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Choose Champion Build:
AD Carry
Solo Lane

Hello, This is my first build, i hope it's good! So, I am a EUW player named Dinsdag Mestdagh. Quinn is one of the first ADC's i have mained. I didn't play ADC alot but now Quinn came out, I really like it! Hope you enjoy this build.
Something about Quinn & Valor. Quinn & Valor have great early AND late game, so it isn't a


- The
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage is very usefull for farming or poking. In total it gives you + 6.8 AD, it doesn't look much, but together with the
Greater Mark of Attack Damage you will feel the difference.
- The
Greater Mark of Attack Damage is the same as the
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage but it gives 8.5 AD
- The
Greater Seal of Armor is the opposite as the
Greater Mark of Attack Damage. It is to protect you from enemy poke.
- The
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist will protect you from their AP Carry late game, in the teamfights. The AP Carry will usually focus you, the AD Carry.

Blinding Assault is unlocked first because if you encounter an enemy champion early game, and you both want to go 1v1, you can use
Blinding Assault to win the fight or force your enemy to run.
Heightened Senses is unlocked at level 3 because it's not too important early game, I think. You only need it to check if there is an enemy gank coming when you want to push tower, and most of the times they won't gank before level 3.
Vault is unlocked second 'cause it's a good harass and poke and it also gives you a mark with
Harrier. Tip: When you're standing close to an enemy or enemy minion you can jump away and use it as a getaway. You can also jump through thin walls.
- Tag team -
Tag team/
Skystrike is your ultimate and unlocked at level 6, 11 and 16 ofcourse. Tag team lets Valor replace you on the battlefield with ridiculous attack speed and movement speed buffs and with
Skystrike gives you an easy finishing blow to lasthit in teamfights.
Harrier is your passive and it marks enemies as vulnerable once in a while, it will mark the targets you are attacking, low hp minions or champions faster than anything else.


Flash can be usefull to chase down enemies, or get to safety. As Quinn & Valor I recommend it to use it get away and use Tag team to chase down enemies.
Barrier is really usefull on alot ADC's like
Varus or
Vayne. It's a lifesaving spell and because it's lifesaving very important. Use it when you're playing with an agressive support that can't heal or give shields such as
Leona and
Ignite ignite can be usefull to secure kills and deny heals. Use it when you're playing with a support that can heal or give you shields such as
Lulu and
Ghost is very useful for chasing down enemies if Tag Team is on cooldown or you just want an extra buff when playing as Valor. I'd only use it in a solo lane.

Quinn without farm is a useless Quinn. So be sure to farm good. You can ask your support to zone hard if needed. Try to keep an eye out for the

Quinn is a really good harasser. You can use

When to

You should use

You should engage with Quinn & Valor when their jungler is warding and their ADC only has half of his hp. You can easily kill him with

As Quinn, you don't want to roam too much because you need to keep an eye out for your farm. But if it's really needed (e.g. a

In teamfights you should try to stay behind and basic attack them but then when they're 3/4 - half hp you should use Tag team,

As Quinn you should stay behind your teammates to prevent enemies from killing you alone, because ADC barely build armor or hp. There's nobody to help you when needed when you go alone, so stay behind a little and always stay together.
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