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Choose Champion Build:
Bruiser Catch Build
QQ Build
DariusOneTrick's Tank Build
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
I'd dodge queue honestly. He builds to mess you up and he can stand still and fight you and win.
More Information/Proof

Art by: burd
Hey there! I'm Delusionist and I've been playing League of Legends since Season 2. I'm not the most skilled mechanically, but my god do I know how to do well in solo/duo queue. This guide is meant to help people who like me prefer solo/duo queue. Highest I've reached was Gold 2 but I'm actually going to play ranked this season and I'm aiming for that Diamond V trash dream! I used to do free coaching sessions and I've managed to get 3 players from Silver to Platinum by teaching them some tricks I've learned. In this guide I'm hoping to give some of my knowledge out on a guide for a champion I find to be incredibly fun!
Without further ado, I'd like to present my guide for the cute pupper, Warwick!
I'd also really appreciate comments on the build! Did it work for you? If not, why?

Proof Video
Proof Video #2
When you are playing as Warwick you need to remember that you are not here to farm jungle all game. You can easily steal a flash or secure a kill with him as soon as you hit level 3.

Start off with a leash on your buff from your bot lane, and use Q only when your health goes down enough to heal off of it. You should be near full hp once you've done this. Then kill wolves and your red/blue buff. Don't forget to stand in the bush as you kill your buff, otherwise you'll get wrecked by the enemy jungle the one time you don't pay attention. Warwick is best at catching people unaware, and weakest when you catch him unaware.
I've put some of my favorite ward locations down for both red and blue side, typically you want to be warding the enemy jungle in these locations. The pink ward locations are for when you're taking objectives, or if you want to help your laner out (usually top lane gets the most use out of this one)
At this point I usually go to the scuttle crab between top and mid and give a moment for the enemy jungler to show, if he/she doesn't or if there's a gank opportunity, I immediately drop what I'm doing and run on over. Your move speed towards low health champions is insanely easy to abuse. In fact, if you find yourself zoning out a bit just follow the trail for your next gank ;)
I usually end up going top, mid, then top again. Don't underestimate returning again shortly after ganking. STAY AWARE of their warding habits and buy a control ward each time you head back if you don't have one.
TLDR; Don't stay in jungle all game, try saving jungling for in-between ult cooldowns. Ditch your CS to help your team as they are the #1 priority always.

Blue Side Start
Start off with a leash on your buff from your bot lane, and use Q only when your health goes down enough to heal off of it. You should be near full hp once you've done this. Then kill wolves and your red/blue buff. Don't forget to stand in the bush as you kill your buff, otherwise you'll get wrecked by the enemy jungle the one time you don't pay attention. Warwick is best at catching people unaware, and weakest when you catch him unaware.
I've put some of my favorite ward locations down for both red and blue side, typically you want to be warding the enemy jungle in these locations. The pink ward locations are for when you're taking objectives, or if you want to help your laner out (usually top lane gets the most use out of this one)
At this point I usually go to the scuttle crab between top and mid and give a moment for the enemy jungler to show, if he/she doesn't or if there's a gank opportunity, I immediately drop what I'm doing and run on over. Your move speed towards low health champions is insanely easy to abuse. In fact, if you find yourself zoning out a bit just follow the trail for your next gank ;)
I usually end up going top, mid, then top again. Don't underestimate returning again shortly after ganking. STAY AWARE of their warding habits and buy a control ward each time you head back if you don't have one.
TLDR; Don't stay in jungle all game, try saving jungling for in-between ult cooldowns. Ditch your CS to help your team as they are the #1 priority always.
The number one issue I've seen with junglers is that they underestimate the importance of objectives. You're a roaming support with kill-capability. You are the team shepherd, you have to ping dragon way in advance and get a ward on it one minute before it spawns. Try not killing scuttle until about 30 seconds before spawn as it's a guaranteed ward that cannot be removed if you do this. You need to lead your team with a positive example, you are sometimes their only shot at coming back in the game. Watch your laners and see which ones are mechanically superior. Gank for them, but don't camp a lane.
Say it with me: OBJECTIVES > KILLS
So often I see the enemy get kills and then go back to base and I think to myself "thank god they have no idea how to take objectives."
Let's say top lane is struggling with their opponent, they've been ganked two times and you've only been able to be there once, and you didn't even get anything off. Don't look at how many times they've died or judge them before you get a successful gank attempt off. If anything, you can almost always count on your laners to help you do damage to get yourself fed.
Keep your warding trinket! Put a ward up for the lane that had their last ward run out. Put a ward up for the midlaner who doesn't know how to ward pixel bushes. Put a ward up in the enemy's jungle to track them. Wards are easily the most important way to outmaneuver your opponents. Use control wards in place of a sweeper.
1) Be friendly to your team, they will forgive you more and the mood of the game will be over-all more enjoyable. My personal method is to compliment a choice of champion you can relate to and discuss what they build and ask THEM to talk. Make them feel important and show you care. You're team cheerleader. Mute anyone who is salty the second they say anything. ALWAYS.
2) Get every single dragon. Every. Single. One. It isn't just the buff, you want the psychological effect it provides. Your team feels great, and the enemy feels more tilted each one you take. Master your smite and how much your Q does on dragon. Q+smite to get a step ahead of the enemy jungler who is waiting on their smite cooldown.
3) Never do an objective without a control ward unless the entire enemy team is dead or if you really feel risky. This should be a very scary risk for you.
4) Never stop doing your best, don't get cocky, don't say anything negative at all to anyone on your team or the enemy team, in fact, compliment people! It ****s with 'em way more than a ridiculous insult would. "Wow this guy is so confident that he's relaxed and being nice to me. I'M SO UPSET." Follow the Summoners Code.
5) Make your team feel great in lane. If they're struggling, do your absolute best to help them. Master knowing where the enemy jungler is and set up an awesome counter-gank and let your laner secure the kill. Let them take their CS, but help them get it low. Take a couple small ones for yourself to keep you in the game, but trust me you'll not need it later. Laning phase is for your team to get fed, not for just you.
6) Recognize your team comp vs the enemy's. Do you have a seige comp, or a pick comp? Tell this outright to your team without naming anyone in particular. "We have a pick comp and their teamfight is really strong." (I use this exact phrase many times, it always works for me) This also applies to when your team messes up on a team fight, even if you're not there say "We" not "Vayne" or whoever they're playing as. You are a team. You just gotta remind them of what's going on so they can focus on their laning phase and get their ego boosted enough to help each other.
Say it with me: OBJECTIVES > KILLS
So often I see the enemy get kills and then go back to base and I think to myself "thank god they have no idea how to take objectives."
Let's say top lane is struggling with their opponent, they've been ganked two times and you've only been able to be there once, and you didn't even get anything off. Don't look at how many times they've died or judge them before you get a successful gank attempt off. If anything, you can almost always count on your laners to help you do damage to get yourself fed.
Keep your warding trinket! Put a ward up for the lane that had their last ward run out. Put a ward up for the midlaner who doesn't know how to ward pixel bushes. Put a ward up in the enemy's jungle to track them. Wards are easily the most important way to outmaneuver your opponents. Use control wards in place of a sweeper.
Your goals:
1) Be friendly to your team, they will forgive you more and the mood of the game will be over-all more enjoyable. My personal method is to compliment a choice of champion you can relate to and discuss what they build and ask THEM to talk. Make them feel important and show you care. You're team cheerleader. Mute anyone who is salty the second they say anything. ALWAYS.
2) Get every single dragon. Every. Single. One. It isn't just the buff, you want the psychological effect it provides. Your team feels great, and the enemy feels more tilted each one you take. Master your smite and how much your Q does on dragon. Q+smite to get a step ahead of the enemy jungler who is waiting on their smite cooldown.
3) Never do an objective without a control ward unless the entire enemy team is dead or if you really feel risky. This should be a very scary risk for you.
4) Never stop doing your best, don't get cocky, don't say anything negative at all to anyone on your team or the enemy team, in fact, compliment people! It ****s with 'em way more than a ridiculous insult would. "Wow this guy is so confident that he's relaxed and being nice to me. I'M SO UPSET." Follow the Summoners Code.
5) Make your team feel great in lane. If they're struggling, do your absolute best to help them. Master knowing where the enemy jungler is and set up an awesome counter-gank and let your laner secure the kill. Let them take their CS, but help them get it low. Take a couple small ones for yourself to keep you in the game, but trust me you'll not need it later. Laning phase is for your team to get fed, not for just you.
6) Recognize your team comp vs the enemy's. Do you have a seige comp, or a pick comp? Tell this outright to your team without naming anyone in particular. "We have a pick comp and their teamfight is really strong." (I use this exact phrase many times, it always works for me) This also applies to when your team messes up on a team fight, even if you're not there say "We" not "Vayne" or whoever they're playing as. You are a team. You just gotta remind them of what's going on so they can focus on their laning phase and get their ego boosted enough to help each other.
This is one of those things that may seem simple, but actually takes a lot of practice to master. Objectives win the game, you can be super fed but if you don't take objectives you mean nothing. You're useless.
Let me ask you this, have you ever seen your top/mid/adc get super fed but they just don't seem to leave lane? They aren't pushing their advantage, and this is a common problem for people with high mechanical skill but poor game knowledge. This section will explain how to push your advantage and take objectives.
What are the objectives? Dragon, Towers, Inhibitors, and Rift Herald/Baron are all objectives. The order of priority is Baron>Dragon>Inhibitor>Turret. With practice you learn when the best time to take Baron/Dragon is, however quite simply put once you kill bot, mid or jungle you should ask yourself if you can take dragon.
Let me ask you this, have you ever seen your top/mid/adc get super fed but they just don't seem to leave lane? They aren't pushing their advantage, and this is a common problem for people with high mechanical skill but poor game knowledge. This section will explain how to push your advantage and take objectives.
What are the objectives? Dragon, Towers, Inhibitors, and Rift Herald/Baron are all objectives. The order of priority is Baron>Dragon>Inhibitor>Turret. With practice you learn when the best time to take Baron/Dragon is, however quite simply put once you kill bot, mid or jungle you should ask yourself if you can take dragon.
Armor is really helpful with ganks topside and bot, as well as the fact that it reduces damage taken by Jungle camps and Minions when you gank.
Some people take Scaling Health however I don't because I personally get beat on by minions when I gank people, and I appreciate the extra help for turret dives the armor provides.
Magic Resist is for ganking mid and bot supports. You take some flat ones for early game ganks, and scaling to make it more into the game as you're still building damage.
Attack Damage is to help with clear and, well, damage...
Quint of Attack Speed These will help your clear and damage as well, without these you're going to take way too long to clear your jungle.
Some people take Scaling Health however I don't because I personally get beat on by minions when I gank people, and I appreciate the extra help for turret dives the armor provides.
Magic Resist is for ganking mid and bot supports. You take some flat ones for early game ganks, and scaling to make it more into the game as you're still building damage.
Attack Damage is to help with clear and, well, damage...
Quint of Attack Speed These will help your clear and damage as well, without these you're going to take way too long to clear your jungle.
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