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Depends on who's better and who knows how to use their abilities more intelligently. Try doing different combos and change up your tactics against another Yasuo player. Missing even one Steel Tempest can cost you a kill.
The only worry you have when you are facing against Ahri is getting hit by her Charm and her ultimate dodging your Q. As long as you wait out her ultimate and dodge/W her abilities, you should be fine.
Not too bad. In early game, you can out-trade her, but no Akali player would try to trade with a Yasuo at level 1. Her Q could be problematic in early game, but if you keep your distance and poke her with your Q when she uses hers, you should be able to win fine. When she goes into her Shroud, you can disengage and dash around the minions until she leaves the Shroud and from there you can easily kill her. She can burst you down if you're not careful, however.
Don't let her hit you with her Q, she can stun you and burst you pretty hard with her E as a follow-up. But other than that, she is very squishy and doesn't have a way to fight back if she misses her Q or if you W it. Try to bait out her Q or predict it as it is hard to dodge if you are up close on her.
Do not try to fight him when he gets to level 2, he will very much out damage you with his passive and Electrocute. He can easily burst you down very quickly if he gets his ultimate, so wait until his abilities are on CD. Do not get hit by his abilities 3 times or else his passive will activate. You can dodge or W his Rake, so keep that in mind when he tries poking you in lane with it. If he does manage to get both hits of his W on you, disengage for the stacks to go away. Very dangerous champion. In early game, you can do quick trades when most of his abilities are down. DO NOT, get hit by his Q and W and you should be able to out trade Talon in early game.
You can zone her as her daggers are her main source of damage. Try not to go near her daggers when you see them fall. If she uses her ultimate, you can W it. Dash around the area to avoid getting hit by her daggers. Most Katarina players will E and then W. If one happens to E to you, dash away as she will most likely use her W. Very mobile and hard hitting, but predictable.
Similar to Katarina, Ekko would most likely try to E to you then Q. So try to keep your distance away from him. If you see him use his W, try dashing around and dodge it if it lands. Be wary of his ultimate as well, it heals him and does massive damage to you. Also be wary of the stacks he has on you with his passive as it hurts pretty bad.
Only dangerous if you get hit by her Q. As long as you dash around her and carefully time your W on her Q and E (maybe even her W occasionally), then you should have no problem stomping her in lane. So basically bait out her Q and she has no chance against you when you go in. Sidestep her ultimate when she uses it. She can burst you down if she lands her Q on you, so be on the lookout for it. But aside from that, she is a very easy matchup.
Be careful around him as he can poke you pretty hard with his Q and has a DoT attack that can also redirect aggro of his Voidlings to you. His Ultimate can lock you down for a while and his passive Spell shield can block your tornado damage and knock-up. Very annoying champion to deal with in lane and team fights alike.
Don't try to go in if he has his turrets out. He is very dangerous with his turrets. If you try to go all in, he will most likely stun you with his grenade and W you, which will cause his turrets to do massive damage to you. His turrets also are an annoyance to your jungler. Try to carefully last hit minions with your Q and, if you are able to without taking a lot of skill shots to the face, poke him with your Q.
You can easily avoid these kinds of situations if you take down his turrets every time he puts one up at level 1. It will stop him from taking a lead. Your Wind Wall blocks everything from Heimerdinger, but keep in mind that his turrets can flank from all sides if you try going in on him when he has 3 or so placed down. Do NOT let him get the lead with the turrets, stop him from taking control in early game.
Most of his abilities can be dodged pretty easily due to Sweeping Blade. Karthus' wall can be annoying due to the slow and his ultimate is usually unavoidable, but as long as you avoid his Q, which is his main source of damage, you should be perfectly fine laning against him.
Similar to many other skillshot-orientated champions, you can easily dodge his abilities as long as you see them coming. He can poke you with his Q, but getting near minions can allow you to move a lot faster.
Has good poke and a point-and-click CC ability. He also has a shield which can mess you over on kill secures. He does pretty good burst damage. Staying a good distance away from your minions can allow you to avoid his Flux and Yasuo can W his Q and E. His W is his main annoyance.
Very dangerous. He can burst you pretty hard with most of his abilities and CC you with them too. You can and should Wind Wall most of his abilities. Dodging his Q and W by sidestepping or by using you E is also very much posible.
If you see Fizz use his E, dash away from him until he gets back down. You can stop the fish in his ultimate from going to where Fizz wants with your W, but it will still activate. So if you see it coming towards you or a teammate, using your W and waiting his ultimate out works too. Don't let Fizz auto attack you when he has his W activated. He can burst you easily if you missplay and he lands his ultimate on you. A skilled Fizz player can also animation-cancel his ultimate with his Q at close range. Bait out his ultimate and don't let him all-in you. You can also bait out his E as he can dodge your Q with it. Dash up to him with your tornado, and pretend to use it but don't. Wait out his E, and hit him.
The only ability you can W of Viktor's is his Q, which won't matter too much as he does not have any point-and-click skillshots (fortunately). Try to avoid his abilities as his W can stun you, his E causes massive damage, and his ultimate causes massive DoT. If he drops his ultimate, disengage and dash away from it until it is over as it cannot match Yasuo's dash speed. His W is very large however and Viktor can burst you if you're not careful.
Annoying CC champion. You can wind wall her Q, but her passive will still stack. If she tries to use her W or R on you, keep your distance. Go in when she doesn't have a lot of passive stacks.
You should only be worried of Azir's ultimate and his soldiers. If you go in too hard, he can easily ult you into his turret or into his teammates. He can redirect his soldiers with his Q, but other than that he cannot do much afterwards. Try to bait out the Q, and when he wastes it, go in on him. His ultimate is a nuisance and you should be wary of its effects, so don't try to fight him near his turret.
Not too dangerous, but has some annoying abilities such as her R and W which stuns you and stops you from using movement abilities respectively. Her Q is pretty potent but you should be able to dodge it with your dash most of the time. Be on the lookout for her R+Flash as it is basically instant.
Very predictable. You can wind wall her Q and E. When she tries to E towards you, she is most likely looking for a W as a follow-up. As long as you dash around and away from it, you should be fine. Be careful of her ultimate as it can stun ememies (that includes you) and can make her invulnerable and heal her. Most of her abilities are very predicatble, so only her ultimate proves to be any of a problem. But that is the problem too, as her teammates can shred your health for her. Be on the lookout of her W and ultimate if you want to continue moving.
Don't get hit by her W into her E as it will do a lot of damage and slow you. But as long as you dash around, she will have a hard time landing her Q. You can wind wall her Q as well, so she won't prove to be much of a problem. Be careful of her E when you are planning on dashing around as you will take a lot of damage from it.
You can wind wall her E and ultimate. Save your wind wall to block her ultimate after she hits level 6 as it does a lot of damage. Dash around to dodge her Q and W and you should be fine.
She can slow you and damage you heavily with her R and W. You can stop her Q by using wind wall (similar to Fizz's ultiamte). You can even wind wall her E if you want to, I guess... Not recommended though. Again, dash around the area and try to dodge her Q, W, and R. Her Q mainly sets up the rest of her abilities, so you could stop it with your wind wall if you are confident you can all-in her without dying.
Aurelion Sol
His stars are his main source of damage. If you stay near him and damage him from there, he will have a hard time keeping you off of him. His Q and ultimate can help with that. You can wind wall his Q though. His ultimate won't be much of a problem as he will most likely use it to try to escape from you once you find that opening to all-in him.
Twisted Fate
Low mobility and you can wind wall all of his skill shots. Avoid his stun card and Q, and you're good to go.
Pretty strong mid-late game. You out damage him before level 6. When he ults you, try to dash through a minion wave to avoid his E and Q. You can wind wall his Q just in case he tries to land them on you. If you fail to dodge his abilities, you will die pretty badly. Don't let him auto attack you if your heath is below 50% as his passive hurts pretty badly.
High burst, good mobility, good jukes. You are able to wind wall her Q and her E. But a skilled LeBlanc player can W and then use her Q or E so you don't get a chance to wind wall them. If that is the case, you should try avoiding her W alltogether. She can juke you with her clone too, so play keenly.
Not a very difficult matchup. You can only wind wall his Q, but that doesn't stop you from stomping on him. He is easier to kill before level 6 since his only souce of mobility is his ultimate. His E can only be activated after 6 stacks which can give you plenty of time in early game to out damage or even kill him. Since he lacks mobility before level 6, he will have a hard time landing his W on you.
You can wind wall her Q and her E which is most of her damage. But since your wind wall doesn't cooldown as fast as her Q and E, you won't have the luxury of using your wind wall every time she tries to land skill shots on you. You can stay away from minions as her Q is AOE, albeit only a little. If she catches you with her E, well... you're going to have to say goodbye to half your health or more. But if you just block her E and dodge her Q, you should be good.
Pretty hard matchup. Vladimir has good sustain, good damage, and decent mobility. You can only wind wall his E. Try dashing in and out for quick trades without letting him use his Q on you as it is a very powerful ability. Be wary of the color of his resource bar. The darker it is, the stronger his abilities will be. In late game you can out damage Vladimir if you play keenly.
Annoying shield, very good burst, good mobility. She will destroy you if you try to duel her without minions. Don't try to get close to her, wind wall her Q when you see it and stay away from her so she doesn't get close enough to use her ultimate. If she does go in, kite around her so she can't land hits on you. If you don't have minions around you, you're going to die.
Yasuo is a champion that is very mobile and does a lot of damage but is very squishy. Yasuo is classified as a Slayer, mobile squishy champions with high damage. Yasuo is a hard champion to master. Easy to play but hard to master. Yasuo is very fun to play. Many players assume that you just dash all around the place, but it's different from that. You need to choose which minions to dash through since they will have a 6-10(depending on level of Sweeping Blade) second timer when you dash through them. Yasuo is fun because his kit is unique and you can make big plays with it if used correctly. Yasuo is mostly physical damage. The lower, magic damage is from your E (Sweeping Blade). If you like making big plays and you also like edgy sh*t, then Yasuo is for you.
-Very strong early game and late game
-Snowballs hard with items
-High offensive abilities (ATK SPD, Critical, ATK DMG, etc.)
-Very mobile when minions are present
-Short ability cooldowns
-Very prone to crowd control
-Hard to master
-Very squishy
Passive(Way of the Wanderer): Doubles Yasuo's critical strike chance. However, his critical strikes only deal 90% damage. While moving, Yasuo gains Flow. At 100% Flow, Yasuo will gain a shield that absorbs damage anytime he is attacked by monsters or Champions.
-Flow is replenished faster the more movement speed Yasuo has.
-Flow can be replenished by Flashing, Teleporting, or using Yasuo's E (Sweeping Blade).
Q(Steel Tempest): Yasuo will thrust his sword forward in a straight line. Hitting an enemy will grant one stack of Gathering Storm that lasts 10 seconds. Getting one more stack of Gathering Storm will empower your next Steel Tempest, launching a whirlwind that knocks up all enemies in a line (the whirlwind does the same damage). Casting Steel Tempest in the middle of Sweeping Blade will make Steel Tempest cast as a circle instead of a line.
-CD lowered by Attack Speed. (Lowest cooldown is 1.33 seconds)
-Applies on-hit effects on the first enemy hit and will count as a basic attack on the first enemy hit.
W(Wind Wall): Sends out a slow-moving wall of wind that blocks any projectile that comes into contact with the Wind Wall.
-Will not block lasers like Lux's ultimate and Vel'Koz's ultimate.
-Will not block turret shots.
E(Sweeping Blade): Dashes to an enemy dealing magic damage. Each successful Sweeping Blade will deal 25% more damage up to 50%. Dash has a FIXED range. Enemies you dash through will be marked for 6-10 seconds (depending on the level of Sweeping Blade) that says you cannot dash through them again.
-Can be stopped by crowd control.
-Can dash through terrain if used correctly.
-Fills up Yasuo's Flow bar.
R(Last Breath): Blinks to any airborne enemy while gaining maximum Flow, suspending them for 1 second dealing physical damage. Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes gain 50% Armor Penetration.
-Will reset all stacks of Gathering Storm.
-Yasuo is still prone to attacks and CC while casting.
-Yasuo can use Last Breath on multiple enemies.
-Yasuo will try to use Last Breath out of enemy turret range if enemy is in enemy turret range.
Team Work
Team Work
Yasuo can synergize with many champions. Mostly champions that are able to airborne. Champions like Orianna, Malphite, or Cho'Gath are great with Yasuo. They all have AOE knockups which can allow you to multiple-man ultimate.
Yasuo also needs teammates (like all champions) since he goes down very easily. Yasuo does best when someone else goes in first and you follow up from behind. Staying on the frontline during team fights is very dangerous.
Unique Skills
Unique Skills
There are many different combos you can use with Yasuo. One of the easiest to perform and the coolest looking is the E+Q+Flash. It is where you dash with Yasuo's Sweeping Blade and use your 3rd Steel Tempest and flash right after you press Q. Load up your 3rd Steel Tempest stack (the tornado). Then E though something (preferably a minion), and use your Steel Tempest. RIGHT AFTER you press Q, flash to your enemy to knock them up. This requires timing and knowledge of your Flash range.
Another unique trick to do is the Q Cancel. This is where you can cancel your Steel Tempest's animation. There are common ways to do it. Using Wind Wall and using Flash. The Wind Wall Way: You can Wind Wall (anywhere) and press Q to Steel Tempest but your Steel Tempest Animation will be hidden due to casting Wind Wall.
The Flash Way: You can Steel Tempest and right after, press flash.
Yasuo's farming phase is very good. He can last hit with his Q from far range in case the enemy wants to bully you. Since Yasuo is very offensive and his Q is AOE, he can easily clear up minion waves at higher levels.
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