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Runes: 1
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Umbra Blades (PASSIVE)
Nocturne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Blocks AAs, stuns you, out speeds you,and then ults you.I always ban jax.
Good synergy because of ulty.
Good synergy because of ulty.
Champion Build Guide
Very good 1vs1 potential.
Good early 1vs1's.
Extreme Damage!
Very effective ultimate!
Can Hypercarry.
Needs Ultimate to oneshot.
Ability & skill based.
Kind of squishy.
As a 2nd choice of Runes you can choose Sorcery and go with Celerity - Waterwalking.This is a more friendly based rune page and doesnt require that much of skill and knowledge.
For more experienced players, having Inspiration as 2nd runes is more effective some times but it requires to know when to use STOPWATCH!The truth is that stopwatch can save you from a lot of sticky situations like big ulty stuns AOE slows and big damage abilities.
I personally having tried a lot of different runes like LETHAL TEMPO and INSPIRATION 2nd but its your choice!
After level 6 and your first item you can pretty much ONESHOT adc's,Mid laners,squishy Top laners and even the enemy Jungler!
Nocturne allows you to learn how to carry a game by playing aggresively and taking objectives like ( turrets - drakes - rift - baron ).
What I do and recommend doing now in 9.9 is farming a whole side of jungle t( top or bot ) taking the buffs and then the clock should right before 3:15.That time is your time to shine , you take scuttler and gank the closest lane.Be careful though! you're not lvl 6 yet so you can't dive in the enemy and go away, because of that keep and eye on all lanes and see when the enemy is further on your side of the map and go gank him!
What you want to do is get your items and try catch the enemy backline of guard with your R.
In team fights your choices are the same.You use R and dive into the backline while the rest of the enemies are focusing your team and they get caught!After you win the teamfight you push take inhibitor 1)finish the game or 2)take objectives like baron drake or turrets!
I hope you learnt something and win more games from now on!
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