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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Divine Ascent (PASSIVE)
Kayle Passive Ability

The basic idea behind this build is that your
Runaan's Hurricane's 2 little bolts do on-hit effects, meaning they deal the base damage plus a % of your AD, plus your
Righteous Fury damage AND the splash damage from it, meaning you can literally 3-hit a full wave with enough AP, and you can do it over and over again. As well as this, the attack speed that is put into the build works beautifully with
Kayle's passive,
Holy Fervor, which decreases enemy resistances with each autoattack - because there are more auto's being thrown out with this build, your targets are more vulnerable to damage coming from any direction for 5 seconds. As you can imagine, this is pretty damn strong, and as the
Lich Bane
Kayle build has been struggling a bit since the
Lich Bane nerf, I think it's liable to be the strongest
Kayle build out there at the moment.

+ Is OP at the moment
+ Low skill required to play it, but has a high skillcap
+ If you're familiar with ADCs, she plays very similarly
+ Lategame MONSTER
+ Probably has the strongest and most consistent waveclear in the game
+ High Utility - can save teammates lives
+ Has pretty good mana levels compared to other midlaners
- It will probably be nerfed soon
- Can accidentally push the wave and make the lane gankable with
Righteous Fury
- No innate escapes, gets destroyed by CC
- If you're not good at ADC you may struggle
- Quite prone to ganks
+ Low skill required to play it, but has a high skillcap
+ If you're familiar with ADCs, she plays very similarly
+ Lategame MONSTER
+ Probably has the strongest and most consistent waveclear in the game
+ High Utility - can save teammates lives
+ Has pretty good mana levels compared to other midlaners
- It will probably be nerfed soon
- Can accidentally push the wave and make the lane gankable with

- No innate escapes, gets destroyed by CC
- If you're not good at ADC you may struggle
- Quite prone to ganks

This spell is mandatory on 90% of champions, and

The movespeed buff coupled with the heal make this basically a second

Take this spell when you want to win your lane early on against weaker opponents, and if you're vsing a

Take this spell if you're worried about getting forced out of lane by getting too low. It's also highly recommended to take this spell if you wish to toplane with Korean

Pretty strong at mitigating assassins' and high-burst champions' damage, however if you're good enough with your ult you may not need it.

Used to be viable, however I think

Would only be viable in the most strenuous of circumstances. If the enemy team has stacks of cleansible crowd control, maybe you'll want to take this spell to ensure you can get off those clutch

Any combination of

I recommend

Either 9

If you have two runepages available, it's best to have one with 9

The offensive mastery tree should be left as its listed, but if you find yourself in a tough matchup you might want to forgo the Utility tree and put points into the Defense one instead - 2 points into
, 2 into
, 1 into
, 3 into
Veteran's Scars
, and lastly 1 into
Either the Utility or Defense tree can be used, generally preference - Defense if you find yourself dying, Utility if you find yourself going out of mana.

Either the Utility or Defense tree can be used, generally preference - Defense if you find yourself dying, Utility if you find yourself going out of mana.
Starting Items
Strongest Start

Strongest start, Doran's gives great HP, AP and mana regen, as well as the two pots. This start will probably keep you in lane the longest, and is best when you're vsing lane with kill potential either way.
Farm Lane Start

More for when you're not worried about taking damage from your laner, but want to provide vision for your team, or they have a scary earlygame jungler.
100% Farming Start

This start is more for if you want a headstart on your items. You should only ever do this if your lane has no kill pressure either way and the jungler is not a threat early on in the game. Alternatively, you could start a

Core Items

Typical Korean

Boots Choices

Provides more waveclear, synergizes brilliantly with the core items.

If you intend your 6th item to be a heavy AP item (

These can be a good buy if you find yourself in need of more CDR, but feel strong enough as it is in the attack speed and AP departments. Be careful you don't go over 40% -

Optional 6th Item Choices

Strong item on Kayle, will allow you to burst harder, but it doesn't quite reach its full potential with this build due to the

Situationally strong. Take it if you're vsing someone like

Personally I'm not a huge fan of this item, but the basic idea behind using it is you drop below 50% hp, ult yourself and gain the bonus stats. It's pretty powerful when used correctly but I don't like the risk attached to it.

Pretty useless in my opinion, only does the extra damage tick on the

I actually don't mind this item with this build, since you do so much magic damage over 5 seconds with auto-attacks. However I have to say that there are much better options as this item is strictly single-target damage, whereas the Korean

Hybrid Items

Wouldn't recommend. Situationally good if your team has trouble pinning enemies down, but there are much better choices in items.

Kind of strong since

Not a fan of this item on Korean

I actually really like this item on Korean

Probably my favourite 6th item to get on Korean

Pretty strong on Korean

Tank Items

Useful if you're vsing MULTIPLE champions who revolve around both attack speed and AD (AKA Jax, Vayne etc) however I think it should only be taken if you really want the CDR and mana as

Useless except for the raw stats it gives.

More of a preference thing than anything else. A damn good item, especially on Kayle, however I'm not a fan of it. If its extremely lategame, consider buying one, and then when the passive has been used, sell it in favor of another item as the passive won't be up for another 4 minutes.

Should only be taken when noone else on the team has it and the enemy team has fed magic damage champs that are destroying your whole team. Still, it's preferred that a teammate takes this item.

Kinda trolly in that if the enemy glances at your HP bar they might think that you're suddenly tanky as all hell. Generally

Just buy

Probably my favourite tank item to build, if you haven't guessed. If you're finding yourself in need of survivability and the enemy team is entirely AD, this is your go-to item. If they only have 1 magic damage threat it might be a toss up between this and

No real reason to get this over

Poking Skill Sequence

Max your skills in this order if you're in a lane you're comfortable poking with as

Farming Skill Sequence

Max your skills in this order if you aren't able to poke your laner with Q and you just want to farm.
Holy Fervor (Passive)
Kayle's autoattacks against enemy champions reduce their armor and magic resistance by 3% for 5 seconds. This debuff stacks up to 5 times.
This passive is one of the hugest strengths Korean

Reckoning (Q)
] Active: Kayle blasts a target enemy, dealing magic damage, slowing its movement speed for 3 seconds and applying a stack of Holy Fervor. This spell is her main form of poke in the laning phase, and does terrific damage with a bit of AP under the belt. The slow it provides crucial for

Divine Blessing (W)
Active: Blesses a target allied champion, healing them and increasing their movement speed for 3 seconds.This spell gives

Righteous Fury (E)
Active: Kayle ignites her sword and becomes ranged for 10 seconds, granting her bonus magic damage on her attacks and increasing her attack range by 400 (525 total range). Additionally, attacks on non-tower units damage other enemies within 150 range of the target.This ability is just nuts with Korean

Intervention (R)
Active: Kayle bathes a target ally champion or herself in holy light, rendering the champion immune to all damage for a few seconds.This is the skill that separates the good

- Avoid pushing your lane early on if the enemy team has a strong earlygame jungler. Just try to last-hit minions instead of pushing the wave as Kayle has tremendous pushing power that can really backfire early on.
- You can outplay your opponents by baiting them with your
Intervention by using it on allies and yourself when you are really low in a long, drawn-out trade.
- if you find you cannot kill your lane opponent, don't worry. Korean
Kayle is all about being farmed up for midgame, so just focus on lasthitting and just dare your opponent to try and outscale you (protip - he probably can't!).
- You can outplay your opponents by baiting them with your

- if you find you cannot kill your lane opponent, don't worry. Korean

Mid Lane
Can be an annoyingly tough lane. Levels 1-2 you can trade with her, but level 3 onwards you must be wary of her

Level 1-5 you should only last hit, and autoattack

Very bursty once he hits 3. He's melee so try to harass when he goes for cs and only last hit minions to prevent the wave pushing to his tower. Call MIA's and follow him out of lane when he roams as he is a very potent roamer. Be sure to hit 6 before he does in lane as without your 

Although this is one of the most pain-in-the-rear lanes to vs, in a way it suits Korean 

The perfect matchup for 

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