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Talon Build Guide by ShadowSlayerMain

Middle SSM's Gold Talon Guide Season 10

Middle SSM's Gold Talon Guide Season 10

Updated on June 24, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowSlayerMain Build Guide By ShadowSlayerMain 11 0 29,837 Views 0 Comments
11 0 29,837 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowSlayerMain Talon Build Guide By ShadowSlayerMain Updated on June 24, 2020
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Runes: Most Common

1 2 3
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

SSM's Gold Talon Guide Season 10

By ShadowSlayerMain
Hello, guys. I am ShadowSlayerMain or SSM, a Zed main who ended up in Gold Tier during S9. As you know, he and Yasuo are not the only AD Mid Lane Champions. When Aatrox and Pantheon got reworked both of them joined the Mid Lane but by the start, even before Zed appeared there was another AD Mid Laner. This is Talon, a champion that can easily kill his target even in 1 sec in Early Games. On this guide I will show you how to chase your victims as the stealthlike stalker. Be sure to read my chapters well because they have explanations and more. Good Luck!
Pros And Cons

+ Good Farm in Early Game
+ Early Game Bully
+ Enough Focus on Farm VS Burst Enemies
+ Good Focus in Teamfights
+ Outplay Potential

Thanks to his high mobility and his bleeding Passive, Talon can win a 1v1 if he makes a good outplay.

- Not enough focus on farm in Early Game
- Aggressive at Heavy Burst enemies
- Bad Focus in Teamfights including Stopwatchers
- Wrong R- Shadow Assault use

An Assasin's wrong position can easily make him suicide. If they build shielding Items like Edge of Night and Maw of Malmortius, a wrong position can give them a chance to survive.
Ability Order





































Runes And Items

Talon's best keystone in classic games is Electrocute. If you have played champions of lower difficulty you know that Talon too can use it only mechanically. It is also useful when you damage enemies with your Spells. Its damage can be increased by leveling up. It's very easy during the Laning Phase because Talon needs to have only 2 of his 3 basic abilities unlocked.
I prefer Sudden Impact as Talon's best part because it increases your lethality after you use ranged Q- Noxian Diplomacy or R- Shadow Assault for 5 secs(CD: 4 secs after expiration).
There's no other rune part that is compatible with almost every League champion so you are going to take Eyeball Collection. For this, Umbral Glaive's Blackout Passive makes it such a perfect rune for Lethality champions like Talon.
I prefer Ultimate Hunter as Talon's best because it reduces R- Shadow Assault's CD. Relentless Hunter can be a good option for not building Mobility Boots.
Take Armor or MR depending on the matchup.

Talon's most frequent and compatible keystone is Conqueror. Its Life Steal and Spell Vamp Passive is the most compatible part for healing while trading and increased healing with Q- Noxian Diplomacy.
Triumph is the best part for Talon because it restores some of your missing HP after a takedown. It can also be useful in Teamfights to have the chance for being more aggressive and keep fighting.
Legend: Tenacity is the best part for Talon for more Tenacity. Legend: Alacrity can be another compatible part for Attack Speed but Legend: Tenacity is more recommended since Talon is a Spell Caster.
Coup de Grace is the best part for Talon here for increased damage against low HP enemies.

Sorcery are the most common secondary rune parts for Talon. With Absolute Focus you will deal extra damage while you are abusing your enemy laner. This will only need you to have enough HP. With Nimbus Cloak you will have increased MS after you cast a Summoner Spell. This will give you the chance to escape easily or chase a target.
This is the item you start with as soon as a classic game starts. As Talon you will buy it as often as it builds into many AD items. At your 1st back it will build into Tiamat for you to start wave clearing.
Thanks to his Q- Noxian Diplomacy's HP regen when killing enemies Talon won't need to start with Health Potions and if he has a difficult Laning Phase he will just need to upgrade this into Corrupting Potion.
As Talon you should start with this as your trinket. Thanks to Umbral Glaive's Blackout Passive you won't have to change it to Oracle Lens or Farsight Alteration.
Long Sword should build to this at your 1st back for you to start wave clearing. If your damage and Spells aren't enough to kill the enemy laner its Active is optional but be careful with the time you cast it because Talon needs a normal Auto Attack to apply his Passive- Blade's End.
You got it. Don't forget to buy Control Wards! If you have enough Gold when you do your 1st back you should buy one and place it to the bush that you haven't warded and use a Stealth Ward charge for the opposite one.
If you haven't farmed enough or you haven't killed your enemy laner at least 2 times you should start building boots.
If you have a difficult Laning Phase with a Heavy Burst AP enemy this can be an ideal buy for MR and shield. A mistake Cons make with Talon is building it into Maw of Malmortius before they even build a Core Item. Well, Hexdrinker already gives a MR shield so you don't have to build it into Maw of Malmortius before you build your Core Items.
If your Laning Phase is that difficult that may drain your Mana quickly this can be optional for also a 3rd use of a Healing Potion.
This is Talon's basic Core Item for applying a slow on his target using an Auto Attack after he exits his hiding from R- Shadow Assault. It is also compatible with his abilities because they will deal Nightstalker Passive's damage.
This is your next Core Item for increased MS in every way.
This is an ideal continue after your Core Items but it requires Good Early Game. Its CDR buffs reach the limit thanks to your Core Items synergy.
This is an alternative choice for Good Early games. Its Veil Passive ability can help you against Heavy CC enemies.
This is the best choice against Heavy AP Burst enemies and an optional 5th purchase for Bad Early Games.
This can be optional because of its Life Steal Option and Bleeding Passive. It can be bought in a not so Bad Early Game and it's alternative of Maw of Malmortius against AD enemies.
This is your Attack Speed and another Offensive Life Steal Option. It can be useful on taking out squishy enemies quickly and can restore your HP by using your auto attacks.

After Duskblade of Draktharr's latest update this item was created for the Blackout Passive not to get lost. It is still the same Passive that reveals wards and invisible traps and its new placement is a lethality item too.
If the enemy team has a lot of carries that can easily die like ADCs without mobility, this is an optional purchase since it gives you +35% total Armor Penetration. Mortal Reminder can be an alternative choice.
This acts very similarly to its counterpart, Lord Dominik's Regards since its one of the two Passives it gives is +25% total Armor Penetration. It's a bit less than the one Lord Dominik's Regards gives (+35%) but its Grevious Wounds Passive can be useful against champions with healing abilities like Soraka and Dr. Mundo so you will have to think about which Last Whisper upgrade is better for a Teamfight.
This is an item that is often bought as 6th. Talon is a champion that can easily die if he has wrong position so it is optional for Bad Early Games and can give you a chance to win a game that you can't win easily.
Another MR Option and the best choice against CC enemies. If you get to a wrong position and get CC-ed it can help you a lot thanks to its Active ability.
You can upgrade Tiamat for more Life Steal when you have late game advantage.
After you full build you can build this for more Life Steal and Spell Vamp.
Laning Phase
As Talon you can farm from both short and long range during your Laning Phase thanks to his Q- Noxian Diplomacy's healing and his W- Rake. At level 1 you'll be starting with W- Rake, which is the only ability that can poke enemies and last hit low HP minions from distance. Most of Mid Lane champions can trade you from closely so you'll have to stay defensive and farm from distance until you reach level 2 and get Q- Noxian Diplomacy to make your opponent bleed with your Passive- Blade's End while trading. More about W- Rake:

*NEVER be aggressive when it's on CD
*After you reach level 6 you will need just 1 of its hits because R- Shadow Assault already applies 1 Passive- Blade's End stack.

When you reach level 3 you'll usually spend a skill point on E- Assassin's Path but if you got a kill before you reached that level you can spend a skill point on W- Rake because Talon is the only Mid Lane Champion that needs just 2 abilities so he can trade his enemy laner. If you have to do your 1st back quickly and you need mobility you will need to spend your skill point on E- Assassin's Path. At your 1st back you will purchase Tiamat to start wave clearing and then you will continue with boots but if you have farmed enough or if you have killed your enemy laner at least 2 times you can go ahead for your Core Items.

What is roaming? Roaming is leaving your lane for one moment to gank another one just like a jungler. Top Laners rarely do that using their Teleport.

When and how to roam?
-Top Lane: hide from your opponent and Teleport on bush.
-Mid Lane: hide from your opponent and use mobility spells (there are also some Mid Lane Teleport users).
-Before you leave your lane, make sure your minions were pushing it and then start roaming.

Talon's jumping over walls with his E- Assassin's Path gives him the chance to reach a lane and roam very fast. Before you roam a lane, you should make sure the enemy has every mobility and CC spell on CD because if not it can stop you or worse, cause you death. If you get stopped don't try Flashing on them if you don't have full Passive- Blade's End stacks on 1 of them so you can make them bleed. You can use your R- Shadow Assault to become invisible and dodge CC so you can easily approach your target wherever they go. Then you will probably have killed one of them.

Something difficult with Talon is pushing the enemy tower alone because you'll have to farm during the start and you won't have any Attack Speed. For that, you can help your team take the 1st tower by asking them for roaming or passing by their lanes and hit the tower with them when the enemy laner(s) are dead.
Late Game
Talon can easily take out a squishy enemy from a Teamfight but he can't start one without a CC-ing ally and will probably not take them out if they use spells like Playful / Trickster or Zhonya's Hourglass. For that, you should make sure your target is CC-ed by stun, silence or knock-up so he can't use any kind of these abilities. A use of Mercurial Scimitar can free you from any CC that tries to stop you chase your target. After you takedown your 1st target, keep focusing from the squishiest to the tankiest enemies. Some of your spells will be on CD but you can still poke them with W- Rake, heal thanks to Ravenous Hydra, Death's Dance, Sanguine Blade or Elixir of Wrath. If you don't have enough HP or your team has most of its abilities down don't keep fighting. You can also escape by using your E- Assassin's Path to jump over walls.
On almost every Mechanic I show you there are 2 things:

-(Nightstalker) means you can apply Duskblade of Draktharr's Nightstalker Passive.
-(Crescent) means you can cast Tiamat/ Ravenous Hydra's Crescent.

W, Q (Ranged), , (Crescent)

(After 1 Stack) W, , , (Crescent)

R (Must Hit), (Nightstalker), Q (Melee), , (Crescent)

W, R, (Nightstalker), Q (Melee), , (Crescent)

W, R, Q (Ranged), , (Crescent)

W, Q (Ranged), R, , (Crescent)

Q (Ranged), R, (Auto Attack), , (Crescent)

Q (Ranged), R, (Auto Attack), W, , (Crescent)

In Conclusion
That's it for my Talon guide. I hope it helped you improve. If you want, feel free to ask me any questions by commenting and don't forget to vote!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowSlayerMain
ShadowSlayerMain Talon Guide
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SSM's Gold Talon Guide Season 10

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