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Poppy Build Guide by humansrpepul2

Support S3 support Poppy

Support S3 support Poppy

Updated on May 24, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author humansrpepul2 Build Guide By humansrpepul2 3,186 Views 0 Comments
3,186 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author humansrpepul2 Poppy Build Guide By humansrpepul2 Updated on May 24, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Poppy
    The Not-Leona
  • LoL Champion: Poppy
    The ADC troller


Hello. My name is Hugh Manatees. This guide is under construction while I test. I'm a low elo player on NA, always fishing for a new trollish, but effective build. In this case I have two bot-lane support Poppys. I came about this strategy trolling some jerks who were fighting over roles. I realized it was like playing a really hard Leona early, but one that A) could escape if things went wrong, and B) punishes so much harder for focusing you.

Fundamentally Leona can smash with Q, get tanky and damage with W, and jump in with E. Poppy can smash with Q (harder, but no stun), get tanky and damage with W (with some movespeed), and punish hard with E. So why on Earth would you play a Leona with horrible stuns?

Because you can cause pure chaos. When Leona ults your team jumps in. Things slow down, become methodical. When you ult the enemy support as Poppy and start wall-smashing it's pandemonium. If you're still reading guides, then you're probably doing normals or Bronze. And that's fine. People in these games either don't know what Poppy does and will focus you in your ult, or know what you do and try to run. Your team will probably suck and not follow up. This means death on Leona, but again and again Poppy will come away clean.
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Sticky Poppy Items

The crux of the build. You ult the ADC and he has 2 options. Run if he's smart, attack you if he's dumb. This is because Thornmail damage is applied BEFORE DEFENSES. Then amplified back at him 20-40% via your ult. With W armor and your Tabi you will do more damage with his own attacks to him than he will to you.

Maw of Malmortius
Think about it...who spends more time at low health than Poppy? It's a guaranteed 55 AD, and you'll ride half for a while so knock that up to at least +75 AD. Low health on Poppy makes her even harder to kill and more juicy of a target. Isolate their adc and it will look like he's winning at first, but the tide will turn hard for you. The shield lets you stay so much longer at low health.

Good item but finish it late. People look at Poppy's passive and misunderstand it. You want as much health as you can at every point in game but never stack it. People go into it thinking they want every hit to apply it but that's not true, doubly so with an AD troller. You want to spend time alive, right? A nuke will always be reduced. You may eat a couple full auto attacks if you've done your job well and their attacks are low, but that's more than you would have without the extra health.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author humansrpepul2
humansrpepul2 Poppy Guide
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S3 support Poppy

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