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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
My name is Rolvgarrr and I made this guide for Warwick.
Using the standart items of this build I had a PENTAKILL and that is why I decided to make this guide.
I hope that you will find it useful and that you will enjoy the time you are using Warwick.
Play with your E deactivated until you need it for escaping or hunting.
Take out the champions with highest damage first.
Before a teamfight you should stay hidden and first join the fight when people wont notice you.
This will make you able to come from behind and kill the ADC or APC without you taking any damage.
Take out the champions with highest damage first.
Before a teamfight you should stay hidden and first join the fight when people wont notice you.
This will make you able to come from behind and kill the ADC or APC without you taking any damage.
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