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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
Pros / Cons
-Arguably the best late game champion
-When you finish your build, you are unstoppable
-Super tanky, while doing damage as well
-Good for beginners
-Arguably the worst early game champion
-Without her ult, she is average in team fights
-Passive doesn't work against true damage
POPPY HAS A **** EARLY GAME. Don't count on getting early money through kills. Farming will be your only gold income until mid game. As Poppy, don't be scared of walking up and being in risk of pokes to get farm. Your passive will help with that. Once you have Tear, use your Q to farm occasionally. The faster you fill the Tear, the better.
Once you hit late game, you shouldn't have to fear anything. You are a typhoon of utter blasphemy waiting to strip the enemy team of their victory. In team fights, you have 2 choices. You can ult the support and do as much as you can to the carries until your ult runs out. Option 2, ult the carry and obliterate his existence. The only consequence for option 2, is that after the carry has been sent to the 67th dimension, your ult runs out and you are vulnerable. The choice is your's.
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