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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Off the top of my head, Vayne is the only threat I can think of. She's ranged like you, so your trades are less safe, and she deals %HP True Damage. Luckily she is still an ADC, so she's squishy enough that you can probably poke her down with abilities.
Champion Build Guide
But ******** if I don't know how to have fun.
You wanna have fun? You wanna play a burst mage that can tank a pre-nerfed Samira ult while she has a Yuumi sitting on her? You wanna have Waveclear, poke, CC, AND trickery while doing it all as one of the happiest, most colourful characters in League? Then this guide is for you!
Tank Neeko is the utmost way to potentially throw games if your team doesn't have another tank on it, while simultaiously being the utmost way to carry your team to vicory with a kit that has it all.
This idea came to me when I figured "Hey, Neeko's hitbox is as big as a tank's, so why not just build her like one!" (True fact, her hitbox is so much larger than her model, it sucks.). So I hopped into a game with a friend, locked in Mid, and proceeded to be unkillable, even killing the enemy tank in Fountain.
So enjoy!
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