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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Leveling abilities
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She can trigger your children by her flowers.
Basically any ADC that abuses boxes fears to bully enemy in that small period of time. And escape for them is also good in case you get out of fears.
Basically any ADC that abuses boxes fears to bully enemy in that small period of time. And escape for them is also good in case you get out of fears.
Champion Build Guide
My name is Fikso, I'm playing League since beta and my highest rank was Platinum 1.
Right now I'm playing this game casually just to kill some free time.
Since this game is going downhill each new season I just play

My peak win rate in 20 games was 70% (in gold) but it also worked well against diamonds, and it shines vs one trick enemies who haven't encountered it yet.
When you play those baiting mind games with

-High mobility
-If you die few times and get behind it wont have almost any effect on you beside ability lvl+little cooldown before lvl 9
-The safest escape from enemy/gank when around boxes
-High impact on team fights if you set boxes right
-If you win baiting mind games with your enemy you win game
-2 active items
-Learning to control enemy minions path to save boxes
-If your ADC calls you a troll and won't cooperate it makes things harder because they have to help you maintain minion waves
-You have to be experienced player to predict enemy path before they even show up
If there wasn't

When you combo stasis effect with

There's a holy trinity of Taunt, Wave clear and Kill.
-When you wanna bait them and they are playing smart just charge them with hextech, even if they're full hp, works most of the time.
-When you're solo split pushing bot while your team is losing team fight on mid you can one shot minions with hextech as long as you position good for faster pushing.
-If someone survives Two shiv execute, Hextech+Luden should do the trick for finishing touches.

-Qucik cast Q +

-Qucik casting Q + hextech with keeping the stealth doesn't work anymore.

-Sometimes when you're low on health and about to recall, try to set 2 boxes under tower and bait them to flash dive you, you get the idea.
-After rework oracle wont disable your jacks and enemy will have to kill them in order to not get killed.
-To get the most of it, try to bait enemy in small path between 2 boxes, so when he triggers 1 he will get feared into the other one

-While you are cloning you are invincible, you can use it to deny things such as

-If you position correctly you can also use your ultimate to teleport over small walls. Keep in mind that after you ult you get pushed on your right side and clone on left, its the easiest to practice if you focus on your face and aiming right, start with smallest walls you can find.
-When enemies don't have vision on you, you can use your clone to start teamfights, they will use some abilities and if you manage to fear them its the perfect opportunity for your team

You can also save your ADC if hes being focused by sitting on enemies, giving them all and buying time with

I will also add some clips of

It just breaks my heart when I see all these new post-rework support Shaco guides on youtube, so I had the urge to make this little guide asap.
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