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I main supp/adc on the EUW server.
I love the soraka supp <3
Any now i share u with my best Guide on soraka supp.
Q at LvL 1 Starcall:pokes enemies, slows them, gives Rejuvenation which heals yourself and gives a disengage speed buff.
W at LvL 2 Astral Infusion:heals teammates, makes them stay longer in lane and copies Rejuvenation buff to ally when cast right after Q hits enemy.
E at Lvl 3 Equinox: silence enemies or root (immobilize) for crowd control, zone enemies away from objectives.
After Lvl 3 up W just u can !
R at Lvl 6 11 and 16 Wish: stronger heal for u full team
The Ardent Censer is a first and the best item with the adc 90%!
For example the Ardent Censer is dont work with Jhin !!
But work with all adc who need attack speed Varus , Jinx , Kalista etcetera,etcetera...
U cant heal all teammate in one time . But no problem the Redemption is help u.
This is a best item in the team fight.
U can combinate the Ardent Censer passive and the Redemption !!
The combinate passive give all teammate heal and attack speed !!
Get more CDR for reduce the dose of your spell!
Ardent Censer 10% cooldown reduction
Redemption 10% cooldown reduction
Warmog's Armor 10% cooldown reduction
Spirit Visage 10% cooldown reduction
Total cooldown reduction 40% cooldown reduction
For example the Ardent Censer is dont work with Jhin !!
But work with all adc who need attack speed Varus , Jinx , Kalista etcetera,etcetera...
U cant heal all teammate in one time . But no problem the Redemption is help u.
This is a best item in the team fight.
U can combinate the Ardent Censer passive and the Redemption !!
The combinate passive give all teammate heal and attack speed !!
Get more CDR for reduce the dose of your spell!
Ardent Censer 10% cooldown reduction
Redemption 10% cooldown reduction
Warmog's Armor 10% cooldown reduction
Spirit Visage 10% cooldown reduction
Total cooldown reduction 40% cooldown reduction
The Wish is a global ult. When it's safe look around the map or at the health bars of your allies icons. Use your ult in situations where you can save allies from dying or assist them to turn the fight around and get them a kill.
Don't just use your ult if someone is low, make sure there is a chance your allies may get away or atleast finish an important target before dying.
The Starcall slows and damages all enemies inside, hitting atleast one enemy champion activates Rejuvenation.
Healing allies with Astral Infusion. Buy Ardent Censer and Redemption to give more heal !!
Use Equinox to silence enemies and root/immobilize them if they stay too long in it. Also useful when doing objectives such as drake to zone enemies away/keep them at distance.
Don't just use your ult if someone is low, make sure there is a chance your allies may get away or atleast finish an important target before dying.
The Starcall slows and damages all enemies inside, hitting atleast one enemy champion activates Rejuvenation.
Healing allies with Astral Infusion. Buy Ardent Censer and Redemption to give more heal !!
Use Equinox to silence enemies and root/immobilize them if they stay too long in it. Also useful when doing objectives such as drake to zone enemies away/keep them at distance.
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