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Choose Champion Build:
Hit Fast, Hit Hard (Top)
Ganks and The Furious (JG)
Lethal Tempo Got a Buff (JG)
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Pros / Cons
• Great CC (Q and Ult)
• Shield Passive
• Good Engage and Ganks
• High Damage
• E Provides AOE Damage
• Tank Shred
• Low Mana Pool
• Low Mobalilty without Q
• Weak Team Fight
• Ult can Postion you in a Bad Spot
• Very Squishy
[Top Vi]
Press the Attack is also a solid Keystone for Top Vi, is it allows not only you but your team to do bonus damage. It also stacks nicely with your W.
[Jungle Vi]
Conqueror will Increase you damage Output overall and is not as Item depended as Lethal Tempo, but it can also lower the amount of Health you get back from Lifesteal
Lethal Tempo synergizes very well with Vi's W allowing you to easily shred through Armor. However, this requires your base AD, Level, and Items to be at a decent level to deal damage.
[All 3 Sets]
For Domination you could also take Relentless Hunter, the MS is great for Ganking and Chasing but Ravenous Hunter is better for Fighting
[Short Clears]
The Faster Clear Paths, are aimed at getting you to Level 3 as fast as possible, allowing you to do an early gank. After you complete your Gank if your health is at a safe level you should do a full clear or simply back.
[Fast Red Side Jg]
•Red Buff
•Blue Buff
[Fast Blue Side Jg]
•Blue Buff
•Red Buff
[Long Clears]
This Clear Path, is if you aim to power farm as fast as possible to Level 6 allowing for a stronger gank and power spike. However, this doesn't mean you should ignore your lanes and should still assist and help your Laners if you are able to.
[Long Red Side JG]
•Red Buff
•Blue Buff
[Long Blue Side JG]
•Blue Buff
•Red Buff
[General Tips]
With your Skirm's Sabre, you are able to Solo Dragon at Level 4 and It also very easy for Vi to solo Rift Harold when it spawns at 10 minutes. However, I would not recommend trying to Solo either without a Control Ward or without a general idea where the Enemy Jungler is.
The Faster Clear Paths, are aimed at getting you to Level 3 as fast as possible, allowing you to do an early gank. After you complete your Gank if your health is at a safe level you should do a full clear or simply back.
[Fast Red Side Jg]
•Red Buff
•Blue Buff
[Fast Blue Side Jg]
•Blue Buff
•Red Buff
[Long Clears]
This Clear Path, is if you aim to power farm as fast as possible to Level 6 allowing for a stronger gank and power spike. However, this doesn't mean you should ignore your lanes and should still assist and help your Laners if you are able to.
[Long Red Side JG]
•Red Buff
•Blue Buff
[Long Blue Side JG]
•Blue Buff
•Red Buff
[General Tips]
With your Skirm's Sabre, you are able to Solo Dragon at Level 4 and It also very easy for Vi to solo Rift Harold when it spawns at 10 minutes. However, I would not recommend trying to Solo either without a Control Ward or without a general idea where the Enemy Jungler is.
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