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Ability Order
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
2. Why Twitch jungle? -Alongside the big efficiency of the "red buff n' lvl 2 gank" cheese start, Twitch can easily take the place of your actual ADC in teamfights and pickoffs where when he applies the slow from Frozen Mallet, they MUST burn mobility spells to get away. Just take care and beware of the enemy jungler since the most popular junglers right now are early game powerhouses ( Lee Sin, Elise, Shaco, Kha'Zix, etc.)
3. Jungle Route? Here's mine:
-Red Buff;
-Lvl up W and cheese gank (RISKY AND may lose you some time);
-Blue Buff;
-Gank (if healthy).
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