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The top half was all right, aside from a few grammatical errors, but as you got toward the bottom it got much harder to read. It becomes a wall of text that isn't very in-depth. Also, saying
Overall though, good job. Ill look back over it in a few days and hold my vote off until then.
i have made this most of this guild months ago and my english got alot better sence than
i will work on it in the next few days :D
shyvana's spells has amazing damage. in the first days i played her i built her like that (doran and shoes) [sunfire cape] [warmog] [warmog] [warmog] and it was great. (of course the build i use now do better)
Your original idea is very good
i gave +1 but there are a few things that i dont agree with:
Correct your Grammar!
Ghostblade is not such a good choice, however your rune and mastery choices were perfect.
Always buy lifesteal for shyvana!
Also Zeke's herald is very good choice because your Q gives you awesome lifesteal and if you go tanky its the best item for you!If you are mostly DPS buy
thank you for your advice
i dont understamate [twin bite] i have made another guild for her and half of the comments was like "why did you upgrade [twin bite] first" and stuff like that, in games i upgrade it first, seems like only pepole who have played shyvana understands why you need [twin bite] before [flame breath]
about the items, i play shyvana as the tanker in many situations and ganks, pushes leader so i need alot of health
anyway gave you some rep for the tips :D
Is very nice but it have low magic resistance
Overall though, good job. Ill look back over it in a few days and hold my vote off until then.
i gave +1 but there are a few things that i dont agree with:
Correct your Grammar!
Ghostblade is not such a good choice, however your rune and mastery choices were perfect.
Always buy lifesteal for shyvana!
Also Zeke's herald is very good choice because your Q gives you awesome lifesteal and if you go tanky its the best item for you!If you are mostly DPS buy
i tried your build and ended up with a score of 27/3/15!
thank you very mach!
please make a guild for gangplank
i tried your build and ended up with a score of 27/3/15!
thank you very mach!
please make a guild for gangplank