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Runes: Bread and Butter Rune Page
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order W Start
Hemorrhage (PASSIVE)
Darius Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
It is very hard to beat Jayce in the early game as he can easily disengage from you with his Hammer E and multiple movementspeed buffs as well as the ability to jump inside your Q's inner sour spot with his Hammer Q. If you can time either your W or E correctly when he E's you away there is your chance of chasing him.
RejuBeads>DShield, Ninja Tabis!, Phage into Deadman's if really needed
There is nothing greater than zooming around with Zilean's speed boost to catch people off guard.
There is nothing greater than zooming around with Zilean's speed boost to catch people off guard.
Champion Build Guide
I do not cover the basics of this game and am using terms new inexperienced players might not be familiar with.
I go over almost any item and rune in the game to give you an understanding why this should or should not be used by Darius as well as the general idea of how to approach the game while playing this champion.
If you are a new player with no experience in MOBA games, you may have difficulties understanding whether items are good or not and just want to get into games quickly.
Hoever, you have to remember that League of Legends is a very situational game and that you have to adapt to situations in each game individually. This is a big part of improving instead of simply using cookie cutter builds every game.
I started out as a support main mostly playing Thresh, Leona and Blitzcrank, hitting Gold in my first ranked season as I wanted to get the Victorious skin (and disappointingly it was Victorious Morgana).
In S5 I switched to jungle, maining Rek'Sai and Rengar and managed to stomp my way from Gold to Diamond in a few months, however I got stuck in Diamond II/III.
In S6 I grew tired of jungling and finally picked up toplane by playing Darius and have been maining this role and the champion ever since, hitting Masters in S7, peaking in Challenger in S8, remained Grandmasters throughout all of S9 and hit Challenger again in S10. All of this was done by purely Solo Queueing with the majority of my games on Darius starting from S6.
In this guide I want to show you the knowledge that I have gathered over the years playing at the highest level of Solo Queue.
I will try to keep this guide updated throughout the patches in terms of matchups, items and runes.
If you happen to have further questions you can ask them in the comment section on this guide or come by my twitch stream ( and ask me in my chat while I am streaming.
I hope you enjoy reading this guide and consider it to be informative.

After the changes in 10.12 Ghost now gains a reset for every takedown enhancing its duration by up to 7 seconds making it even more valuable in teamfights.

This summoner spell also doesn't quite synergize with

While it might seem scary for inexperienced players to play without Teleport, it will teach you about when to back, proper resource management and taking proper trades and fights quickly as when you fail to do so you will just collapse.
Keystone runes:



- Bad.

+ The best keystone at the moment in almost any situation.
Minor Runes:
1st row:

- Bad.

+ Best minor rune in this tree.

- Bad.
2nd row:

+ Very good if against no CC, worse than

+ Very good situationally.

- Bad.
3rd row:

- Bad.

- Bad.

+ Best rune of this row.
Domination Tree:
Keystone Runes:

- Bad.

- Bad unless you jungle or play roamheavy Darius midlane. Then it's mediocre.

- Bad.

Okay, mostly because it is gated by the very bad domination tree.
Minor Runes:
1st row:

Meh, but probably the best out of this row.


- Bad.
2nd row:

- Bad.


3rd row:

The best out of this row.

Situationally okay, but overall bad.

- Bad.

-- Extremely bad.
Sorcery tree:
Keystone runes:

-- Very bad.

-- Very Bad.

Situationally very good, otherwise viable but still outclassed by Conqueror.
Minor runes:
1st row:

Situationally okay, overall bad.

Okay, but outclassed.

++ Overpowered, will probably get nerfed. Take it.
2nd row:

+ Good. Personal preference between this and

+ Good. Personal preference between this and

- Bad.
3rd row:

Okay. Personal preference between this and

Good in the jungle, otherwise bad.

Okay. Personal preference between this and

Resolve tree:
Keystone runes:

Can be used, but not ideal on Darius.

+ Good. Outclassed by

-- Very bad.
Minor runes:
1st row:

++ Very good.

- Bad.

--- Useless.
2nd row:

+ Good.

Very good situationally, otherwise okay.

Very good situationally, otherwise okay.
3rd row:

+ Good.


Situationally very good, otherwise mediocre.
Inspiration tree:
Keystone runes:



- Bad.
Minor runes:
1st row:


-+ Very bad in certain matchups but very good in those where you don't need early boots.

+ Good.
2nd row:



+ Good.
3rd row:

Very bad.


+ Good, but falls off hard and you have to buy

Early items:

Core Items:

You can use its active during your Q charge up!

Situational items:

Situational MR items:


Useful if you are against heavy and continous slows (such as

Other items:

Any of the lethality items: No. Darius doesn't need damage, he needs survivability.

This passive is literally the reason Darius is a champion. Seriously. Always keep track of the bleed stacks, because getting 5 stacks can be more important than hitting a squishier target. Once you get 5 stacks on a champion you gain

Try to get a feeling for how much damage the bleed deals so you don't have to flash after dead people.

You can use actives such as


Despite its name it doesn't actually cripple. Only slows. But by 90%. That's a lot. Also gives you 25 extra range so you can pretend to be Irelia for 1 auto attack. Use it to reset your auto attack timer, to proc spellblade, kill towers, last hit minions with it if needed (if you kill something you get full mana refund and half of its cooldown is refunded as well, try not to fail it ever since the mana costs went up). This auto attack can also not be cancelled (not even by yourself) so you can buffer it before getting hit by crowd control and even flashing away won't save people if the animation goes through. You can cancel the animation of your W by pressing Q once the animation starts.

This skill is your life, you have to play around it when it is on cooldown. It doesn't deal any damage, but you can pull everything and anything but Epic Monsters towards you to then chestbump it back. Now this ability is also bugged and inconsistent since sometimes your opponents don't move visually but are still pulled on their screen, sometimes they don't get pulled at all and even if they are pulled it is very inconsistent where they land (either right inside your Q sweetspot or just inside the sourspot). Still, if you miss this ability prepare to face a long walk of shame during laning phase as its cooldown is absolutely gigantic and any ranged champion will relentlessly punish you for having 0 chance of engaging onto them.
This ability is best used to prolong a trade so if you can start a fight without using it, that's great! If not, depending on the enemy you might want to not immediately AA+W+Q but rather AA, then walk with them, AA, walk with them and only use your W+Q once they try to escape. The closer your enemy is, the easier it is to miss this ability as it is cone shaped by the way.
It is possible to buffer an undodgeable

You max this second because of the damage increase through the armor penetration and also because having this on a 24 second cooldown sucks as well as because it reduces the mana costs.

Darius' signature ability. If you use it, it applies a bleed stack (or 5 if you already have

Knowing how much damage you deal with how many stacks is mandatory to become a great Darius player since executing champions with this ability will immediately grant you

Oh, by the way, if you happen to lose vision (because of fog of war, unwarded brushes,

Seriously. This champion isn't difficult nor complicated. Only takes clean execution.
Get it? Execution?

Darius only really has 2 advanced techniques:
Cancelling his W into a Q and buffering his Q after his E.
In order to cancel your W animation you simply press Q at any point after the empowered W auto attack starts.
In order to buffer your Q after your E you have to press E and immediately after it press Q before you get locked out of doing any action. Then do NOT move until the Q animation starts. If you right click before that, it will cancel any input you had buffered. If you pull it off correctly, your enemy will be airborn and unable to react to your Q even if he tries to flash it, making it the only way to hit your Q on certain mobile champions and guaranteeing critical Q hits and heals.
You can buffer Q, W, E and Ult through CC.
If you ult a champion at the same time as you kill a unit (a different champion, a minion, a monster etc.) you gain

Ranged champions on the other hand have an auto attack range advatange (wow, really?) which means they will shoot you in the face multiple times before you even get to hit them back.
So depending on what matchup you are up against as well as the pathing of your and the enemy jungler and their respective power you will have to decide how to play the lane. You can sit back and let it push towards your tower and try to freeze it on your side of the map so you can abuse

Darius has few big powerspikes as his power usually depends on how fast he gains access to

Laning without Teleport means three things:
you have more kill pressure because of your ability to Ghost AND Flash after people; pulling your opponent and then hitting them with a AA+W+Q combo allows you to use

- You are harder to gank because you have 2 mobility summoner spells to use.
- If you make a mistake (such as taking a bad trade and you cannot afford to stay in lane) you will lose a lot of exp as your opponent will either push the wave into your tower to deny you exp and gold, forcing the wave to reset and screwing you even further or by freezing the wave and potentially teleporting back to keep you in an ethernal cycle of getting ganked.
You will also need to learn how to get proper back timings. The best time to back is when you fast push the wave before a cannon minion wave and then immediately back. Pre 20 minutes every 3rd wave will be a cannon minion wave and you can always check your minimap to see both the position of the approaching minion wave and whether or not it has a cannon minion.
Your opponent will have a hard time killing the minions in time (unless he uses

This obviously requires you to have control of the wave. If you don't have that, you'll need jungle assistance or accept that you lose minions. Be quick with your purchases, by the time your mana and HP bar are refilled you should already be on your way back to the lane.
If you manage to kill your opponent, try to push the wave into the tower so he can't freeze it by teleporting back. Do not overstay and die for it though.
Darius is also notably easy to gank so having good map awareness and vision control is advantageous. Otherwise you have to muscle your way through with a 2v1 or maybe a countergank from your jungler.
It is your task to gain an advantage over your opponent in CS, EXP and gold. The best way to achieve this is obviously (solo)killing your opponent as Darius scales extremely well with experience and a kill grants a lot of that, tower platings are very important to take, too.
If you fall behind you will have trouble being useful in teamfights unless your entire team is ahead, but don't fret it: you can still turn this game around by proccing your passive early in a fight.
If your lane opponent refuses to fight you, push towards them as slowly as possible to build up a big wave, then use this wave to either dive (with your jungler) your opponent, take turret plates (as your opponent will take a lot of minion damage hitting you) or roaming midlane/invading the jungle to get vision control, kill the enemy jungler or midlaner or to secure Rift Herald.

It is your task to push out the sidelanes and rotate to group with your team for objectives such as towers, dragons or heralds/barons at this time. If you got ahead during early game, you should be able to secure priority by pushing the lanes far out making it less significant that your opponent might have TP since you are going to be at the hotspots first.
If you are behind you will be facing difficult times as you still have to keep up in exp in order to keep up in damage but since you will get pushed in you will have trouble rotating in time. Try to draw an opponent to your lane by pushing it out or group with your team and abuse number advantages in order to get back into the game. A single reset can make you relevant again in the right circumstances.

All you are looking for is getting your passive procced as soon as possible.

Also do not forget that you are not a true tank. Even with the Stoneplate Sterak's combo you have to be careful not to take unneeded damage and the healthier you are gaining

Depending on your follow up your Flash hooks can have devestating consequences for your team, but it will also limit your potential of carrying teamfights yourself for the next 5 minutes.
The later the game goes, the more items will have the potential to ruin your impact: Spellshields such as Edge of Night ir Banshee's Veil make it harder to hook, Q or Ult people, Guardian Angel stops your reset, Zhonya's Hourglass stalls your damage for 2,5 seconds, Sterak's Gage and Phantom Dancer can eat up your dunk's damage etc. Besides the fact that everyone dies much faster, so not only will you have less time to abuse yournpassive but you also have fewer opportunities to even proc it.
Keep in mind that Darius needs his summoners to function both inside and outside of lane and even with Ghost and Flash you might have difficulties.
Onetricking Darius can be challenging as he is not the greatest blind pick and gets banned or picked quite frequently especially in lower elo, so you will have to rely on other champions.
20/03/20 TP section edited
22/03/20 Section about Corrupting Potion reworked because of Mana nerfs.
01/04/20 Matchups that use BORK slightly altered, Blade of the Ruined King and Death's Dance item discussion changed
05/04/20 Phase Rush buffs taken into consideration
15/04/20 HoB section reworked since it actually got better for Darius, Wukong matchup added, Sett and Urgot matchup slightly altered
23/04/20 Added Vayne, Heimerdinger, Jarvan IV and Shyvana matchup
29/04/20 Patch 10.9 didn't change anything remarkable - Wukong "nerfs" won't bring him down from top tier, Lissandra Q buff might make her viable top and mid again
13/05/20 Patch 10.10 is barely worth a mention. Small Rhaast nerf, Soraka might become a nuisance again, Kled got a tiny bit weaker early game, Maokai got a tiny slap on the wrist, Diana got a placebo nerf. Bork is still broken.
29/05/20 Patch 10.11 hit and does not change much. Vayne got buffed (also in the sololane) so good luck laning against her. Volibear got reworked, I have yet to see how good he is. Zeal items got buffed in terms of movement speed but they aren't really worth to be picked up for Darius. Bork is still not nerfed, so most match ups are basically rush tabis bramble into TF Steraks. Next patch will have huge implications with Ghost rework, Unflinching buff and Approach velocity rework, but it's only on PBE for now.
25/06/20 Skipping 10.12 and going right into 10.13. Conqueror nerfs didn't shake up Darius' build since it is still the optimal rune to run. Predator is meh, Unflinching usable, new Ghost makes Nimbus Cloak not a 100% must-take but it's still Nimbus Cloak. New Volibear is terrorizing the rift and Darius does not like playing against him, match-up has yet to be added though. Lucian, Gnar, Ryze buffs are super not fun for Darius. Yuumi seems to be gone though.
08/07/20 Patch 10.14 Ghost is better, Wukong and Volibear got a tiny bit weaker, Predator is still garbage for Darius, Riven matchup got more difficult because of Riven buffs.
14/07/20 Death's Dance is a thing you can buy.
22/07/20 Patch 10.15 grants Shen a stronger early game through a buffed shield, Ornn's base armor got nerfed and makes him squishier early, Unsealed Spellbook nerfed which makes Kennen weaker, but no direkt changes for Darius.
01/08/20 Disclaimer changed.
05/08/20 Patch 10.16 makes the Jax matchup much harder as the window to punish Jax is now even narrower; 14 seconds CD on E means he can go for trades early more often. Same for Fiora with her x-th consecutive buff in a row getting a stronger early game again.
Nimbus Cloak got nerfed a bit, but is still the superior choice unless you absolutely need Bone Plating/Second Wind and/or Unflinching.
23/08/20 Patch 10.17 barely changed anything.
02/09/20 Patch 10.18 nerfing Shen's shield by 10 instead of his damage doesn't do anything, Sett is now forced into AD heavy builds to keep up in damage making the matchup even more snowbally, Kayle changes make it harder for her to sustain.
16/09/20 Tiny Patch 10.19 introduces Samira, Akali nerfs ruins her waveclear but won't change her kill threat, Irelia buffs won't change the laning matchup, Lucian's nerf will facilitate the fact that this champion can meleeform anything from level 1 onwards.
30/09/20 No notable changes from Patch 10.20.
14/10/20 Nimbus Cloak nerf weakens Darius' sticking potential and Resolve tree becomes therefore more appealing. Camille nerf makes it a bit easier to duel her as she will be lacking a bit of attack speed at later levels but she is still the undisputed queen of top lane right now, Hecarim nerf is placebo as well.
31/12/20 First update for preseason in preparation for S11.
07/01/21 Patch 11.1 nerfs Stridebreaker by lowering its AD by 10 and granting it an additional 10 AH instead. Goredrinker got hit making it more situational for Darius as well and Grievous Wounds got buffed in its duration from 2 to 3 seconds.
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