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Udyr Build Guide by bilzor

Jungle Season 5 Godyr king of the jungle! Carry any game trick2gay

Jungle Season 5 Godyr king of the jungle! Carry any game trick2gay

Updated on January 30, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bilzor Build Guide By bilzor 11,731 Views 0 Comments
11,731 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author bilzor Udyr Build Guide By bilzor Updated on January 30, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

How to Start.

When you start the game buy Hunter's Machete and 3 pots. While you are in your base, as you go to the jungle, upgrade your [R] and use it once to have your 3rd strike ready. Go to the Gromp and spamm Ctrl+1-2-3-4 until 1:55. Use your 1st autoattack and activate [R] imediatelly after (don't forget to smite it early). Spamm your [R] and use 1 potion while hitting gromp. When you kill it upgrade your [Q] and go to the Blue buff, use [Q] hit Blue once and then go behind it so your [R] will hit the small rocks as well with the AoE damage. After blue go to the Wolves. At level 3 upgrade your [R] then go to the Red Buff and smite it. If you are low on HP recall and go to the Golems and maybe Raptors (until you get level 4). Then upgrade your [E] and gank Mid or Top ( wherever you most probably get a kill ). Do NOT risk turret diving, but feel free to flash-stunn.
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After the early game just go to your jungle and farm. Try to farm AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Dragon is VERY important in season 5 so try to get it whenever you can. You will see that in the late game you won't even have to try to win, just run up to their adc/midlaner and delete them, your team can then handle the rest probably so you can go and solo destroy turrets. Udyr does that...Once you can destroy an inhibitor turret by yourself (with no minions) you have almost definatelly won the game yourslef. Just stay in their base and win.
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Pros / Cons

+ 2fast4u
+ Jungle clear time = awesome
+ Tanky
+ He's God
+ Delete ALL the ADCs....except ashe and vayne...
+ Backdoor master
+ Can solo towers
+ High sustain
+ He's chuck norris's brother
+ Awesome joke spam
+ Best jungler in the game

- No range
- Can get kited
- Needs Blue Buff
- Not so good at ganking (that's not really a problem since you can stay in the jungle forever)
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Smite : You can't be a jungler without a asmite. Deal with it. Smite is 100% one of your 2 spells!

Flash : Around 8/10 I pick flash on udyr. It's almost necessary.

Ghost : If you wanna go REALLY fast, you can always pick Ghost over Flash. That however means that you will not upgrade your boots into Alacrity, but into Distortion.

Teleport : Teleport was a nice spell for udyr before the jungle changed during the preseason 4-->5. Now, however, with the ''new'' jungle, it's not that good.

Exhaust / Ignite : If you are confident enough with your mobility, or if you are playing a Ranked / Draft mode game and you see that the enemy champions are easy to chase ( ex. Katarina is easy, Hecarim is not), you can pick either exhaust or ignite, I guess it's ok.

Any other spell is not viable
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Good / Bad Against

Be afraid of dat ashe! She can kite, udyr hates that....
Free kill ( Comes with fresh-baked cookies too ^^ )
Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U
Free kill
Free kill
Free kill
Free kill
Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U
Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U
Nobody plays this champion, don't worry about him/her.
Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U
Free kill
100% useless
Free kill
Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U
Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U
Free kill
Free kill
He counters you, but alone he can't do anything
Free kill (just avoid spears as you chase her)
Free kill (very annoying tho)
Free kill
Free kill
Nobody plays this champion, don't worry about him/her.
Nobody plays this champion, don't worry about him/her.
Free kill
Nobody plays this champion, don't worry about him/her.
Free kill
OK. JK He's OP. You are faster than him, so chasing is no problem, but in most cases he will be able to 1 v 1 you. Armor op
It will take some time taking him down but it will be an easy 1 v 1
It will take some time taking him down but it will be an easy 1 v 1
Free kill
Free kill
Nobody plays this champion, don't worry about him/her.
Too much CC, do NOT mess with him
OP jungle, can counter jungle too, be careful
It will take some time taking him down and it will not be an easy 1v1 Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U

Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U

Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U (He can also drop bows on you!)

Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U

Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U


Nope, just run away.... 2 OP 4 U

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League of Legends Build Guide Author bilzor
bilzor Udyr Guide
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Season 5 Godyr king of the jungle! Carry any game trick2gay

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