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Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
The Master Of Blade
Born to a clan whose members have decorated the ranks of the Kinkou for generations, Shen was trained his entire life to become the Eye of Twilight, and thereupon to dispassionately determine what must be done in the interests of equilibrium. As his final trial to ascend to this position, he was made to attend the Takanu, a ceremony in which his father was tortured before his eyes to test his resolve. Any reaction whatsoever would have resulted in his immediate disqualification, but he never averted his gaze and never blinked, not once. As the Eye of Twilight, Shen must make decisions which would buckle the wills of ordinary men, removing all emotion from the equation. He now works with his fellows Akali and Kennen to enforce the balance of Valoran. This hallowed pursuit has unsurprisingly led the triumvirate to the Fields of Justice.
"The Eye of Twilight sees not the despair of its victims, only the elegance of equilibrium."
+Energy dependent
+Global ult
+Great survivability and sustain
+Good counter-gank
+Can safe team mates
+The best 5v5 teamfight initiator
+HP Regeneration Spell
+Taunt can work against many enemies
-Energy based (running out of energy in team fights)
-No wave clear before Sunfire Cape
-Stand United Channeling
-Taunt without Enemy no return Energy
+Energy dependent
+Global ult
+Great survivability and sustain
+Good counter-gank
+Can safe team mates
+The best 5v5 teamfight initiator
+HP Regeneration Spell
+Taunt can work against many enemies
-Energy based (running out of energy in team fights)
-No wave clear before Sunfire Cape
-Stand United Channeling
-Taunt without Enemy no return Energy
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