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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Assassin's Mark (PASSIVE)
Akali Passive Ability
And this is my guide to Tank Top

This build is very strong, especially against bruisers or tanks that

So without further ado, here is

+ High sustained AOE damage + High surivivability + Can engage and disrupt enemies easily and safely + Sustains hard with regen effects and energy + Can chase down almost any enemy + Can trade well early with ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
- Has no hard CC - Weak all-in pre level 6 - Can be mildly countered by ![]() - Can run out of energy easily if not focusing - Unintuitive at first |
pffffffffff A lot of tanks need hard CC to help their team engage, while ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When To Pick Akali

* = Reccomended

greater mark of hybrid penetration: In the case that you're facing a full ad opponent, you can run additional ap in the form of




The Cunning Tree:
Savagery is useful early on as it makes last hitting minions much easier with both auto attacks and
Mark of the Assassin.
is good for dueling one on one. You could also take
Secret Stash
for more sustain if you feel you're against an enemy that you don't wish to fight in lane.
is taken over
Akali doesn't have mana.
Dangerous Game
is taken over
Akali doesn't trade often enough early for the passive gold to be worth much.
The Resolve Tree:
is taken over
because it's more useful early and will synergize with other masteries and items.
Tough Skin
is essentially a reverse
which gives
Akali some beefiness, and is taken since
isn't all that useful.
Runic Armor
synergizes with
Akali's spell vamp,
Grasp of the Undying.
lets you teleport, ignite and flash more often. You could make a case for wiki mastery=Perseverance since it goes with all the other health regen effects, but with how much power is put into summoner spells, having their cooldown reduced is very useful.
gives tenacity, which is an incredibly rare and powerful stat that can save you at any time in the game.
Legendary Guardian
is only useful in teamfights and even then it can be outperformed by
in a lot of situations.
Grasp of the Undying allows
Akali to trade early on without needing to get ap. The damage scales off of max health which is what tanky
Akali will be building and the heal procs
Runic Armor
Spirit Visage

The Resolve Tree:

> Objectively the best summoner spell. One could make a case for

> Its a toss up between getting this or

> A very aggressive spell,

> A relatively simple passive which gives out additonal spell vamp when building AD, and additional on hit damage when building AP. This passive is the reason that both ad marks and ap quints are taken in

> Your first skill and the second skill you max. The reason one gets it first is that it helps with csing, poking and at level one is stronger trading tool than

In terms of leveling up, this skill is maxed last, but with a second point taken at level 8. Afterwards we typically max

> This is an ability that's defined in a lot of ways by how it interacts with other abilities and items, though it does have some solo uses that are noteworthy. Firstly, and perhaps most obviously,

Now while all of this is fine and dandy,

In lane


In terms of leveling up, this ability is taken at level 4 and maxed last, or situationaly second. The additional levels in the mid game help in teamfights as the movement speed allows

> Thanks to its short cooldown and ad scaling, this is tank

Due to

> While not as big a damage tool as with ap

Being an ultimate ability, this is leveled up at levels 6, 11 and 16.
VS ADThis is for when you're up against an AD opponent. With ![]() ![]() ![]() |
VS APYou're against an ap opponent? well then this is for you. It won't provide as much sustain as the ![]() ![]() ![]() |

> Your go-to anti AD starting item and one of the two core items of this build, though it can be delayed if you're against an ap laner. Though in the case of ad laners, this will be rushed in the early game as that's the point at which it's aura does the most damage.

> Your go-to Anti AP starting item. This is pretty much excellent at any stage of the game if you're against AP. It gives big Magic resistance, 10%CDR, 400 health and a very powerful sustain passive. The sustain passive synergizes excellently with all of the regen masteries in the resolve tree as well as

> This is what gives tank

> A followup to

> The follow up to

> The go to tool for when you're ahead and just wanna murder people. The combination of damage from the ap and health aspects of this item, as well as the slow, make it great for dishing out lots of damage and forcing your enemies into prolonged engagements/retreats. Unlike other slow based items like

> Gotta go fast. IT'S, ok. Useful if the enemies mostly ad with some magic damage on the side. Also kinda handy for positioning before a teamfight or chasing particularly mobile enemies down. Not great early on by itself since it makes your damage dip before you have

> A great alternative or followup to

> Another pickup for when ahead, worth getting if the enemy has a lot of frontloaded damage+cc.

> Probably your 5th item after all of the core stuff and boots. Good if your team needs more map pressure and the enemy has an even spread of both physical and magic damage at their disposal. It also lets you move through lanes more quickly and has regen which synergizes with

> This is the last resort. Games about to end, death timers are brutal, next fight determines the outcome. If the enemy is relatively slow and can't escape you thanks to


Making A Mark
At the start of the game akali's play pattern is fairly simple. Focus on csing, occasionally throw out

After you hit levels 2-4 you can trade a little better. Your sustained damage will be higher and you'll be able to trade well compared to other champions that are "meh" pre level 6. Remember that

Post level 6, assuming at this stage you've gone even until this point, you can now start fighting pretty much any lane opponent.

Once you hit team fight stage it's all about timing your engage on the enemy back line. You can still assassinate squishier enemy champions with this build in one vs one situations, but if the target has backup you'll need backup of your own as you can't burst them instantly before making your escape.

Credits to JhoiJhoi, Who I yet again leaned on for formatting purposes. I would feel bad about it but since everyone does it I like to feel my laziness is justified.
Also credits to TaiwanAkali who made me interested in playing Tank Top Akali, and who's playstyle was the original basis for this guide.
Finally thank you the reader for getting this far (unless you skipped to this part like a dirty cheater), I really appreciate that you took the time to read this and hope it brings you good fortune :)
Oh and if you like this guide why not give it a +1 or a commendation, which is kinda like a +1 but different for some reason, whatever, would appreciate that, yup.
Also credits to TaiwanAkali who made me interested in playing Tank Top Akali, and who's playstyle was the original basis for this guide.
Finally thank you the reader for getting this far (unless you skipped to this part like a dirty cheater), I really appreciate that you took the time to read this and hope it brings you good fortune :)
Oh and if you like this guide why not give it a +1 or a commendation, which is kinda like a +1 but different for some reason, whatever, would appreciate that, yup.
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