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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
Runes: Rune option 1 { Safest option }
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Xerath is a really annoying matchup for Anivia. His entire kit kit is made to attack from a safe distance. Most abilities is at such a long range where Anivia wont be able to hit him. Additonally is his W and Q a big problem for Anivia in the early stages of your game. Both these abilities cast extremely fast and because of the slow base movespeed Anivias has, you'd often end up getting poked out.
Gnar is for same reason as both Vayne and Poppy a good synergy. In teamfights his ultimate is like an enhanced Vayne e or Poppy e. It works on more than one player so a well cordinated gnar ult into Anivia w is huge.
Gnar is for same reason as both Vayne and Poppy a good synergy. In teamfights his ultimate is like an enhanced Vayne e or Poppy e. It works on more than one player so a well cordinated gnar ult into Anivia w is huge.
Champion Build Guide
Anivia is a unique champ which have had my love from day 1, and i figured i'd make a build guide covering tank style builds thats utalizing the power of the new item added in season 11, Everfrost and the new item added in s12, Evenshroud.
The build for Midlane plays around the power of Everfrost or Rod of Ages.
Everfrost is really strong item with champs who can chain cc its cc combined with one of their own spells. For Anivia this makes her really strong because she already have the Q into W combo which pretty much ensures you to start a CC chain. Here you can additionally use Everfrost to extend the cc even further making the total duration a enemy is cc'ed for 3 seconds if chained perfectly.
Rod of Ages is the overall best item currently for bruiser setups in my personal opinion. Reasoning for this is that it gives an overall huge amout of stats which Anivia benefits from alot. It also gives you a free level once its fully stacked which can further help Anivia to snowball. The free level can make up for lost experience that you could loose from as example, taking a bad roam bot.
The build for Support plays around the power of Evenshroud. This item is basically like old Abyssal Mask where if you CC an enemy, they will take increased damage for a period of time after the CC. Evenshroud has an additional effect where you also apply its effect if you get CC'ed. So my idea with this build is to play a tankier style build where i keep applying this effect to enemies by either getting CC'ed or using my abilities ( q and w ). This will be applied while also having Glacial Augment take effect because of Q and W. Glacial will reduce the damage your allies take from enemies while also slowing the enemy. This combined with your Evenshroud will give alot of bonus power to your allies.
The playstyle of the Evenshroud build in 5v5 senarios is to apply its effect to as many enemies as possible, once its applied use your zhonyas to disengage while keeping r running at enemies. With the 10% increased damage from Evenshroud, slow from your ultimate and the power of your wall, enemies will usally be at an disadvantage.
Rod of Ages setup is currently my most used one. Its simple and doesnt use as many diffrent items as Everfrost.
Basic Items Midlane | Everfrost
These are the main items you usally go in most midlane games depending on which build example you choose to go in your game. Everfrost is your main item which you will always be using for its setup. Zhonyas is your item for defence when you dont use Fimbulwinter. Mejais is your early "replacement" for rabadons in terms of Ability Power. Morellonomicon is used for Antihealing. Void Staff and Rabadons is used to further enchance your damage in games you need them / at point where you can get them.
Giant's Belt Items
Giant's Belt is bought desently early in the game (usally after Everfrost and Zhonya's Hourglass) and upgraded to its item as last item.
These Are the items you usally upgrade your Giant's Belt into:
![]() | Warmog's Armor is rarely used, but it can be nice in games where you neither need the defence and damage from Abyssal Mask or the % Max Health Point damage from Demonic Embrace. |
Other Tank Options
Insted of using Giant's Belt you could use one of these items insted (Keep their cheap hp component for same duration as you'd keep a Giant's Belt, only exception is with Cosmic Drive and Fimbulwinter. Upgrade Cosmic Drive as 3rd item, and upgrade Fimbulwinter as the last item of the build unless you need the % max hp from demonic or if you're using the predator runepage which would reduce fimbul cd because of the Ingenious Hunter
Shoes You Would Go
These are the shoes you'd normally go in your midlane games:
![]() | Sorcerer's Shoes is your most common choice of shoes. They give you a good amout of damage increase in most games. |
![]() | Mercury's Treads is used in games where you need the Tenacity to survive perma-cc comps. |
![]() |
Ionian Boots of Lucidity can be used in games where you go a Giant's Belt item but still want to do some of the harder Everfrost combos which gets easier with a good amout of Ability Haste. |
![]() | Plated Steelcaps isnt used alot, but it can become useful into either full AD comps. Or games where you'd have a AD carry in both toplane and botlane on enemy team (both being fed / strong). |
Basic Items Support
These are the main items you usally go for support. Evenshroud is your main and most important item in this build, after it comes the Zhonyas. Zhonyas will be your item for disengage. Dark Seal is used to gain a way to gain alot of early Ability Power. With this build, you're going Evenshroud as first item which is an item that gives no Ability Power at all. We use dark seal to "counter" this by gaining alot of Ability Power for 350 gold once fully stacked.
![]() | Morellonomicon is used in games where you need Grievous Wounds. It gives a good amout of Health and Ability Power, its also really cheap (2500 gold). |
![]() | Thornmail is used in games where you need Grievous Wounds but also the increased defence rather than the Ability Power youd gain from Morellonomicon |
Shoes You Would Go
These are the shoes you'd normally go in your support games:
![]() | Sorcerer's Shoes is your most common choice of shoes. They give you a good amout of damage increase in most games, specially because you wont have early Ability Power from mythic |
![]() | Mercury's Treads is your goto shoes in games where you need more Magic Resistance or Tenacity. |
![]() | Plated Steelcaps is used for games where you need alot of reduction versus auto attack based champs. |
Main Anivia Combos:

This is a quick combo allowing you to hit q and e almost at the same time on a enemy. This can be really useful versus stuff like a Gangplank who usally uses his

This is Anivias main poke combo, it procs your electrocute and does a huge amout of burst. Its a simple combo all Anivia mains should learn, gives them a huge advantage in alot of lanes...specially versus certain melee matchups or immobile ranged ones.

This is another combo Anivia can do. This combo allowes you to get a Empowered

Combos you can do with Everfrost / Midlane build:
All combos can be done without Cosmic Drive. Cosmic Drive only makes them more safe.

This combo allowes you to always get 2 Empowered

This combo gives you the oppertunity to use 3 Empowered

This is a faster version of the combo above. Downside with this is that you dont use our

Replace Q with Everfrost:
Additionally you could also use your

W Mechanic {All things can be done with rank 1

A Mechanic you can do with Anivia is using

Insted of blocking the full wave, you can deside to block only the Casters(Ranged Minions). This will result in the enemy starting to slowpush into you.
A slow push is having your minions push down a lane slowly, due to some resistance from other enemy minions. This can typically be done just by ensuring you have, say, 6 minions (3 Melee, 3 Casters) versus 1 Melee, and 2 Casters.
Which is what your

There's also another way to use the wall that i recently discovered. If a enemy is freezing the minion wave at their tower. You can proceed to block one minion wave twice. This is done by blocking them first at your tier 2 tower, then again at tier 1. This forces enemy wave to push rather than freeze, and it will end up freezing at your tower. Keep in mind this will only work for Botlane and Toplane as minions use a bit longer to get to lane.
Anivia also has a way to kill dragon from behind the wall, this can be done by placing first your ultimate then your W in front of the dragon so that he path to the left. This can help you to get a cheesy dragon which enemy team wont see unless its warded. The vision range Rift Scuttler's Speed Shrine isnt big enough to where it can see inside the dragon pit so by using this strategy you can kill the dragon from behind the wall and get a free dragon which enemy phsyically cant see you're taking.
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