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Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
About This Guide

This guide is a WIP, and I am still figuring out the best options for the adaptive damage swapping.
Maximize ![]() 650 MS Strong Peel Tilt the Enemy Insane Snowball 130+ Passive Damage FAST |
Dependent on Support Duo Poor Wave Clear Takes Towers Slowly Awkward Auto Animations (Apparently Riot didn't think Janna would get 2.0+ AS) Gets Outscaled by Crit Adaptive Damage Wants to Go AP |

With a support such as

Unfortunately for AD builds,
Guinsoo's Rageblade and
Wit's End count as magic items for the purpose of calculating adaptive damage for
Gathering Storm and
Celerity. This can lead to some awkward swapping of stats, and having items give us less than optimal AP. Janna normally is an AP champion, so any ties give AP. I am working on a solution for this, but keeping a
Doran's Blade, and grabbing a
Long Sword before [Runaan's Hurricane]] should keep it managed.

Early laning consists of poking down the enemy botlane with
Zephyr, and looking to land hard CC with the support. Picking up kills are a surefire way to tilt the enemy botlane, but farming is more important. Have your support help you manage the wave to avoid getting it shoved under tower. Look to trade when
Eye of the Storm is up, and chain CC. Janna plays like an ADC, but with extra utility.

While this isn't a build to try out in ranked, it can be a lot of fun with friends. Also, 700 MS.
I will try to make a more serious guide soon, as Janna continues to be well positioned in the meta. Also, I hope to add an AP build section with
Nashor's Tooth and
Lich Bane soon.
Thanks for reading.
While this isn't a build to try out in ranked, it can be a lot of fun with friends. Also, 700 MS.
I will try to make a more serious guide soon, as Janna continues to be well positioned in the meta. Also, I hope to add an AP build section with

Thanks for reading.
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