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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Route Phase
Your level 2 is too strong to change initials, try to pull the lane as fast as possible and go up on lvl 2, get close and use the E and then it will be very easy to use your Q make it easier to hit Q, always try to get close to your birthday with E and then use Q).
Its power to engage in the route phase is very large mainly in lvl 2,3 and 6, in lvl 3 you will be able to abuse your flashlight, being able to bring the ally that clicks on the flashlight next to you (can be used with flash also ).
Level 6 of thresh is very strong, you have a great exchange potential because of the damage of your ult that helps a lot in the exchanges and by your combo (ult + sentence + skinning) that can force the enemy to collide with your ult your ult can also be used to give disengage because it contains a very strong slow).
You should always put pressure on the lane when you have your Q, and with your E being able to make quick swaps, do not be aggressive without having a vision of where the enemy jungler is and always try to use your flashlight to reposition an ally (but never to collect the souls).
Thresh is a very versatile champion, can either start fights or give a helping hand to the ADC or some ally, usually you will not start a Team Fight, so your main job will be to protect and use many skills (very easy with the 45% cdr), always on the side of the carry you must use all your skills to stop who comes to threaten your life.
Q (Sentence): This skill has a very large initiation potential, can cancel jumps and other types of abilities (And of the lioness, And of the khazix, W of the tristana and even in plants of the jungle and among others)
W (flashlight): A shielding skill that takes you to the ally you click on it, can also be used to give the Teleporter invoker spell.
E (skin): almost the same as your Q (can cancel skills among others)
R (The box): Has very strong Slow that can be used as disengage, besides containing considerable damage based on your AP.
W (flashlight): A shielding skill that takes you to the ally you click on it, can also be used to give the Teleporter invoker spell.
E (skin): almost the same as your Q (can cancel skills among others)
R (The box): Has very strong Slow that can be used as disengage, besides containing considerable damage based on your AP.
-Thresh is a champion with little mobility so do not get in a cold.
-Learn to use the Hitbox of your Q.
- Abuse the flash + skill mechanics (E or W most of the time).
-Learn to use your Q to get out of trouble using it in the minions or jungle monsters).
- Do not make the mistake of getting parked on the lane, thresh has a very strong gank potential after closing the mobility boot.
-Learn to use the Hitbox of your Q.
- Abuse the flash + skill mechanics (E or W most of the time).
-Learn to use your Q to get out of trouble using it in the minions or jungle monsters).
- Do not make the mistake of getting parked on the lane, thresh has a very strong gank potential after closing the mobility boot.
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