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Irelia Build Guide by NoHesitation7

Top NoHesitation7's Season 11 Toplane Irelia Build

Top NoHesitation7's Season 11 Toplane Irelia Build

Updated on December 2, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NoHesitation7 Build Guide By NoHesitation7 12,954 Views 0 Comments
12,954 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NoHesitation7 Irelia Build Guide By NoHesitation7 Updated on December 2, 2020
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Runes: Early game runes

1 2
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Time Warp Tonic

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Ability Order Standard Path (Read note)

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

NoHesitation7's Season 11 Toplane Irelia Build

By NoHesitation7
About Me

Hey everyone, for those who don't know me I am known as NoHesitation7 or Hesi for short. I am a toplane main & have been since season 5 on & off as I decided to have fun on other roles during my time on league. I enjoy playing Irelia as she has a massive amount of dashes & mobility which is my playstyle being flashy with massive outplay potential.

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Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons


[*] High outplay potential with massive mobility
[*] Is able to be a lane bully if played well
[*] High mobility
[*] Has sustain built into her kit
[*] Easy to farm


[*] Mobility is cut a lot without minions/champions to dash to.
[*] Hard champion to master perfectly all matchups
[*] Requires a lot of practice to learn her mechanics
[*] Falls off hard if behind
[*] Much weaker if unable to stack passive
Tips & Tricks
[*] Always try to have your 5 stacks of Passive before engaging a fight

[*] Your Q resets if it is used to kill a minion or champion or the champion is marked. You are always able to mark jungle monsters/dragon/baron. Your Q also has a built in heal with increased damage to minions

[*] You want to save your W for when you're about to be cc chained as it reduces damage you take & the longer you charge the more damage it does on release. It also gives you a passive stack per champion hit.

[*] Your E is a skillshot stun which can stun multiple targets & put a mark on them all. You are able to click where you want both parts or the second part will be placed on your location which gives secret outplay potential.

[*] Your Ultimate Is a skill shot AOE that will damage all enemies hit & Mark them, the blades then form a wall around the enemies which will deal damage & slow them if they walk through them.

[*] To get fast & high damage output you want to cast your first part of your E & then cast your ultimate Q the enemy as he is now marked from your ultimate then cast the second part of your E as this will now stun them & remark the enemy so that you can cast another Q without it being put on cooldown this gives you potential of a 3 Q Cast for massive damage output
Thanks for checking out my guide, feel free to check out my socials listed above. This guide will be updated more in the future.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NoHesitation7
NoHesitation7 Irelia Guide
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NoHesitation7's Season 11 Toplane Irelia Build

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