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Recommended Items
Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Summoner Spells
Doran's shield and pot for starters so you can farm in peace while being tank early game because your maxed q makes up for your loss of AD if you started with a doran's blade.
Phage so you get extra AD, HP and its unique passive which is useful for last hitting and getting away.
After that, get boots and move on to rushing that trinity force. Trinity force is an overall broken item on Trundle.
Next, get brutalizer for the AD, Armor Pen and CD reduction.
Next, get boots of swiftness so you can move about in teamfights and be fine up against CC.
Then, get yourself a randuin's omen for beast armour and HP.
Next, finish your brutalizer and get black cleaver.
Second lastly, get spirit visage to fine tune your build so you have beast armour AND magic resist, + some more HP to add onto that.
Lastly, finish your build with a frozen mallet for even more AD and even more HP.
Phage so you get extra AD, HP and its unique passive which is useful for last hitting and getting away.
After that, get boots and move on to rushing that trinity force. Trinity force is an overall broken item on Trundle.
Next, get brutalizer for the AD, Armor Pen and CD reduction.
Next, get boots of swiftness so you can move about in teamfights and be fine up against CC.
Then, get yourself a randuin's omen for beast armour and HP.
Next, finish your brutalizer and get black cleaver.
Second lastly, get spirit visage to fine tune your build so you have beast armour AND magic resist, + some more HP to add onto that.
Lastly, finish your build with a frozen mallet for even more AD and even more HP.
Firstly start with your Q so you smash them early game with your AD steroid and it also takes away some of their AD. Then get your W at lvl 2 and E at lvl 3 for the sake of having them (very useful still). Then obviously upgrade your ult whenever you can and keep maxing out your Q. Once Q is maxed out or you cant put points in it, max out your W. Then lastly max out your E.
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