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Jax Build Guide by Smako

Jungle Shieldmaster Jax

Jungle Shieldmaster Jax

Updated on June 13, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Smako Build Guide By Smako 3,017 Views 0 Comments
3,017 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Smako Jax Build Guide By Smako Updated on June 13, 2017
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Jax is a champion that is quite often picked in all tiers of elo however more than often i see that is built incorrectly and misplayed. This guide will shed the light on how to properly play this champion. A word of caution your teammates may rage at you at certain points of the game but by sticking to the guide you will be able to carry their sorry donkeys. Once you try out shieldmaster jax you will never go back. However to not over complex the play style of Jax I will only write the basics which is more than enough to climb you out of elohell
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Why Shieldmaster Jax?

Yes you heard it right this build is called Shieldmaster Jax? But why the lack of shields, well have you ever heard of the saying the best defence is offense. By increasing your offense abilities the enemy has no choice but to resort to their defence as attacking jax on a 1v1 basis is never going to end well.
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Jungle Path

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. Yes that's the quote from the famous Robert Frost you need to select your jungle path and make sure you won't regret it. Start off with the buff closest to the bot lane than followed by the nearest camp and 2nd buff. After this like Frost you must choose your path either go and become good guy jax and gank for your teammates or go full sage mode and farm the jungle until you are ready to confront the enemies.
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All lanes losing?

This happens a lot in solo ques when you get unfortunately matched with mentally challenged individuals who simply cannot win lanes by themselves or in most cases even with help. Now when this happens there is usually nothing you can do, unless your JAX. Jax is arguably the best duelist out there. Coming back to the basics of numbers 4v3 is always better than 4v4 especially when your losing having a number advantage is always great to secure positive team fights. To secure this advantage for your team you must enter Sage mode Jax split push either top or bot. This pressure you will force the enemy to stop you from your advancement by sending 2 or more members seeing that they are unable to beat you in 1v1 fair combat. From this your team can take the opportunity to take objectives or win favourable teamfights.
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Once you play shieldmaster jax you will never go back.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Smako
Smako Jax Guide
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Shieldmaster Jax

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