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Ability Order
Reign of Anger (PASSIVE)
Renekton Passive Ability
if you want to wait for lvl 3 gank you can choose dorans's shield, i usually don't
depends on your first desicion
my priority from left(best) to right, but also situational;
sunfire cape is strong against ad and does dmg
spirit visage is strong against ap and the heal of your 'Q' will raise
the bloodthirster does lots of dmg and great lane sustain
randuin's omen only if your enemy is based on movement speed
my priority from left(best) to right, but also situational;
sunfire cape is strong against ad and does dmg
spirit visage is strong against ap and the heal of your 'Q' will raise
the bloodthirster does lots of dmg and great lane sustain
randuin's omen only if your enemy is based on movement speed
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