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Runes: the usual that many use
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order the mormal yeah?
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
ban or dodge
what are you goin to do if you have no minions
cat work makes the dreamwork
cat work makes the dreamwork SHE DOESNT PROC HULLBREAKER LET'S GOOOO
Champion Build Guide
1. U can 1 v 2/3 (remember you are the one its essentially a 1 v 3 if your playing a 1 v 1, you, your ult, your ghouls 3 people)
2. U can heal in tiny bit your q
3. U can block people away or trap them in
4. U got a powerful basic attack (in late game your q cooldown is extremly low)
5. U can countergank (they try to kill you you throw a e, your ghouls and r beats them up)
6. U can have fun.... (defination your split pushing yi tries to 1 man your maiden he dies???)
-hullbreaker for split pushing
-sterak for free sheild when low on health
-serylda for slow and armour pen or something along the line
-black cleaver for armour shredding
-death dance for sustain against burst assassin read the passive ,if used with triumph u heal alot for every single heal
-spirit visage for enhaced triumph, divine, death dance, q healing ,syerak healing
once again your situational section:
-the collector (kill people at low hp steal kills from pyke only when you are playing lethality)
-mercurial scimitar ( when u meet cc)
-mortal reminder or chemtech or thormail( anti heal)
-guardian angel (revive)
divine for tanky enemies cause the passive comes to play
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