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Taric Build Guide by Fictitious1267

Support Taric Support - Greed and Speed (Coin Taric)

Support Taric Support - Greed and Speed (Coin Taric)

Updated on September 12, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fictitious1267 Build Guide By Fictitious1267 2,891 Views 0 Comments
2,891 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Fictitious1267 Taric Build Guide By Fictitious1267 Updated on September 12, 2018
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Bone Plating

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Why Coin?

After Relic Shield was nerfed, and more recently the Minion Dematerializer nerf I have been experimenting with alternative builds. Although you gain 150 HP and a tiny bit of sustain during the laning phase, I find that once laining is over, Taric hits a brick wall income wise.

This is because of 2 reasons: Relic requires an ally within range to activate, and more importantly, there is a ton of wave clear in the game presently.

What you lose in HP, you make up for in exactly what Taric lacks; movement speed. Furthermore, on average, I bank 1-2k more gold per game using Coin because of it's 2 gold/s. Add on to that simply walking through a lane nets you both gold and mana coins, I think it's very strong.

Yes, you lose out on an additional 75% Health Reneration. However! Due to taric's passive, Starlight's Touch is going to be active a lot in the mid and late game, and almost always to heal someone other than yourself. So, I don't believe the regeneration is at all necessary.

I think it's really strong to gain a 10% movement speed on top of Magical Footwear, and be capable of acquiring items much more quickly to turn Taric into the beefy guy that he truly is.

Thanks and Have fun.
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Exhaust or Ignite?

Ignite is really strong currently, and reduces healing on target. I would recommend this over Exhaust, unless the enemy has a lot of kill pressure that you need to reduce. If you're ADC is going to get tower dove, or get caught out by a teleporting/invisible assassin, then opt for Exhaust.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fictitious1267
Fictitious1267 Taric Guide
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Taric Support - Greed and Speed (Coin Taric)

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