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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Trial By Fire (PASSIVE)
Gangplank Passive Ability

Grog Soaked Blade slows enemies on hit, and procs with
- At level 9,
Raise Morale gives 20 AD & 10% movement speed to nearby allies (double for you)
- Hard to kill
Cannon Barrage gives global opportunities to slow enemy champs and get assists.
Pickpocket works with
Parrrley, and gives 5 gold since GP is a melee champ
- You arrrr a mighty pirate!
Gangplank is powerful support for teams with heavy AD composition, the utility just seems endless at some point, and you get to listen to Gangplank while playing. However, if your team is AP focussed, you might want to consider picking a different support

Pretty standard stuff. You get

If you prefer more poke, go for Greater Mark of Armor Penetration. Keep in mind that

Item Sequence

Locket of the Iron Solari

Ruby Sightstone

Zeke's Harbinger

Mobility Boots

Enchantment: Captain
You are there to help your team. Help them with:
Raise Morale + Zeke's Herald for damage & chasing (10+20=30 AD, 10% Movement, 20% Lifesteal)
Aegis of the Legion/
Locket of the Iron Solari for Magic Resist, Health Regen & an activated shield
Enchantment: Captain Boots for extra speed when disengaging, and faster minions to help pushing turrets
Shurelya's Battlesong for extra speed chasing or disengaging
- Warding: this one should be first on the list, and I should not have to tell you
- Sweeping: buy
Oracle's Elixir and earn it back by killing ALL THE WARDS! (and/or invisble champs)

As you don't need it for Cooldown Reduction, you can opt to replace

Zeke's herald /

If you have an AP-heavy team composition Gangplank will be less useful; Build


These boots will keep you in position and out of trouble. Great for scouting and fleeing. If you are losing the game,

As noted before:

Keep an eye on the minimap, and glance quick looks at your teammates lanes. Map awareness is always a good thing to have, but with

Playing Gangplank as a supporting champion can be a lot of fun, and is exceptionally satisfying.
In the laning phase you are not the best support for your ADC, but after level 6, you are the best support for your team.
With your buffs you will ensure survival, succesful exchanges & teamfights, turret pushing will go quicker, and taking objectives like
Dragon &
Baron Nashor will be like boarding a ship of babies, or something...
Escaping from you and your team will be difficult because of your slows & speed buff. Even recalling in obivous spots will become dangerous when your ult is up.
Thank you for reading, and please leave comments!
GP support OP
In the laning phase you are not the best support for your ADC, but after level 6, you are the best support for your team.
With your buffs you will ensure survival, succesful exchanges & teamfights, turret pushing will go quicker, and taking objectives like

Escaping from you and your team will be difficult because of your slows & speed buff. Even recalling in obivous spots will become dangerous when your ult is up.
Thank you for reading, and please leave comments!
GP support OP
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