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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Berserker Rage (PASSIVE)
Olaf Passive Ability
(Recommended) Early armor helps you take less damage from your clear and helps him to win early duels against other junglers. |
(VS Magic) Magic Resist is necessary if they have a lot of magic damage on the other team especially if they have a burst mage like Syndra or Fizz. |
(VS Low Magic) In other scenarios you can use cooldown reduction glyphs if you don't need the magic resist. Cooldown reduction will allow you to spam more axes. |
(Recommended) This is more efficient in value than attack damage quints and this will greatly help you clear faster. |
(Passive) Berserker Rage |
(Q) Undertow Cooldown: 7 seconds |
(W) Vicious Strikes Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds |
(E) Reckless Swing Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds |
(R) Ragnarok Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds |
Starting Items Hunter's Machete helps clear jungle creeps and upgrades to spirit items later. Health Potionx2 help to sustain through the first jungle clear and help in early fights. Stealth Ward is good for scouting early game and can help to scout out parts of the map. I recommend switching to Sweeping Lens at some point because I feel that it is more useful after level 9 due to its one minute cooldown. |
Early Game Get Ranger's Trailblazer as fast as possible along with the Warrior Enchantment. Afterwards, get Sunfire Aegis and Ninja Tabi. If the other team has a lot of magic damage, it's worth picking up a Negatron Cloak early so that you don't get blown up in team fights right away. |
Mid-Late Game Get Spirit Visage and Randuin's Omen after that, the order can be switched if they're mostly physical damage, and finish off the build with a Warmog's Armor. The general idea with Olaf is to be as tanky as possible and rely on his base damages to kill people so keep that in mind when building him. |
(Early Game)
In the early game, evaluate all of the lanes to decide which ones are stronger and which ones are weaker. If you have mostly stronger lanes that can push in your opponents, try to invade on the enemy jungler around level 2 or 3. Make sure that your laners will be able to help you at the same time or before the enemy laners, or else you might find yourself getting collapsed on and without Flash, it can be really hard to get away from that. You can hold your own in pretty much any jungle duel if you get invaded by their jungler, but watch out if their laners go missing because if you get caught by multiple people in the jungle it's easy to die due to not having Flash. Build Spirit Stone and Boots then work on getting Ranger's Trailblazer as soon as possible.
(Mid Game)
Once you get your ultimate and Ranger's Trailblazer with the Warrior Enchantment, you're pretty strong and you should look to gank any lanes that are over extended. The easiest targets for Olaf to gank are champions without escape abilities because you're really fast with Ghost and can't be CC'd with your ultimate. Once you get Ninja Tabi you can tower dive really easily and should look to dive any lane that's pushed up and low hp. Continue to make plays in the enemy jungle near your strong lanes and try to snowball any advantages that you get. Time enemy buffs and invade them whenever possible. Olaf can do dragon pretty quickly but he takes a lot of damage from it so it's better to do it with your team.
(Late Game)
Late game, you're pretty much just a big meat shield for your team. You still good a good amount of damage through your base values and your ultimate, but your main purpose is to soak up as much damage as possible. Figure out if their team does mostly physical or magic damage and build accordingly.
(Team Fights)
In team fights as Olaf, you want to rush into their team and try to kill their back line carries. Use your ultimate when you think you won't be immediately focused and killed. It makes you deal a lot of damage but you also take a lot as well. Deal as much damage to the other team and then run away when you get low on health. Remember to auto attack as much as possible to make use of the healing from Tough It Out and attack speed from Berserker Rage.
In the early game, evaluate all of the lanes to decide which ones are stronger and which ones are weaker. If you have mostly stronger lanes that can push in your opponents, try to invade on the enemy jungler around level 2 or 3. Make sure that your laners will be able to help you at the same time or before the enemy laners, or else you might find yourself getting collapsed on and without Flash, it can be really hard to get away from that. You can hold your own in pretty much any jungle duel if you get invaded by their jungler, but watch out if their laners go missing because if you get caught by multiple people in the jungle it's easy to die due to not having Flash. Build Spirit Stone and Boots then work on getting Ranger's Trailblazer as soon as possible.
(Mid Game)
Once you get your ultimate and Ranger's Trailblazer with the Warrior Enchantment, you're pretty strong and you should look to gank any lanes that are over extended. The easiest targets for Olaf to gank are champions without escape abilities because you're really fast with Ghost and can't be CC'd with your ultimate. Once you get Ninja Tabi you can tower dive really easily and should look to dive any lane that's pushed up and low hp. Continue to make plays in the enemy jungle near your strong lanes and try to snowball any advantages that you get. Time enemy buffs and invade them whenever possible. Olaf can do dragon pretty quickly but he takes a lot of damage from it so it's better to do it with your team.
(Late Game)
Late game, you're pretty much just a big meat shield for your team. You still good a good amount of damage through your base values and your ultimate, but your main purpose is to soak up as much damage as possible. Figure out if their team does mostly physical or magic damage and build accordingly.
(Team Fights)
In team fights as Olaf, you want to rush into their team and try to kill their back line carries. Use your ultimate when you think you won't be immediately focused and killed. It makes you deal a lot of damage but you also take a lot as well. Deal as much damage to the other team and then run away when you get low on health. Remember to auto attack as much as possible to make use of the healing from Tough It Out and attack speed from Berserker Rage.
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