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Singed Build Guide by Nooty

Support Singed Support! Let the Grade:S+ Frenzy Begin! (S7 Ready)

Support Singed Support! Let the Grade:S+ Frenzy Begin! (S7 Ready)

Updated on December 2, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nooty Build Guide By Nooty 14,848 Views 0 Comments
14,848 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nooty Singed Build Guide By Nooty Updated on December 2, 2016
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This Guide...

I've been a massive fan of singed since I tried him out in free rotation back in Season 2. I knew he was the champion for me and he's been who I am ever since. I've recently developed a Support play style that gives me consistent S grades, and many wins.

I have made a video explaining the guide, but any questions please ask.
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As a support, Singed takes a lot of poke early game. He's actually quite bad early game - he really need his items. Because of this, we are going to be using a lot of flat defence runes.
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Singed is very item dependant. If you can get the gold you will snowball.
I typically start off aiming for a Zz'Rot via the raptor cloak route. This will give us armour and movement speed. Once I build the Zz'Rot i'll use it to help push a lane. This will increase the speed of your gold income and will allow you to push the lanes and support others.
Ill next build boots of swiftness. As much as i like the speed of mobility boots, id rather have a consistent speed that does not decrease while in combat. The boots and the raptor cloak give you a lot of mobility and allow you to dodge skillshots easily. they will help you get into position for a fling easily.
Righteous glory is the jewel in the crown, providing much needed health and armour and an insane about of movement speed (75%!!!!) and limited CC. You will use this to hunt down your prey!
After this you should build a Rylai's Crystal Scepter this will further enhance your relative movement speed, then Liandry's Tourment. The after this It's a choice of Armour/Magic Resist/More AP
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nooty
Nooty Singed Guide
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Singed Support! Let the Grade:S+ Frenzy Begin! (S7 Ready)

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