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+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Abilities
Transcendent (PASSIVE)
Syndra Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Just don't get caught by Hook
Champion Build Guide
Hey Everyone!
Syndra is such a fun champion to play and, as a support main, I chose to bring her into the bottom lane. She makes the lane a kill lane, with super high damage, great cc, and the ability to push others away.
Your q is your main poke, for damage, and it procs spellthief line. It's really important that you poke with it a lot, but make sure to monitor your mana so you always have a charge of Q > E available.
Your w is great for setting up for your e, as well as providing further range poke than q (though it travels rather slowly). The great thing about this ability is that if you decide to invade the enemy, it can pick up jungle monsters to deny your enemy jg the gold and xp. It can also be used to pick up Annie's Tibbers and Ivern's Daisy if he ganks, but be careful with Annie's Tibbers as it still has the damage aura. You can quickly bring their damage away with your w and save your adc if they are on them.
Your e is your stun, but you have to hit a ball through someone with it. Usually you do Q > E or Q > W > E to stun an opponent. However, you can also use it to push away a ganking jg, such as a Yi or Wukong that tries to get on top of your adc.
Your ult is a ton of damage. Make sure to have as many balls up as possible before using it though. You can preserve a ball with your w if needed, but often you don't need all 7 to kill a fleeing low-health adc or assassin.
I recommend her in normal games, but if you bring her ranked...people are going to complain.
That's it folks!
Syndra is such a fun champion to play and, as a support main, I chose to bring her into the bottom lane. She makes the lane a kill lane, with super high damage, great cc, and the ability to push others away.
Your q is your main poke, for damage, and it procs spellthief line. It's really important that you poke with it a lot, but make sure to monitor your mana so you always have a charge of Q > E available.
Your w is great for setting up for your e, as well as providing further range poke than q (though it travels rather slowly). The great thing about this ability is that if you decide to invade the enemy, it can pick up jungle monsters to deny your enemy jg the gold and xp. It can also be used to pick up Annie's Tibbers and Ivern's Daisy if he ganks, but be careful with Annie's Tibbers as it still has the damage aura. You can quickly bring their damage away with your w and save your adc if they are on them.
Your e is your stun, but you have to hit a ball through someone with it. Usually you do Q > E or Q > W > E to stun an opponent. However, you can also use it to push away a ganking jg, such as a Yi or Wukong that tries to get on top of your adc.
Your ult is a ton of damage. Make sure to have as many balls up as possible before using it though. You can preserve a ball with your w if needed, but often you don't need all 7 to kill a fleeing low-health adc or assassin.
I recommend her in normal games, but if you bring her ranked...people are going to complain.
That's it folks!
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