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Taric General Guide by txjra

Top Taric Top_ The ultimate Armor castle_ S5_ 10 hours of custom

Top Taric Top_ The ultimate Armor castle_ S5_ 10 hours of custom

Updated on March 27, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author txjra Build Guide By txjra 1,384 Views 0 Comments
1,384 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author txjra Taric Build Guide By txjra Updated on March 27, 2015
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This is a guide to play a OP TANK TARIC. Are you sick of good but endless guides for champions that you don't have time to read all, and all that difficult stats that make a bit confuse, and forced you to read twice! Well this is my first guide and I hope you henjoy reading it has much I enjoyed doing it. Leave opinions and tips if you want, and if you have a question just ask ;) You have to follow this guide and you will be the master of armor it self.
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Remember that you have a focus armor Runes. It's always best if you donĀ“t play with a bad rune pick :)
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The champions you have to be VERY CAREFUL

With taric, you depend on your armor to make a good game, and when in lane you have to be very careful with champions that have croud control efects and redution armor attacks. Ask help to your jungler (if you have one) to gank that champion, it's a good choice to focus on him in early gaming (with caution and never alone) so that you can get some kills and don't get tortured by that champion in the rest of the game, try to make a plan with your jungler. Plan in Chapter 4 (teamwork)
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Team Work

Let you jungler go in the river and attract you enemy to you when a bit low on HP (not to low, beacuse you will get kill and that's not what you want), then you jungler comes out of the bushes or the river and you give your E to your enemy champion, the enemy will get stun and the jungler makes all the damage taht he can make (if you want you can make a ks and say sory ;)ahahahahaha ) remember that the stun of your E has a low duration so try to make as much damage with your jungler has you can. If the enemy champion escapes and the jungler goes after him, make your Q on your jungler and stay in lane to kill minions and make a good amount of money.
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When facing a 5vs3

    Try to focus on the damage dealers and and on the croud control attackers, remember you have your Q so don't be selfish and use it on an ally to have more chances of coming out of taht fight alive.
    If the enemy team is more feed than yours, focus on the enemy champion that is more feed with 3 of your allies, and don't leave that group until someone of you 3 is killed or the game is more balanced.
    The key for a sucess game with taric is


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    When playing Taric, you have to realise that with this guide you will not get attack speed boosts of any kind. So you have to have a really good timing for giving the last strike to minions, you have to consider the time that taric takes to make an auto attack and if you are going to make the last blow on the minion on time.
    Facing a huge wave of minion alone whit taric is a peace of cake, just go there and press W, if necessary (because you are facing super minion), don't be afraid of using your ulti, it has a low cooldown so it's OK.
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The masteries of taric in this guide are a really good choice for the early gaming. You can harass and harass even more your opponents and be safe at the same time.
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Skill Sequence

When you have a decent build, do THIS!!!
First your


, than wiht the stun of your E, press your


, next is your ulti, you take the advantage of the effect of your W, and then you press


(ulti) and thats the skill sequence you should make to make the most damage.


can be incorporeted in this sequence when ever you want.
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Take the most advantage from ignite in early gaming, even if it's not to kill.
You can send your enemy to base while you farm rested.
If your are not a big fan of ignite, replace it for Exaust to make sure you can get that kill.
Try do use your flash, not to pursue kills (if you are doing almost doing a PENTA, go after that guy if flash and everithing you got) but to escape certain death, taric is a good champion to hold on the front when most of your team is dead, in my opinion of course.
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Pros / Cons


    Low CD (cooldowns)
    Spaming abilities
    It has a basic sustain
    Fun to play and easy to learn


    Hungry beast for mana...
    Slow to follow alies
    Huge weakness---> LAST WHISPER You are doomed tan tan tannnnnn
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League of Legends Build Guide Author txjra
txjra Taric Guide
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Taric Top_ The ultimate Armor castle_ S5_ 10 hours of custom

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