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Xin Zhao Build Guide by xAsuta

Middle [Reworked] A Guide about Xin Zhao MID & TOP

Middle [Reworked] A Guide about Xin Zhao MID & TOP

Updated on October 14, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xAsuta Build Guide By xAsuta 22 1 71,106 Views 5 Comments
22 1 71,106 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xAsuta Xin Zhao Build Guide By xAsuta Updated on October 14, 2020
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Runes: RUNES HOB + Precision

1 2 3
Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[Reworked] A Guide about Xin Zhao MID & TOP

By xAsuta
Table of Contents

Welcome to my first guide about a LOL Champion. My name is Asuta, I am from Germany and I've been playing League of Legends for just over half a year and decided to publish a guide about Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao is one of those characters that is often designated to as troll/off meta pick, but today I will explain to you why he is far away from being troll.

Since this is my first guide, I would be glad if you could leave a review/comment. If you have any questions about Xin Zhao, I will answer them in the comments or in an FAQ chapter.

+ He is very easy
+ Strong early & mid game
+ Great at 1v1/1v2
+ Destroys Towers & Drakes
+ Good roamer
+ Good splitpusher
Xin Zhao is one of the easiest champions in the game and has one of the best early games. He destroys most of the other champions in 1v1 and can carry the early game with his roams. He literally melts Towers, Drakes and the Nexus (For the Nexus he only needs 10-12 auto attacks). His Audacious Charge allows him to take opponents from 100 to 0 in 2 seconds what tilts some opponents.

- Assassin = squishy
- In nothing the best one
- Hard against heavy CC
- Hard against heavy Tanks
- Falls off after 35
Just like every Assassin Xin Zhao is squishy (He still can build items like Dead Man's Plate or Death's Dance) and has problems with hard cc and tanks. Like Olaf Xin Zhao is not scaling into late.
Hunt and eliminate prey. Burst damage and target access.

bonus attack speed and your attack speed cap is increased for 3 auto attacks. Since Xin Zhao needs 3 auto attacks with his Q to knock up his opponent, this is the best rune in my opinion.

Gain a burst of Lethality and Magic Penetration after using a dash. Xin Zhaos Audacious Charge proqs Sudden Impact so he can assassinate his opponent much better.
A small amount of extra AD adaptive which can make a big difference while bursting the enemy.
Unique takedowns grant permanent out of combat movement speed
Improved attacks and sustained damage.

Takedowns restores 12% of your missing health. That will help you to kill more oppontens in a row.

Takedowns on enemys grant permanent Attack speed. That makes sure Xin Zhao scales a bit.

+10% Attack Speed +9% Adaptive Force +6 Armor

Ignite (87%): I'm using Ignite pretty much every round as a mid or top laner. It simply offers you a much higher all in potential and prevents the enemy from healing. Even if your opponent flashes away he dies often.
TELEPORT (13%): Teleport is great in toplane. It gives you map pressure and the opportunity to help out your team on their lane/at teamfights or to contest epic monsters. With tp you can perfectly deny ganks or roams.
Every third basic attack deals 15 / 25 / 35 / 45% of total AD as bonus physical damage and restores 10-112 (+40% of ability power) health (at level 1-18).

| Q | Range: 375 | Cooldown: 7 / 6.5 / 6 / 5.5 / 5 | Cost: 30 |
Xin Zhao unleashes a fearsome combo, causing his next 3 standard attacks to deal his attack damage plus an additional 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 as physical damage to enemy targets, with the final attack knocking his opponent into the air. Each strike while active reduces the cooldown of his other skills by one second.

| W | Range: 1000 | Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 | Cost: 45 |
Xin Zhao performs two swift strikes over a 0.5-0.4 second period (based on bonus attack speed), the first dealing 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 physical damage to all enemies in an arc and the second dealing 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 damage and slowing all enemies in a line by 50% for 1.5 seconds.

| E | Range: 650 | Cooldown: 12 | Cost: 50 |
Xin Zhao charges and challenges an enemy. The charge deals 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to all nearby enemies and slows them for 30% for 0.5 seconds.
Casting Audacious Charge grants Xin Zhao 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% attack speed for 5 seconds.

| R | Range: 188 | Cooldown: 120 / 110 / 100 | Cost: 100 |
Active: Xin Zhao sweeps around him, dealing 75 / 150 / 225 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) (+15% of target's current health) physical damage to enemies hit, capped at 600 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage against monsters. Non-Challenged enemies are also knocked back and stunned for 0.75 seconds.

Passive: For the next 3 seconds Xin Zhao has Awareness, negating all damage received from enemies 450-units away from him. Basic attacks and other spell casts extend the duration by 0.3 seconds, but the remaining duration cannot exceed 3 seconds.

- -

Let's get to the reason why Xin Zhao is one of the easiest champions in the game. There is literally only one important combo that you need to know to prove yourself in the lane. It is E > Q > W (> R). The explanation behind this combo is simple: Your Audacious Charge is you engage/cap close ability. It gives you extra attack speed for 5 seconds what you will need during the fight. After your jump you have to use your Three Talon Strike as an auto attack reset to bypass autoattack cooldown. Your Three Talon Strike gives you extra AD damage for the fight and knocks up the enemy. As soon as the enemy is knocked up you have to use your Wind Becomes Lightning to get massive damage on him. Wind Becomes Lightning does two swift strikes and the first one only hits enemies nearby. If your Opponent is still alive you can auto attack or use Crescent Guard to finish him off.
Use your Three Talon Strike as auto attack reset to land more auto attacks in a shorter time.
When your opponent is low, you can charge your Three Talon Strike on minions, flash to the enemy to instantly knock him up with your third auto attack. Thats a great cheesy trick to outplay him. Audacious Charge or Ignite should do the rest.
On roams you should keep your Audacious Chargeuntil the opponent uses his Flash. Otherwise he will escape and jokes on you. The same applies to chases in the jungle.
A trick that most people don't consider is to use the knockback of Crescent Guard so that the opponent is thrown in the direction of your team. On this way, one of the opponents (preferably the ADC) can be separated from his team and killed quickly.
Many people also forget the ultimate's passive, which ensures that basic attacks and abilities extend the duration of Crescent Guard up to 3 seconds. This way you take less damage because the shield stays on longer. So don't only use your ultimate to push away the enemy team but also to protect your team.
Starting Items

Doran's Blade + Health Potion
Doran's Blade in combination with a Health Potion is a classic start which always makes sense. Doran's Blade increases your base stats and gives you more sustain on the lane. The potion explains itself. Do not use it too early on the lane, otherwise you will give your opponent the chance to force you off the lane.

Long Sword + Refillable Potion
The Long Sword only increases your AD stats and gives you neither HP nor life steal. The advantage that this combination offers is that the Long Sword can be expanded into a Tiamat or a Serrated Dirk. In addition, the Refillable Potion gives you more sustain on the lane than only one Health Potion. In my opinion, you should choose this combination if you seem to have a relatively easy matchup, like a Katarina. Otherwise you will need the extra healt and life steal for sustain.

First Back Items




Serrated Dirk
With the Serrated Dirk as first item your 1v1 potential is so much higher. With that much AD + lethality you are able to beat most of the other early game champions, so you put pressure on your opponents.
Xin Zhao is a champion who does a lot of single target damage and accordingly is his wave clear. The Tiamat provides a much faster wave clear, which gives you more time to roam or go back to the base. The active of the Tiamat also gives you an extra auto attack reset. I wouldn't upgrade this item though, but that is up to you.
Boots of Speed
The Boots give you increased movement speed, with which you can chase / escape opponents.
Control Ward
Control Ward is just the most important item in the game because it grants you premanent true vision. It is incredibly important to know where the opponents are on the map in order to plan plays and prevent the opponents' actions
or as first item?
Whether you get Serrated Dirk or Tiamat first depends on your personal preference. You have to decide for yourself whether you want to have higher kill/1v1 potential early on or whether you want to roam and have map pressure.

Core Items

Duskblade of Drakthaar
Duskblade of Draktharr is the lethality items which gives you the most AD and Lethality and it increases your attack damage during the fight. This as first items will help you a lot bursting the enemy laner. Make sure to get unseen for at least a second after a fight so the passive gets resetted.
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Youmuu's Ghostblade has the second most lethality after the Duskblade. The passive gives you massive out of combat movement speed and the active brings you 20% extra MS. This allows you to roam better or to hunt opponents.

Boot Options


Ninja Tabi

Mercury's Treads
Ninja Tabi are a good choice against a AD laner and heavy AD teamcomps. Especially if their ADC is fed, i would buy them to counter his auto attacks. Mercury's Treads are great against AP laners and enemy teams with a lot of cc. Even if your opponent on the lane is AD, I would recommend them if the enemy team has 3 or more AP champs.

Boots of Mobility
Mobility Boots are a rather risky way to play because they offer neither Armor nor MR. In return, they improve the opportunity of roaming immensely and give you map pressure. So if you have a very aggressive playstyle and trust in your skills, I would think about getting the Mobility Boots.
That's it. That was my first League of Legends Guide and I hope you liked it. I recommend you at least try Xin Zhao once, you won't regret it ;)

If this guide has helped, you could support me with commentating or voting. I would really appreciate feedback.

Guides that helped me a lot making this guide (Design ideas):



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League of Legends Build Guide Author xAsuta
xAsuta Xin Zhao Guide
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[Reworked] A Guide about Xin Zhao MID & TOP

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