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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Warpath (PASSIVE)
Hecarim Passive Ability
Start slowly by farming (last hit) till you get your boots > Phage > Bruta
then start to push a bit and deal some trades dont underestimate Hecarim Dmg on phage bruta
he can deny a bit of the enemies creeps wave with his W to make betters trade (do not forget that creeps re still op as hell and a wave + a champ is going to low your hp rapidly
when you see that you have a bit adventage push your lane till the enemies turret and try a maximum to tp gank bot or gank mid lane (TP gank re better if you back base get ur homeguard on then tp as heca deal dmg % on move speed) and every time get back to you base regen homeguard + E to top heca will be there rly fast and re deal the path farm push to enemies tower and gank ( you can also ,take the enemies tower but the prob will be that your oponent will move with you )
here a map with warding and gank path :
then start to push a bit and deal some trades dont underestimate Hecarim Dmg on phage bruta
he can deny a bit of the enemies creeps wave with his W to make betters trade (do not forget that creeps re still op as hell and a wave + a champ is going to low your hp rapidly
when you see that you have a bit adventage push your lane till the enemies turret and try a maximum to tp gank bot or gank mid lane (TP gank re better if you back base get ur homeguard on then tp as heca deal dmg % on move speed) and every time get back to you base regen homeguard + E to top heca will be there rly fast and re deal the path farm push to enemies tower and gank ( you can also ,take the enemies tower but the prob will be that your oponent will move with you )
here a map with warding and gank path :

- hecarim will help's your carry in laning phase to give em adventage
- keep in mind your tp,dont wast it to get back in your lane hecarim is fast ennought to get there by himself keep it for gank, help, Drake (you can also use it if ur rly in trouble no ulti etc and you get gank by tping aways
- in teamfights your team and you have to wards as much as possible (i know you know it but its league of legends basics Wards !! more and more) so hecarim can tp from base to a wards well placed to engage full speed on any carry he s quite tanky to get in fighs first but follow him and focus corretly ( the tp engage or gank that come from hecarim is that fast that ppl have rarly the time to realize so hope your team is fast as hecarim is to react :D )
!!!! importent keep in mind that your realy reaaaly fast and that your team can't follow you so if they re too far and that you see they can't reach you just disengage and dont chase !!!!
- keep in mind your tp,dont wast it to get back in your lane hecarim is fast ennought to get there by himself keep it for gank, help, Drake (you can also use it if ur rly in trouble no ulti etc and you get gank by tping aways
- in teamfights your team and you have to wards as much as possible (i know you know it but its league of legends basics Wards !! more and more) so hecarim can tp from base to a wards well placed to engage full speed on any carry he s quite tanky to get in fighs first but follow him and focus corretly ( the tp engage or gank that come from hecarim is that fast that ppl have rarly the time to realize so hope your team is fast as hecarim is to react :D )
!!!! importent keep in mind that your realy reaaaly fast and that your team can't follow you so if they re too far and that you see they can't reach you just disengage and dont chase !!!!
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