name
8/11/12: Edited Skills/Abilites
Added second build
8/27/12: New AD
Galio build. (NOT UPDATED)
8/28/12: New AD
Orianna build (NOT UPDATED)
Tweaked Masteries by a hair
9/27/12: Added "Team Fights" Chapter
11/6/12: Tweaked Runes and "Rune" Chapter
3/18/13: Starting to update to S3
3/24/13: Still updating...
3/28/13: S3 Editing is complete! Enjoy!
4/5/13: Working on AD
Fizz + Small tweaks
5/16/12: Added Clarity to the summoner spells.
Edited summoner spells.
Edited Skills/Abilities
5/18/12: Added chapter on Boots
5/20/12: Took Corki off laning partners. ALSO, I want to thank EVERYBODY for helping me hit 10,000 views and think that think my build is useful to them, I really appreciate it!
6/5/12: Added Bushwhack to chapter "Warding+Oracles+Bushwhack."
6/20/12: Fixed grammar on build name
8/11/12: Edited Skills/Abilites
Added second build
8/27/12: New AD

8/28/12: New AD

Tweaked Masteries by a hair
9/27/12: Added "Team Fights" Chapter
11/6/12: Tweaked Runes and "Rune" Chapter
3/18/13: Starting to update to S3
3/24/13: Still updating...
3/28/13: S3 Editing is complete! Enjoy!
4/5/13: Working on AD

Unlike most champions, Nidalee actually has 9 abilities to use because of her ulti.
This passive is one of the reasons Nidalee is a good escape artist. It gives the player 15% movement speed for 2 seconds. So it is always a good idea to go through brush while either running or chasing.
Javelin Toss
Human Form:This ability can do a good amount of damage possibly throughout the entire game. Without the AP and mana regen runes, it is not recommended you spam the spear
NOTE: further away from spear from where it hits enemy= more damage! *You can toss a spear, then quickly turn into cougar form and
Pounce away from the spear for extra damage
Cougar Form:This ability is good for executing enemies, for it does more damage based on how low the target's health is. It will also reset Nidalee's attack timer. This ability is meant for finishing off a low health enemy and for farming.
NOTE: Although you can finish off opponents, try to give the kills to your AD carry.
Human Form:This ability is a trap that can be used to help scout out for pesky enemies because if an enemy steps on it, they will be revealed for quite a long time. Setting traps in the brush is recommended. During battles, use traps to reduce enemy armor and magic resist. Furthermore place the traps strategically during fights so that if you try to get engaged on, then they will hit the trap
Cougar Form:This is one of Nidalee's most useful abilites. This ability deals damage to any enemy in her landing area. More importantly, it has a short cool down and is almost like a mini flash. This ability can be used to jump over small walls.
NOTE: Nidalee will jump towards the direction she is facing
Primal Surge
Human Form:Primal Surge is a single target heal that will give an attack speed buff for 7 seconds. It is best used on your AD carry, this will give them a nice attack speed buff which will help you guys tear down your opponents!
Cougar Form:The last of Nidalee's abilities is swipe. This deals damage to all enemies in front of her.
Aspect of the Cougar
Nidalee's ulti, is
Aspect Of The Cougar, which turns Nidalee into a cougar and gives her a new set of abilities and 20 movement speed; the only bad thing is, that she loses her range and becomes melee, so do not jump right into the fray unless you know that you will not die instantly.

This passive is one of the reasons Nidalee is a good escape artist. It gives the player 15% movement speed for 2 seconds. So it is always a good idea to go through brush while either running or chasing.

Human Form:This ability can do a good amount of damage possibly throughout the entire game. Without the AP and mana regen runes, it is not recommended you spam the spear
NOTE: further away from spear from where it hits enemy= more damage! *You can toss a spear, then quickly turn into cougar form and

Cougar Form:This ability is good for executing enemies, for it does more damage based on how low the target's health is. It will also reset Nidalee's attack timer. This ability is meant for finishing off a low health enemy and for farming.
NOTE: Although you can finish off opponents, try to give the kills to your AD carry.

Human Form:This ability is a trap that can be used to help scout out for pesky enemies because if an enemy steps on it, they will be revealed for quite a long time. Setting traps in the brush is recommended. During battles, use traps to reduce enemy armor and magic resist. Furthermore place the traps strategically during fights so that if you try to get engaged on, then they will hit the trap
Cougar Form:This is one of Nidalee's most useful abilites. This ability deals damage to any enemy in her landing area. More importantly, it has a short cool down and is almost like a mini flash. This ability can be used to jump over small walls.
NOTE: Nidalee will jump towards the direction she is facing

Human Form:Primal Surge is a single target heal that will give an attack speed buff for 7 seconds. It is best used on your AD carry, this will give them a nice attack speed buff which will help you guys tear down your opponents!
Cougar Form:The last of Nidalee's abilities is swipe. This deals damage to all enemies in front of her.

Nidalee's ulti, is

This is my personal skill sequence. It allows decent harass in lane, as well as decent sustain. Starting with
Javelin Toss is good for the early poke. If you are worried about a level 2 gank, then start by taking a point in your
If you are having trouble in lane/taking lots of poke damage then max out your E for the sustain.
You and your adc are dominating the lane. Max spears for enemy harassment to death!

If you are having trouble in lane/taking lots of poke damage then max out your E for the sustain.
You and your adc are dominating the lane. Max spears for enemy harassment to death!
Summoner's Wrath
upgrades exhaust to make the person affected more squishy, allowing for better burst damage.
Arcane Knowledge
also allows better damage throughout the game.
Nidalee is squishy, the 108 health from
and 2 armor from
make somewhat of a difference.
Summoner's Insight
's 15 second decrease in flash allows
Nidalee to escape more often.
's mana regen and a better mana pool from
Expanded Mind
allows for more harass and healing in lane.
are necessary for supports to stay to par with all your teammates and enemies.

Veteran's Scars
keep Nidalee healthy while
give her survivability. The majority of an ADC's damage comes from their auto-attacks,
keeps the damage dealt from them to you much lower early game.
Please refer to the utility masteries of the other mastery page for most info.
Nidalee more gold from playing aggressive. Because of your extra tankiness from your mastery points, auto-attacking will not be as dangerous.




Please refer to the utility masteries of the other mastery page for most info.


Rune Alternatives

Early Game
Start off with

Philosopher's stonePhilosopher's stone- No farm=you need the gp10
Kages lucky pickKages lucky pick- Once again, MORE gold! The extra AP can also help.

Aggressive Cats
Items in this section can be bought depending on the enemy team comp. If they don't have lots of burst damage, CC, and/or gap closers, these items can be a strong choice for fights.

Fat Cats
You or your allies can easily be taken down by the enemy team, or they have a lot of CC/gapclosers and damage means these items can help you out. If your team lacks CC, then some items can be crucial.

Any boots that are not present, means that I do not recommend them for this build!
I prefer...

Other Useful Spells

The laning partner you want to have is somebody who will benefit the most from your heal buff. Just in case you want to know the amount healed and the attack speed buff...
Primal Surge:
Attack Speed Buff:20/30/40/50/60%
*To make things simple, I will just put the ability(or abilities) that makes the AD carry benefit the most from the attack speed.*
Bio-Arcane Barrage:For 8 seconds, Kog'Maw's autoattacks gain range and deal additional magic damage which is equal to a percentage of the target's max health.
Silver Bolts: Vayne's consecutive attacks and spell hits on a target will mark them with a silver ring. The third consecutive attack or spell hits against the same target will consume the rings, dealing true damage plus a percentage of the target's maximum health as additional true damage.
Miss Fortune-
Impure Shots(Passive Effect)-Miss Fortune's autoattacks deal extra magic damage on-hit. This damage cumulatively stacks up to 4 times on the same target if no more than 5 seconds pass between each hit.
Headshot:Every 8th / 7th / 6th auto-attack is enhanced to be a headshot, dealing 150% damage to a champion or 250% damage to a minion or monster. Attacks from brush increase the attack counter by two instead of one.
Deadly Venom:Twitch's basic attacks infect the target, dealing 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 true damage every second for 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times for a total possible 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 true damage per second for 6 seconds.
Deadly Venom will also help with your other ability Expunge
Holy Fervor:Kayle's autoattacks against enemy champions reduces their armor and magic resistance by 3% for 5 seconds. This debuff stacks up to 5 times.
Righteous Fury:Kayle harnesses her righteous fury to increase her attack range by 400 (to 525) for 10 seconds. These attacks splash, dealing additional magic damage to her target and nearby units take a percent of her attack damage plus magic damage.
Electrical Surge(Passive Effect)-Every 5 attacks, Kennen will deal extra magic damage equal to a percentage of his attack damage and add a Mark of the Storm to his target.
Twisted Fate-
Stacked Deck-Twisted Fate gains bonus attack speed and cooldown reduction. In addition, every fourth autoattack will deal bonus magic damage.
(Lets honest though, nobody plays AD Twisted Fate)

Attack Speed Buff:20/30/40/50/60%
Legit AD Carries
*To make things simple, I will just put the ability(or abilities) that makes the AD carry benefit the most from the attack speed.*


Other Possible AD Carries

(Lets honest though, nobody plays AD Twisted Fate)
Because you are playing this super special role, there are things you must know to take this role on.
*Do not steal last hits from your teammate early game
*Keep the river warded so that you are less likely to get caught in a gank
*remember to use your item actives!!! This can save many, many teammates
*Prioritize who needs to be healed during battle.
*If you feel confident about staying alive, don't be afraid to buy oracles. It could change the entire game.
Warding is a CRUCIAL part to the game.
Sight Ward
Warding can allow your teammates to know where the enemies are allowing them to play off of that. It can save many lives and allow for better fights. Knowing where the enemies are can help coordinate against them and it can help take away the blue, red, dragon, and baron.
Oracle's Elixir
This item is generally used to counter the opponents wards. *This can also potentially change the game*. It can also be used to keep an eye on stealth champions.
The Oracle's tips
-Once you bought Oracle's, try NOT to die right after you buy it because then 400 gold will be wasted. I've seen it, and have done this multiple times...
-If an enemy has Oracle's, it is a good idea to try to kill him.
This ability can be useful to keep an eye on the brush similarly to a sight ward.
NOTE: This does not mean you can replace sight ward with only
Sight Ward

Warding can allow your teammates to know where the enemies are allowing them to play off of that. It can save many lives and allow for better fights. Knowing where the enemies are can help coordinate against them and it can help take away the blue, red, dragon, and baron.

This item is generally used to counter the opponents wards. *This can also potentially change the game*. It can also be used to keep an eye on stealth champions.
The Oracle's tips
-Once you bought Oracle's, try NOT to die right after you buy it because then 400 gold will be wasted. I've seen it, and have done this multiple times...
-If an enemy has Oracle's, it is a good idea to try to kill him.

This ability can be useful to keep an eye on the brush similarly to a sight ward.
NOTE: This does not mean you can replace sight ward with only

Depending on how you build will determine what you will do during team fights.
![]() + Stay in the back of the team + Try to avoid coming into close contact with champions who can cc you + Chuck those spears into the enemy faces + Enemy abilities on cool-down= cannot burst you down= use your cougar form + you generally want to stay in human form most of the time + if in danger, use ![]() |
![]() + If you are tanky enough, get into some of the opponents faces with cougar form + If the enemy is still fighting you and you are still somewhat healthy, stay in cougar form + One you start to get low, pounce away and attack from the back-lines until it is safe again |
Thank you all who have made it this far! I appreciate your time and for even considering reading my first guide. I hope it has helped you in anyway possible. Please comment and please tell me if there is anything I could improve on. TY! glhf ;)
*I want to give a shoutout to EVERYBODY for helping getting me to where I am now!!! hope you have benefited from this guide and hope to make other guides. Again THANKS!!!
*I want to give a shoutout to EVERYBODY for helping getting me to where I am now!!! hope you have benefited from this guide and hope to make other guides. Again THANKS!!!
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