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Choose Champion Build:
Standard Build
Damage-Monger Rambo Build
For Durability
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Transcendent (PASSIVE)
Syndra Passive Ability

FalseoGod's Syndra guide
It doesn't exactly present a clean-cut build or play style, but will give more of a general sense as to how

There's been some talk lately, namely among trolls and theory-crafters, of Muramana Syndra. At a glance I saw no guide covering this particular play style, so I decided to tackle it. Essentially the build takes advantage of an odd interaction between Muramana and Syndra's ultimate. Turns out, every sphere used in the ability procs Muramana, which can dramatically increase its burst potential. Because Muramana's active stacks with mana, the key is to have as much mana as possible while still remaining viable after your ultimate has been used. You'll find yourself literally one-hitting any AD or AP carry not stacking MR; something other Syndra builds can't offer... which brings us to the advantages and disadvantages of our play style.
Syndra's greatest asset:
Karthus doublekiller!
Better fix that glitch... On Syndra's damage!

Better fix that glitch... On Syndra's damage!

Toggle: Dealing damage with single target, non-periodic spells or your basic attacks will consume 3% of your current mana to deal 6% of your current mana as physical damage.
Yep, this means that

*Extremely high burst potential (instantly eliminate a carry)
*Brutal auto attacks
*Far tankier than normal
*1000 shield from
Seraph's Embrace (XD)
*Practically unlimited mana while not using
Muramana active
*Hard to counter; need target in range for only one click
*Good 1v1'er
*High sustained DPS (Muramana auto attacks)
*Extraordinary late game (approaches standard build AP with
Rabadon's Deathcap)
*Sacrifices some early game kill potential
*Needs Blue buff to charge
Tear of the Goddess quickly
*You literally have to mash "Q" constantly
*Potentially lower AP = less potent late game poke
*Takes at least 35 minutes to fully charge two
Tear of the Goddess
*Need to manage your mana carefully when using
Muramana active
*Performs poorly when caught low on mana
*You need blue buff to keep your damage up late game
Tear of the Goddess now takes slightly longer to charge due to nerfs
The lists of advantages and disadvantages are similar lengths, but after you try this build I think you will agree that the benefits far outweigh the downfalls.
Tear of the Goddess now takes slightly longer to charge due to nerfs
The lists of advantages and disadvantages are similar lengths, but after you try this build I think you will agree that the benefits far outweigh the downfalls.
We just take the standard mage setup here. Two changes to consider would be:
These runes can be helpful in compensating for this build's lack of early game damage. Your poke will be a bit less negligible, but it comes at the cost of
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, which enables you to better survive tough skill shot based matchups.
If you aren't planning on buying a Rabadon's deathcap, you might opt for these. They make you *almost* impossible to burst down once you have your
Rod of Ages. I would suggest non-scaling runes, but have had success with scaling as well (in which case I often take something like 4 flat and 5 scaling)
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power
These runes can be helpful in compensating for this build's lack of early game damage. Your poke will be a bit less negligible, but it comes at the cost of

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
If you aren't planning on buying a Rabadon's deathcap, you might opt for these. They make you *almost* impossible to burst down once you have your

Core Items

Situational Items

NOTE: Now that

Look, it's time to stop pretending that

Most of you can probably explore these for yourselves, so I'll keep this brief.
Transcendent is your passive, which happens to be more vanilla than playing
Nasus (sorry, Nasus players). It gives you slight upgrades to your abilities at their max ranks. Nice, but nothing to really worry about.
Dark Sphere is your "Q" ability. It sets down a sphere which deals damage and can be moved by other abilities. It's on a short cooldown. You have
Tear of the Goddess. Get the idea?
Force of Will is your "W" ability. You can pick up your spheres, neutral creeps (not
baron nashor or
dragon, you naughty boy), and enemy minions. Yes,
Annie's Tibbers,
Zyra's plants,
Heimerdinger's turrets, etc. can also be picked up. If you ever face these people, make a point of grabbing their stuff... Nothing says "screw you" quite like throwing Tibbers into the
dragon pit. Lol. Anyway, this ability is normally used to slow enemies, to harass with its insane range, and to be a general troll. Try warding a buff and grabbing it just as the enemy jungler is about to smite. Throw it away, and its health will reset. This can be downright infuriating for the enemy team ;).
Scatter the Weak is your "E" ability. By itself it is a knockback, but things get interesting when there is a
Dark Sphere in its area. The
Dark Sphere flies in the direction of the knockback, stunning any enemies it hits. Yes, this can be used on multiple
Dark Spheres, allowing you to stun practically everyone within a large cone in front of you after you use
Unleashed Power. This is your main escape move, and a major teamfight asset, so get accurate with it.
Unleashed Power is your "R" ability. It is a single target nuke that does damage based upon how many
Dark Spheres you have out. Each sphere used also procs
Muramana, which is the basis of this guide. Importantly, it drops all of the spheres used in an area around your target, which is a great setup for
Scatter the Weak. You should be able to nearly 1-hit AD carries and AP carries with this by mid-game.

How aggressively you play and farm depends mostly on your lane opponent. The section below highlights the aspects of playing against difficult groups of champions with tricky characteristics.
Kassadin (The A-F-K trio: convenient, I know.)
These champions are a major pain. If they know what they are doing, they will simply leap at you as soon as you use
Dark Sphere, leaving you open to whatever they had in mind. You have a couple of options against these characters. You can try to zone them with your range, and assert lane dominance (risky but effective if pulled off), or you can play passively until they jump on you and you stun them.
Some quick tips:
A skilled
Akali will ruin your day. Her multiple leaps from
Shadow Dance wreak havoc on your ability to escape and her lifesteal/spellvamp from
Twin Disciplines allow her to soak your sustained damage. To play against
Akali, you must make her early laning unbearable. The goal, essentially, is to make her farm with her
Mark of the Assassin rather than harass you. Every single time she goes in to last-hit a minion, tag her with
Dark Sphere. You want her to fear you before she has the chance to get truly aggressive at level 6. This way, she is less likely to engage and will not only miss out on kills but minions as well. Beware of
Akali roaming despite your lane dominance. Keep your team well-posted on her whereabouts. If you find yourself losing in lane, it's wise to buy a couple of
Vision Wards, which when placed in lane can help your jungler initiate on her.
Fizz is terrible to play against. He has insane mobility, good sustained damage, and an ability that makes your ultimate worthless (
Playful / Trickster). I really hate saying this, but your best option may be to ask your top laner to switch lanes with you. If you do get stuck facing
Fizz, there are a couple of ways to control him in lane. First, keep in mind that, though he is very mobile with
Urchin Strike and
Playful / Trickster,
Fizz is still melee. You can harass him if you're careful, and he is very vulnerable when these abilities are on cooldown. If you manage to bait
Playful / Trickster punish him with everything you have; exploiting mistakes in spell usage is essential to dealing with
Fizz. Otherwise, just try not to die to him early game or you and your team will be in for a world of pain as he puts his ganking potential to use.
Kassadin is a bit like
Akali in that he only gets mobility
Riftwalk after level 6. Before then, he is one of the poorest laners in the game. He is melee, and can only last hit with
Null Sphere if zoned effectively; a practice that will leave him under-farmed and constantly out of mana. The only chance
Syndra has at defeating
Kassadin in lane is found within the first five levels. Bully
Kassadin mercilessly until he gets his ultimate. After this point, you just have to pray that he doesn't have the items or nerve to begin zoning you. This is another lane you might just try to avoid.
If you have middle lane well warded, you can farm very effectively by using
Dark Sphere twice on the caster minions. This will kill all three and allow you to focus exclusively on last-hitting the other minions in a wave. Don't push like this if your lane opponent could easily kill you or the brush is unwarded.

These champions are a major pain. If they know what they are doing, they will simply leap at you as soon as you use

Some quick tips:
Do *Always have ![]() *Abuse them when they're on cooldown *Use your range *Take advantage of their weak early lane presence |
Don't *Use ![]() *Allow them to free farm or roam. (these champions can easily feed off other lanes if you don't control them.) |

A skilled



Bonus: Easy Farming
If you have middle lane well warded, you can farm very effectively by using

We all want to see it; that
Muramana-empowered 7-sphere
Unleashed Power that makes Mundo cry himself to sleep. Unfortunately, this is a seldom realized dream. Far too many Syndra players are so obsessed with reaching 6, or even 7-sphere ultimates, that they forget their purpose:
Kill the Enemy Damage as Fast as Possible
I'm going to tell you right here: most of your ultimates should, and will be, 5 spheres. You ought to, however, always have at least 5 spheres. Recall that every second spent setting up your ultimate is another second of your team taking damage from enemy carries. Honestly, few high-damage builds allow for the survival of a 5-sphere ultimate to begin with; if they do, they will be so low on health that they will instantly die to stray AOE, or be forced to retreat.
Note: If a tankier top lane bruiser is your main problem, it may be worthwhile to stall for a 6th sphere. Just ask yourself, "What will kill my target the fastest?"
A 5-sphere ultimate will do enough damage to take a carry out of the picture. Don't fall victim to the often frivolous practice of micro-managing a 6 or 7-sphere ultimate.
The combos below are the most commonly used, but they are subject to change as the situation calls for.

Kill the Enemy Damage as Fast as Possible
I'm going to tell you right here: most of your ultimates should, and will be, 5 spheres. You ought to, however, always have at least 5 spheres. Recall that every second spent setting up your ultimate is another second of your team taking damage from enemy carries. Honestly, few high-damage builds allow for the survival of a 5-sphere ultimate to begin with; if they do, they will be so low on health that they will instantly die to stray AOE, or be forced to retreat.
Note: If a tankier top lane bruiser is your main problem, it may be worthwhile to stall for a 6th sphere. Just ask yourself, "What will kill my target the fastest?"
A 5-sphere ultimate will do enough damage to take a carry out of the picture. Don't fall victim to the often frivolous practice of micro-managing a 6 or 7-sphere ultimate.
The combos below are the most commonly used, but they are subject to change as the situation calls for.
Most of your early ultimates will be ideally well-prepared, 6-sphere ultimates. This can be a bit tricky. Naturally, stockpiling spheres and going for a full combo is pretty suspicious. The moment you use your
Force of Will you tell your laning opponent that you mean business and will soon attempt a combo. Though you must charge your
Tear of the Goddess, constantly using your
Force of Will on top of
Dark Sphere can take its toll on your mana pool, as well as severely cripple your ability to react to ganks.
In light of this, the main purpose of this combo is to:
Initiate, clearly, a to-the-death trade.
Dark Sphere ->
Dark Sphere ->
Force of Will ->
Scatter the Weak ->
Dark Sphere ->
Unleashed Power -> (
(Q, Q, W, E, Q, R, [ignite])
Remember to use your
Force of Will on the first
Dark Sphere you put down. This ensures that you will have maximum damage output on
Unleashed Power. With no CDR, your window for achieving a 6-sphere ultimate is rather small; you have only a couple seconds with 3 on the field. Make sure your lane opponent will commit if you spend the effort on setting this up.

In light of this, the main purpose of this combo is to:
Initiate, clearly, a to-the-death trade.

(Q, Q, W, E, Q, R, [ignite])
Remember to use your

So, perhaps you have naughtily been roaming around the enemy jungle when an enemy appears. Maybe their jungler has caught you alone in lane. You need to know the Panic Combo. This is a 1v1 strategy, which may or may not not be superior to simply stunning your pursuers and running if, say, three people are on you. This combo should also be used against very passive lane opponents as it requires little setup (make sure they have taken a bit of harass before this if you don't have
This is your standard, foolproof combo.
Dark Sphere ->
Scatter the Weak ->
Force of Will ->
Dark Sphere ->
Unleashed Power -> (
(Q, E, W, Q, R, [ignite])
After you have
Muramana, this will kill any "squishy".

This is your standard, foolproof combo.

(Q, E, W, Q, R, [ignite])
After you have

This combo utilizes that awkward time during which you are travelling to a running conflict. Try to get your
Dark Spheres ready for action.
Dark Sphere ->
Dark Sphere ->
Force of Will ->
Dark Sphere ->
Unleashed Power ->
Scatter the Weak
(Q, Q, W, Q, R, E)
It is similar to the Lane Duel Combo, except you use
Scatter the Weak after
Unleashed Power for maximum shotgun stun potential. It isn't hard to stun an entire team like this.

(Q, Q, W, Q, R, E)
It is similar to the Lane Duel Combo, except you use

So you have
Health Potions, and a sight ward. Your goal now is to kill all of the minions that come at you as fast as possible (until you have 700 gold). This accomplishes two things: getting the money for
Tear of the Goddess quickly, and pushing your lane so you can actually recall to buy it. You really need to buy
Tear of the Goddess before the 5:00 mark.
Now that you've got your precious
Tear of the Goddess, it's time to start devoting every waking moment to charging it. Blue buff won't be back up until around 7:00, so don't completely blow mana until then. Use your
Dark Sphere to harass your lane opponent and farm. Do this every time it's off cooldown once you have Blue. Stay in lane until you can afford catalyst the protector and at least one
Vision Ward Remember to always mash "Q"!
After you have catalyst the protector and
Unleashed Power, you stand a chance at killing your lane opponent. Try to harass them down to about 50% health and use either the "Panic Combo" or the "Lane Duel Combo" depending on how defensively they play. Most will underestimate the damage from your ultimate and die to these combos. By 14:00 you should be able to buy a
Rod of Ages. If you can't, know that it isn't GG, and continue to diligently farm your
Tear of the Goddess.
You honestly should have
Muramana by 22:00. In fact, a devoted player under perfect circumstances should be able to fully farm their
Tear of the Goddess by around 20:00. At this point, my build usually looks like:
Sorcerer's Shoes (if I nabbed a couple kills),
Rod of Ages, and
Muramana. Now you can most likely take on your lane opponent with ease.
Remember to activate
Muramana's active effect by clicking on it in your inventory! Doing so will also make your auto attacks consume 3% of your maximum mana, so farm using your
Dark Sphere and
Force of Will. You must buy a second
Tear of the Goddess as soon as you finish
Muramana. You have to charge this dutifully, but not as desperately as your first one. Try to get Blue buff as much as possible.
So you have

Now that you've got your precious

After you have catalyst the protector and

You honestly should have

Remember to activate

From 22:00-24:00 on, begin charging your second
Tear of the Goddess and then evaluate the enemy team to decide which items to buy from there. The standard build I presented is often the best, but toying with the other suggested items can pay off huge in some games.
In team fights, your goals are as follows:
1. Kill the AD carry (you should be able to tag them with a 5-sphere
Unleashed Power for the kill).
2. Stun as many enemies as possible with your
Unleashed Power/
Scatter the Weak combo
3. Protect low-health teammates and kill fleeing enemies
4. Deal as much damage as you can with
Muramana proc'ed auto attacks.
Note: remember to use
Seraph's Embrace's active if you are focused, it will shield you for up to 1000 damage. Use
Clarity right before if you are running it.

In team fights, your goals are as follows:
1. Kill the AD carry (you should be able to tag them with a 5-sphere

2. Stun as many enemies as possible with your

3. Protect low-health teammates and kill fleeing enemies
4. Deal as much damage as you can with

Note: remember to use

You can usually dispel a
baron nashor attempt, or at lower levels, a
dragon attempt, by using
Unleashed Power on the AD carry. If you have extra money/inventory space, buy a ward or two to help map awareness. You are disruptive enough to make a team already struggling against
baron nashor extremely vulnerable. additionally, their stationary positions will make a 6-sphere ultimate easy to execute. Be sure to stun as many people as you can when you go in for the ADC; this will ensure your survival.

I hope you found this guide to be fresh and informative. It's my first guide, so I would fully appreciate any constructive criticism! With any luck you now have a better idea of how to play
Syndra and will continue to improve upon the basics I've laid out. If you have any build suggestions, interesting play tips, or thoughts, please leave a comment.
I'd like to thank jhoijhoi for their informative guide on making guides, which can be found here: here
Here is a decent run I had using the above build. If this guide helped you, don't hesitate to submit your own record!

I'd like to thank jhoijhoi for their informative guide on making guides, which can be found here: here
Here is a decent run I had using the above build. If this guide helped you, don't hesitate to submit your own record!
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