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Nunu & Willump Build Guide by Big Shawn

Jungle Nunu & Willump| Big Shawn's Jungle Guide

Jungle Nunu & Willump| Big Shawn's Jungle Guide

Updated on January 4, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Big Shawn Build Guide By Big Shawn 14 1 23,178 Views 0 Comments
14 1 23,178 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Big Shawn Nunu & Willump Build Guide By Big Shawn Updated on January 4, 2020
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Runes: Nunu & Willump Jungle

Font of Life


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

Nunu & Willump| Big Shawn's Jungle Guide

By Big Shawn
Hello Summoner! Welcome to my League of Legends Nunu & Willump Guide. My name is Big Shawn. I am a Platinum player currently enjoying Nunu & Willump in the Jungle and created this guide to help you seek the true powers of Nunu & Willump - The Boy and his Yeti.

About Me


Strengths & Weaknesses


Runes, Items & Spells


Early, Mid & Late Game

Name: Big Shawn
Rank: Platinum IV
Region: EUW
Lanes: [1]Mid, [2]Jungle & [3]Top

My most played Jungle Champions:




+ Easy to Play.
+ Can be played Tank or AP.
+ Strong Ganking.
+ Strong in Teamfights.
+ Impressive Jungle Clearance.
+ Fair amount of CC.
+ Dragon Eater.

- Struggles against good 1v1 Champions.
- Low on Damage when you build Tank.
- He is the Team's Support, just in the Jungle.
- Relies on the Team.
- He isn't the best Champion to carry with.
- If too far behind, can become useless.
- Willump's Breath is just Awful.


As Nunu & Willump, you are the one in your team who'll most likely have to engage and enter the fight close to the opponents. Taking therefore Aftershock will greatly benefit you due to the fact that, in this case going tank, you will barely have any damage output.
Font of Life is what makes you a supporter, but in Jungle. This rune is crucial for your ganking on your teammate's lanes as they will benefit from your ganks even more with this rune.
Conditioning is a must if you wish to be unkillable in the late game. Your aim is to become as tanky as possible for your team. To save that feeding ADC who will eventually pick up the pace thanks to your teamplay.
Revitalize greatly benefits your Q - Ability in terms of Life steal which will save you a couple of times in your game.

Celerity is a must. Your job is to GET THOSE LANES FED. With your W - Ability you gain a juicy amount of movement speed. Adding therefore Celerity to your engine will be way more fun for you and less fun for the opponents.
Waterwalking is what makes you a Bugatti and lets all those Lambos bite your dust. Since you'll gank most of the time from the river and are a pimped Bugatti, you'll be doing successful ganks in no time.


I don't think there's much to say about the Item build. Most important thing, obviously situational, is that you build Dead Man's Plate so that this Bugatti's Pipes pop those flames and hurt the opponent as soon as they get hit by it (Apologies for referring to cars the whole time, but Willump legit is one).


Flash is, like with almost everychamp, a must. Eventhough your job is to help and benefit your teammates, sometimes you just have to let them down and be the lone survivor if the fight didn't go as expected.
Smite is what makes you a Jungler. Yeah... Don't forget Smite Fella.


As Nunu & Willump , you'll want to start at your Blue Buff. Your first leveled Ability should be your Q , as this Ability gives you a decent amount of Health Points back. This Ability will spare you the smite and gives you strong sustain. After Blue, you'll want to take the usual path of most junglers. This means after Blue Buff, you'll continue to the Gromp and then Wolves.

After your Blue side has been completed, continue immediately to your Red Buff. Until here, it isn't necessary to apply Smite , but if you wish to be almost full-life, in terms of Health Points, again, then do use it. You'll then want to get the Rift Scuttle immediately to give your lanes vision in the river. Here it is then where you can decide the following:
+ Will I gank a lane?
+ Should I invade my Jungle Opponent?
+ Should I continue in my Red side?

If you Gank a lane, always gank with your W-Ability as you will be given a good amount of movement speed and cc against your opponent. Not to forget, Celerity & Waterwalking will just add more speed to your ganks. If the gank didn't go as expected, it doesn't matter. You either return to your red side or invade your jungle opponent.

If you decide to invade your opposing jungler, do bare in mind that Nunu & Willump do not have a lot of damage against the opposing jungler. Unless you know exactly where your opposing jungler is currently located, you will invade with risk.

If you decide to continue with your red side, then good. You'll most likely remain the same level as your opposing Jungler and therefore will not fall behind. After you've cleared your red side, then it is your time to shine. You'll add pressure to the lanes and thanks to the movement speed gained thanks to your W-Ability , you are able to gank even from the lane itself.


Nunu & Willump's biggest strength is the sustainability in the Jungle. You'll be willing to start at the Blue side of the Jungle and clear it completely. Due to your high movement speed potential already in the early game, as soon as you hit lvl 3, you are able to gank a lane with ease and surprise your opponent. Clearing the Jungle should usually be the least problem for you, including the Dragon. What makes Nunu so unique and fun compared to other junglers is the fact, that you can always make a successful Lane-Gank. This is where you send those enemy laners into their corners and let them cry about how annoying and a pain in the ... (You know where this would lead to) you are.


By now, you should be tanky enough to survive your own mistakes and the ones from you teammates. As mentioned before, your job is to support them. This means leaving them the kill, tanking the tower as much as you can if you dive, vice versa. What will be the most crucial part at this period of time is the dragon. You have such high potential to steal these. So make every Q - Ability and Smite count and the Dragon is yours. This is what makes Nunu & Willump so crucial & threatening when it comes to objectives. Nevertheless, don't forget to clear your Jungle!


From here, you're supposed to be your team's Meat shield and Mascott. Your Job is to protect your team and peel for them. Make those Bruisers, Fighters, EVERYONE, focus you so that your team's damage dealers remain in good shape, in terms of Health Points, and can eliminate the opposition. From that point onwards, you will barely deal any damage, unless you land a crucial, super duper, insane and amazing Ultimate . What also should be in your mind is catching your opponents off-guard. Catch them and force them to take in the Ultimate damage, or just force them to flash if your reaction time isn't the best.

My Last Tip before I finish this Guide off.

You are low on health and are being chased by a Diana on the Mid Lane. You run through then Enemy's and your minion wave.

My Tip:

If you have enough Mana and Time, Consume one of the minions to gain a large amount of Health Points back. Don't waste this ability on Diana. It will not give you as much health points back as it would do so with a minion. Who knows, maybe the Tables have suddenly turned and you chase the Diana at the end.
Hello Summoner! If you have come this far in my Guide, I would like to thank you for your time and for having a look at it. I would really appreciate it if you could vote and comment on it. I hope this Guide has helped you a lot and brought some joy while reading it. If you wish to see more Guides of mine, feel free to check out my profile!

Yours sincerely,

Big Shawn.
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