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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Reign of Anger (PASSIVE)
Renekton Passive Ability
Pros / Cons
- Late game you're practically another top champ; tanky with burst
- Harass during laning is great, abuse
Courage of the Colossus with your
Ruthless Predator for free harass damage.
- CC for your adc to follow up
- Sustain off ancient coin, plus any minions your adc cant kill in time
- Waveclear for splitpush or tower defence
- Roaming after you win your lane or if your lane is ms is easy with
Wanderer together with
Slice and Dice +
Ruthless Predator
- Deny deaths and dive by using
Dominus in lane
- Use
Slice and Dice in and out of minions to harass in lane or avoid being kited during fights
- You won't have the power to solo enemies unless they're squishy and dumb enough to hang around for your cd to finish, early game your cooldowns are double digit numbers.
- You're playing
Renekton support. Your team is going to be skeptical and probably report you if you lose.
- Item reliant, so your item order is important to whether you want lifesteal or armour pen, maybe even more health/armour/mr.

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