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Shyvana Build Guide by Tomer8009

Shyvana - What Happens When a Dragon Sneezes?

Shyvana - What Happens When a Dragon Sneezes?

Updated on May 14, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tomer8009 Build Guide By Tomer8009 5,216 Views 11 Comments
5,216 Views 11 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tomer8009 Shyvana Build Guide By Tomer8009 Updated on May 14, 2012
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xIchi (65) | May 15, 2012 4:43am
Voted -1
Not really good itemchoices, and advertising... deserves a -1
Keondre (221) | May 12, 2012 9:07pm
Good ish guide.
Tomer8009 (4) | May 12, 2012 6:41am

The top half was all right, aside from a few grammatical errors, but as you got toward the bottom it got much harder to read. It becomes a wall of text that isn't very in-depth. Also, saying Shyvana can take the job as carry is odd. Yes, she has the potential to carry, but I would never sent her bot lane with support. Work on some grammatical errors throughout, because there are a ton of trolls who will harp on you for that. Another thing I have trouble with is you do 0 damage until you get a Frozen Mallet, I think you shouldn't get Sunfire Aegis and instead get Frozen Mallet First, then into a Warmog's Armor. Youmuu's Ghostblade is a bruiser item, one which I would not suggest on Shyvana maybe a Hexdrinker into its new upgrade, Maw of Malmortis would be something to try.

Overall though, good job. Ill look back over it in a few days and hold my vote off until then.

i have made this most of this guild months ago and my english got alot better sence than
i will work on it in the next few days :D
shyvana's spells has amazing damage. in the first days i played her i built her like that (doran and shoes) [sunfire cape] [warmog] [warmog] [warmog] and it was great. (of course the build i use now do better)
Tomer8009 (4) | May 12, 2012 6:36am
Regiel wrote:

Your original idea is very good
Shyvana is one of my Hard mains so i really like builds 4 her
i gave +1 but there are a few things that i dont agree with:
Twin Bite is an awesome spell! dont underestimate it!It causes Lifesteal to proc perfectly!
Correct your Grammar!
Ghostblade is not such a good choice, however your rune and mastery choices were perfect.
Always buy lifesteal for shyvana!
Consider Ionic Spark sometimes because it helps your farming capability a lot and its HP and Attackspeed boost is kinda good.
Also Zeke's herald is very good choice because your Q gives you awesome lifesteal and if you go tanky its the best item for you!If you are mostly DPS buy Executioner's Calling bevcause its an awesome dueling anti AD carry counter item and its also very effective against tanks!

thank you for your advice
i dont understamate [twin bite] i have made another guild for her and half of the comments was like "why did you upgrade [twin bite] first" and stuff like that, in games i upgrade it first, seems like only pepole who have played shyvana understands why you need [twin bite] before [flame breath]
about the items, i play shyvana as the tanker in many situations and ganks, pushes leader so i need alot of health
anyway gave you some rep for the tips :D
cyberfacada (14) | May 12, 2012 5:51am
Voted +1
I like this guide and build.
Is very nice but it have low magic resistance
QuantumGaming | May 10, 2012 1:00pm
The top half was all right, aside from a few grammatical errors, but as you got toward the bottom it got much harder to read. It becomes a wall of text that isn't very in-depth. Also, saying Shyvana can take the job as carry is odd. Yes, she has the potential to carry, but I would never sent her bot lane with support. Work on some grammatical errors throughout, because there are a ton of trolls who will harp on you for that. Another thing I have trouble with is you do 0 damage until you get a Frozen Mallet, I think you shouldn't get Sunfire Aegis and instead get Frozen Mallet First, then into a Warmog's Armor. Youmuu's Ghostblade is a bruiser item, one which I would not suggest on Shyvana maybe a Hexdrinker into its new upgrade, Maw of Malmortis would be something to try.

Overall though, good job. Ill look back over it in a few days and hold my vote off until then.
Regiel (10) | May 10, 2012 12:21pm
Voted +1
Your original idea is very good
Shyvana is one of my Hard mains so i really like builds 4 her
i gave +1 but there are a few things that i dont agree with:
Twin Bite is an awesome spell! dont underestimate it!It causes Lifesteal to proc perfectly!
Correct your Grammar!
Ghostblade is not such a good choice, however your rune and mastery choices were perfect.
Always buy lifesteal for shyvana!
Consider Ionic Spark sometimes because it helps your farming capability a lot and its HP and Attackspeed boost is kinda good.
Also Zeke's herald is very good choice because your Q gives you awesome lifesteal and if you go tanky its the best item for you!If you are mostly DPS buy Executioner's Calling bevcause its an awesome dueling anti AD carry counter item and its also very effective against tanks!
fawaz70 (3) | May 10, 2012 6:38am
build order could be better. Also you should max your Twin Bite second.
NoobsCatcher | May 10, 2012 4:54am
Voted +1
Great Guild!!
i tried your build and ended up with a score of 27/3/15!
thank you very mach!
please make a guild for gangplank
NoobsCatcher | May 10, 2012 4:53am
Great Guild!!
i tried your build and ended up with a score of 27/3/15!
thank you very mach!
please make a guild for gangplank
CrystalPaw (2) | May 10, 2012 1:49am
Check your spelling and Coding,Use colour words for words that you deem important,you might wanna include situational items section to help your read incase they get screwed up in lane too
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Shyvana - What Happens When a Dragon Sneezes?

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