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Start Doran's Shield. On the early game, no matter how much you E around him, you'll lose the trade. Try your hardest not to get killed. (you'll probably be dived eventually) You can solo kill him with full build as long as he doesn't 5 stack you too fast. Frozen Mallet is also very good against him to prevent him from hitting his Q
This braindead piece of **** champ is the one of the most frustrating ones after Darius. He can rush a lot of Armor and will still out-damage you. As he levels up his Q, his damage on you will be eventually too high. Stay away when he's spinning, and E+Q knockup him for ult. Once you have Bork and PD he stops being an issue if you're not the Villain and he's not fed.
No matter how much you punish him in the early game. Nasus has one of the scariest Mid-game powerspikes of the game. He will most likely Rush as much armor as he can on the early game. while rushing Trinity. He's not easy to kill in late eighter because of his W, and also because he endlessly stacks. You gotta play agressive in the early, but careful once he gets back the first time. You gotta Rush Merc Treads because of his W and Excecutioner's if you want to kill him
Tryndamere can out damage you very easily, and dodge your tornados with his E. And once he does, he will engage on you with E and then W. Turn to Q+AA him once he does so you don't get slowed. The real issue with him is that you can't kill him after he gets his ult. So your best bet is to poke him as much as you can. Once he uses his Q for sustain you can trade, but be careful.
This damn crocodile will do his combo on you for half your health more than often. Start Doran's shield and rush Tabi. You can solo him after you get IE and some HP
She is level 5 because she is the only one that hard counters this build. Her W makes hitting her with a knockup Tornado almost impossible. and then she stuns you for it. Since she rushes Ravenous Hydra she will out damage you because of her scalings. Start Doran's Blade and you can even rush PD, Tabi, and Vamp Scept into Cutlass. If you plan on going against her you'd better build Mortal Reminder instead of Sterak/Mallet.
Another Braindead champ. You gotta try your best to kill her before she gets level 6. You can, and you should windwall her Q since the Slow is pretty stupid. She will poke you a lot so start Doran's Shield. You can also Rush PD. You can only kill her lategame if you bait her ult somehow. If you hard engage her she will just ult herself and then destroy you to bits because her damage is way too high to tank before her ult ends.
This ******* is very annoying, and can deal serious damage once he gets a few items. On this matchup, rush Merc Treads and Hexdrinker onto Vamp Scepter and Zeal. Finish PD first, then Bork for sustain and chase. You can engage on him level 1 and 2 because his base armor is abysmal and he won't be able to retaliate. But be careful after that
When you go in, he will "boo" you for half a century. I'd recommend going with Legend: Tenacity on runes if going against him. Then Rush Mercs, that will lower his fear duration by half basically. You can also buy an Iron Elixir if the CC is THAT much of an issue. If going against him in lane, windwall his silence as much as possible to avoid the free damage, rush Mercs, PD, and you can take ignite against him as well.
If he hits anything at you in a TF you're gonna get stunned and then killed in no time. Also can absorb your Tornado, knocking himself up in the process
Pantheon is a ****. Since he will rush Lethality, you'll get bursted by him eventually. And also will spam Q's at you in lane until you're low enough to be killed. He is useless in the late game tho.
Start with Doran's Shield and rush Vamp Scept. for sustain
Tahm Kench
As a Tahm Kench main, I know this guy very well... You can Windwall his Q, and though it has a very low CD, It's best to do so once he gets 3 stacks, since you'll block a stun... He will probably eat you after that too. You'd better not trade against him until mid-game. Best chance is to rush BORK, Merc Treads and start Doran's Blade.
Aatrox can out-damage you on early game. and is easy to kill after Bork if he rushes BC. If you're not careful he can kill you. He falls out hard mid/late-game and you can easily solo kill him. Start Doran's blade.
Like Pantheon, he's likely to rush lethality. Also he can become invisible to dodge your tornadoes, then jump on you to kill you. Rush Tabi and you can go PD first with him too. Start with Doran's Shield just in case. On mid/late his ult knockup will be an issue, so it's probably best to splitpush
My current second Top lane main. Kled has very high damage and high mobility while also having more HP. He becomes a high threat after his Tiamat with Tabi, which allows him to out trade you very easily. Since he will be always agressive towards you you can start Doran's Blade and Rush Bork since his base HP is very high. You can windwall both of his Qs, but i'd recommend doing so when he falls off Skaarl since it will negate him courage, making it harder for him to retrieve her. If he does retrieve her while you're trading with him, you're probably dead, so be careful
As long as you don't let him stun you or free hit you, he can't kill you. Just make sure you don't ult into a E'd Jax to get insta-stunned after you ult.
He is one of the few who can outdamage you in the Late game. Sterak is a good idea against him.
Start Doran's blade and rush Tabi then Bork for sustain
I don't recall the last time I went against a Trundle with Yasuo, but I do know he can do some damage and disable you. Don't fight him in his zone. Rush Bork and Tabi
Start Doran's Blade with her. Camille can out-trade you in most stages of the game if she hits her E. She is also, who I mained after Yasuo. You're best just not getting hit by her Stun, then punish her a little bit. She also has very poor waveclear before Tiamat, but I wouldn't recommend pushing since she can ult you for a gank. After she finishes Trinity she has a very large powerspike and can solo you very easily, so be careful.
I Gotta thank this gravedigger for putting me on gold. You can counter him, just DO NOT underestimate his damage while he's ulted. Windwall his E if it's going to hit. Also, don't leave him solo in lane, or he's going to push for your inhib.
Windwall her E and dodge her tentacles. She can't be opressive in lane like she used to, but she still does a metric f*** ton of damage if you allow her to. Unless you keep getting hit by her Es and Qs she's not an issue. The Standard build path of this guide will do just fine. Start Doran's Shield
I've never faced a good Akali as Yasuo. So I've never seen her as much of a threat. The only issue is that she can burst you. I recommend backing off if she W's. You can Windwall her Q
Rush Merc treads and PD with Vamp. If necessary, build Hexdrinker
He will poke you a lot so start Doran's Shield and rush Tabi. Try to Windwall his boomerang and you can engage him. Just watch out for the Mega. Rush Bork
I've never faced a good one as Yasuo. You can windwall her ult and her stun. Rush tabi and BORK, and you'll outdamage her. Just be careful once she finishes Tri-force
Galio can hurt and even kill you if he hits his combo, however, once you start getting some damage he will just not be able to trade anymore. The risk here is his CC. If you get caught and ganked you'll most likely die, so be careful
Skill matchup. You can rush PD with Tabi. She most likely will rush Death's Dance. Her ult can be Windwalled, but it's hard to time it, plus she can cancel the animation, so be careful
Shen can deal a good amount of damage while also being tanky. Tough he is very unlikely to kill you, unless you screw up. Rush BORK and Tabi. I'm not sure if you can windwall his Q, most of times you wouldn't be able to anyway since you'll be taunted.
Trying my best not to insult this guy... You can move around him and dodge or windwall his abilities pretty easily. But he still does a lot of damage when you least expect it. Against him you start Doran's Shield and rush Merc and PD
Morde does a lot of damage, you gotta mind and respect that. In lane, he will constantly try to poke you with his E and Harass you with his W, so you should start Doran's Shield. If you can manuever around his abilities you'll probably going to win. It's best to rush BORK for the sustain, and Merc Treads. If his healing is a problem you can rush Executioner's
He is annoying, and deals a bunch of damage. If you can avoid it you'll be fine. You can solo kill him after Bork. Rush bork and mercury treads, hexdrinker if he goes full AP. You can Windwall his E
Zed is a skill matchup. Study him a little bit if you don't know him, and It'll become pretty easy to know when or not to attack. Be Careful level 6. Rush PD, Tabi and start Doran's Blade if you feel confident. You can windwall his Qs. Pretty useful if he throws 3 of them at you while ulted
Urgot deals a lot of damage, and is very tanky. (He's a Juggernaut, duhh) On lane he will try to poke you with his Q. Move in to bait his W, once it's on cooldown you can trade with him without a problem as long as you respect his damage.
Start Doran's Blade if you feel confident that you can dodge his poke. Rush Bork and Tabi. You can Windwall his entire kit basically. I'm not so sure about his Q tho, but I think it does
Gangplank is not an issue. He's just annoying and hard to reach sometimes. Go Doran's Shield just because of his poke.
You'll out trade him in most of the cases unless he buys a lot of armor early on. Just dodge his skills and you'll be fine. Start Doran's Shield and Rush BORK into Merc Treads, and keep your crit chance rising as you build Bork, like I showed in the items section. You'll need crit for the armor Pen on your ult
Just don't chase him if you're not 100% sure you can kill him. Or you'll choke to death on his poison. Rush BORK and Merc against this dude and you should be ok. Frozen Mallet is also great against him. Also, when he goes proxy, push your wave to his tower and then go to him so he suicides on tower or goes away. It's best to have your jungler too in some cases. You can't E while over his W
You can counter Ornn pretty hard, but he still deals some damage. Avoid his skills while hitting him and you should be fine. You can windwall his ult. Start Doran's Shield then rush BORK and Tabi
Dr. Mundo
He is a little annoying, that's all... Just don't get hit by his Cleavers and you should be fine. After Bork he can't kill you
He's Annoying since he will poke you a lot, but the only threat he poses is bursting you with his combo once he gets level 6. You can rush PD if he doesn't rush HP. His build is not predictable because he can build anything. If he builds AD, go as if he was an AD Carry. If he builds AP, avoid his skills as much as possible
His damage is pretty meh in the early game so you should be able to attack him. On the Mid-late tho, you won't most of the time, and he will just W your E+Q and then succ you. He's annoying because of his poke and unstoppable sustain. Rush Bork, Mercs, and Excecutioner's
He can shut you down pretty hard with his ******* century long fear. In a Teamfight is certain death if you have no tenacity or QSS. You can probably solo him on late game, but very unlikely in the mid-game
You can't E through her W, and for that reason she can shut you down very hard. In lane poke her with Q, rush Bork with Tabi and just try not to get stunned into the wall. She can't outdamage you in the late game, but she can set you up for an easy kill on you
His ganks can be bad for you, and you can't windwall his W if he's guiding it. If he releases it you can Windwall it. You can solo kill him very easily however, if you have BORK
You can Windwall everything she does. Only a threat if you get hit by it
Teemo is a little issue because of his blind and Shrooms. But overall, you should be able to kill him in lane. Just Windwall his blind and don't follow him into Shrooms. Rush Mercs and PD, Hexdrinker might be a good idea too.
Dodge his Q and Just rush Bork and this guy won't do anything asides from silencing you. It's a pretty rare matchup as well
Graves's ganks are very annoying. You can however kill him with certain ease, or make he waste everything to get away. If it's a good graves, ward well and don't get caught
His ramming can take half of your health early on, and will knock you back. You can windwall his ult's Riders
She blocks your E If you're over her Miasma (W) and can stun you with her ult. She is pretty hard to catch too, and deals a lot of damage. You should build Frozen Mallet, Mercury treads and Hexdrinker if you want to kill her. Bork's active is very good against her as well. if laning against her, If you do get caught by her Q poison, and she happens to engage, windwall and retreat.
He has an upper hand on the early game for being able to burst you and being ranged. Start Doran's Shield, rush PD, and windwall his Qs that get enhanced with his E, since they deal a lot of damage
If he camps you, rush QSS, It's the only thing that counters his ult.
Vi can out trade and shut you down pretty hard on the early game, ward carefully to not get ganked. She should be easy to solo kill after Sterak's
Olaf can out damage and kill you if you allow him to. If he ults just run until it stops. Like Kayle, don't hard engage onto him. Your windwall can stop his Q but it will stay in the ground, so he can pick it up and throw at you again.
Ekko is a skill matchup. he is predictable but he can outdamage you if you get combo'ed by him. You can windwall his Q to negate him of poke/damage/farm
Rek'Sai can't outdamage you. You can windwall her Burrowed Qs. The only threat is her knockup, which can be negated if you stay away. Whatever you build should be ok against her
You counter Talon's ult and W with windwall, but his ganks can be pretty fatal if he caughts you without guard or low. If laning against, rush Tabi and PD, start Doran's blade if confident
Another skill matchup. Stay away from her daggers. Try to predict her Shunpo by trowing Tornadoes into her daggers and save windwall if you think she's going to ult you. Rush Hexdrinker, mercs and PD against her
Swain can be an issue if you get hit by his E. You can windwall it. Abuse him level 1 and 2 because his base armor is very low. Rush Bork, Merc Treads, Executioner's and Hexdrinker if necessary
He just Qs and you can ult... Ez
Both ult combos, classic wombo combo
If you plan to go Yasuo ADC he's a great support to go with you. You can ult his Q and his E
Going as Yasuo support with her
is a fun combo to do, tho...
Why the f*** is she here? Hasn't even gone out yet!
You can ult his Q... Useful if he hits a good one
Good to go with if he can hit at least half his Qs
Lee Sin
A good Lee Sin Ult + Yasuo ult can very easily win a teamfight, and is also great for ganks
He can dive in, ult, and you ult afterwards. Very strong combo
You can ult on her E and Ult's knockbacks. Thing is, you gotta be kinda close and ready since she can jump half a screen, and the time is pretty short
You can ult his Q knockback, which can hit more than one enemies. If he's the jungler, his ganks can be pretty fatal for your enemy
Classic wombo combo
If he lands a good E or Ult you can ult the entire enemy team with ease. And you can also ult on his passive AA procs, since it is a mini-knockback
She Ults into the team and E's. You can ult the entire team. Wombo comboable
Meh, you can ult his Q's and W... If he hits a high priority target it can be pretty efficient. It's hard to time and hard for him to hit tho
2 wind blades, 2 times the salt.
You can ult her third Q, efficient if she goes in on the team, useless if no one follows up
You can ult his ult and his Q. Only single target as far as I know
These 2 can win a teamfight on their own. Yasuo can go in, she ults, you ult after. Also, with the amout of protection she gives it's an easy Pentakill
Sona has no knockups, but she can keep you alive for a long time. You 2 are equally powerful in the lategame
You can ult his Q, that's all.. Single target
Hard to picture a scenario, but you can ult his E...
Adds extra tornadoes for an extra dose of cancer. You can ult her Q and her R. They are big AoEs and she can also keep you alive
Uh.. You can ult if she Walls someone right between the legs
You can ult his Ice d... I mean, pillar.
If he lands a good ultimate, you have a pretty good window to follow
Ulting the knockback... Meh...
You can ult when he E's. Hard to time and will only allow a multi-target ult if they're very clumped up
You can ult his E slam, it's single target tho, but should guarantee a kill
Aurelion Sol
You can ult his ult, and it can hit many targets. It's hard to time, so keep focused
Jarvan IV
I've seen J4's dashing through entire teams. It's the same thing as the Lee Sin ult
She can't help you much.. Except for shields and MS, and damage
A good Azir ult + Yasuo ult can make a wombo combo
He's not the support for you... Can't do anything, and still leaves you solo at lane while he stacks meeps then reports you for feeding
Has no knockup, but he can keep everyone still so maybe you can hit all of them?
He counters you as much as he can help you
It's good if he can Fling the AD Carry
He just Qs and you can ult... Ez
Both ult combos, classic wombo combo
If you plan to go Yasuo ADC he's a great support to go with you. You can ult his Q and his E
Going as Yasuo support with her
is a fun combo to do, tho...
Why the f*** is she here? Hasn't even gone out yet!
You can ult his Q... Useful if he hits a good one
Good to go with if he can hit at least half his Qs
Lee Sin
A good Lee Sin Ult + Yasuo ult can very easily win a teamfight, and is also great for ganks
He can dive in, ult, and you ult afterwards. Very strong combo
You can ult on her E and Ult's knockbacks. Thing is, you gotta be kinda close and ready since she can jump half a screen, and the time is pretty short
You can ult his Q knockback, which can hit more than one enemies. If he's the jungler, his ganks can be pretty fatal for your enemy
Classic wombo combo
If he lands a good E or Ult you can ult the entire enemy team with ease. And you can also ult on his passive AA procs, since it is a mini-knockback
She Ults into the team and E's. You can ult the entire team. Wombo comboable
Meh, you can ult his Q's and W... If he hits a high priority target it can be pretty efficient. It's hard to time and hard for him to hit tho
2 wind blades, 2 times the salt.
You can ult her third Q, efficient if she goes in on the team, useless if no one follows up
You can ult his ult and his Q. Only single target as far as I know
These 2 can win a teamfight on their own. Yasuo can go in, she ults, you ult after. Also, with the amout of protection she gives it's an easy Pentakill
Sona has no knockups, but she can keep you alive for a long time. You 2 are equally powerful in the lategame
You can ult his Q, that's all.. Single target
Hard to picture a scenario, but you can ult his E...
Adds extra tornadoes for an extra dose of cancer. You can ult her Q and her R. They are big AoEs and she can also keep you alive
Uh.. You can ult if she Walls someone right between the legs
You can ult his Ice d... I mean, pillar.
If he lands a good ultimate, you have a pretty good window to follow
Ulting the knockback... Meh...
You can ult when he E's. Hard to time and will only allow a multi-target ult if they're very clumped up
You can ult his E slam, it's single target tho, but should guarantee a kill
Aurelion Sol
You can ult his ult, and it can hit many targets. It's hard to time, so keep focused
Jarvan IV
I've seen J4's dashing through entire teams. It's the same thing as the Lee Sin ult
She can't help you much.. Except for shields and MS, and damage
A good Azir ult + Yasuo ult can make a wombo combo
He's not the support for you... Can't do anything, and still leaves you solo at lane while he stacks meeps then reports you for feeding
Has no knockup, but he can keep everyone still so maybe you can hit all of them?
Welcome everyone! I'm here to introduce you to a new mindset when playing Yasuo. If you already don't.
I play on the BR server, My nickname is SAPO IMUND0, and Yasuo is the champion I've played the most on this game, but today I'm a support main with Top secondary
I'm currently Gold 5, and I may climb to Plat this year though. I don't use this guy on Rankeds, nor I play a lot of rankeds, so please hear me out before going like "I won't hear you because I'm anything over Gold 5 yadayada.." We can always learn something new.
In fact, the last time I picked Yasuo on a ranked was when I was going against that Inting Sion technique that was very popular at the time, so I picked him as a Hard Counter, and that was the only time I picked him that Year (for rankeds)
But I do study League a lot, and I think I have enough game knowledge to make a decent guide. Definitely, I know Yasuo enough for this
Anyways, let's get started.
Going over Yasuo
Yasuo was created with the idea of being a "Something like a Meelee AD Carry with high mobility" and I guess that's why everyone builds him like one? Anyway... He is one of the strongest characters on the late game, has a decent early game, and a horrid mid-game. At least with the standard build that appears on the Top right... You can't ******** me MobaFire, e_e..
Anyway again, when comparing Yasuo to other Skirmishers, (Tryndamere, Fiora, Jax, Kled, Irelia, Ekko and Master Yi) you'll notice that he always has something less...
Yasuo's kit is not much of a duelist's. Not when compared to others...
He has low Base Health, low base resistances, low scalings, relies on AAs, yet has no attack speed buff, relies on mobility to dodge skillshots, yet can't dodge autos (except ranged, of course)
His kit is very conditional, first because without Minions/Monsters he cannot use his E except once every 6 seconds, which is a lot. That's also the case with his shield, that with poke, you won't have any of it 90% of the time, so you need to time it, you need to
Anyway, that forces him to build every single one of these stats separately, but once he does, (that being about 40 minutes into the game if not fed) he becomes a monster.
I could explain much more my point of view, but I know you'll Tl;Dr it, so...
Why this build?
I use this build because it's more of a skirmisher's build, instead of an ADC type of build that is what it's recommended.
Glass cannon builds are not anymore a threat. If you build like one, all it takes is a minor kick in the balls (stun, Hard CC) to make you DED and also, I hear ASSASSINS (like Kha'Zix, Zed and Akali) really like to meet those squishies
So Tl;Dr, this build path adds proper resistances and strategies so you can NOT get so easily deleted late game
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