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Ability Order
Bravado (PASSIVE)
Taric Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Taric's Dazzle has a buggy interaction with Ez's Arcane Shift. Even when stunned, he can teleport to safety. I suggest banning Ezrael if you plan to play Taric, as there is no way to punish him with your sole CC.
Why Coin?
This is because of 2 reasons: Relic requires an ally within range to activate, and more importantly, there is a ton of wave clear in the game presently.
What you lose in HP, you make up for in exactly what Taric lacks; movement speed. Furthermore, on average, I bank 1-2k more gold per game using Coin because of it's 2 gold/s. Add on to that simply walking through a lane nets you both gold and mana coins, I think it's very strong.
Yes, you lose out on an additional 75% Health Reneration. However! Due to taric's passive, Starlight's Touch is going to be active a lot in the mid and late game, and almost always to heal someone other than yourself. So, I don't believe the regeneration is at all necessary.
I think it's really strong to gain a 10% movement speed on top of Magical Footwear, and be capable of acquiring items much more quickly to turn Taric into the beefy guy that he truly is.
Thanks and Have fun.
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