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Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
Nashor's tooth is actually the key element in an AP Teemo build, Nashor's tooth makes auto attacks scale with 0.15 ap +15 magic damage. Combined with 5% from spellsword and 40% from his E, combine this with Nashor's Tooth you get 0.6 AP with every auto attack. Apart from that you also get the 5% max health damage from BLOTRK which can help you get more slows and help you gain even more speed. Another thing to note is the boot enhancement Furor which will give you an additional 12% MS everytime you auto attack or q, making it even harder to escape/chase you.
The most important thing about ignite is something people often neglect, the 50% reduced healing can take out the adc's sustain or mundo ult or voli's passive. But because teemo has so much burst potential, most of them will never get the full heal which means that we won't need ignite. To be very frank flash/ghost combo is one of my favourites as it can get you out of any sticy situation. Ghost combined with Furor and W is equal to enemies going wtf when you outrun master yi.
When laning you farm a lot but at the same time try to poke your opponent out of lane. Never go full on because you have no reason to (Unless he has less than 25% left and its a free kill.) Are you in trouble coz of a gank, don't worry, go into the bush and stand still, let them use their mana trying to find you and then hop on both of them if you want. After you hit 6 put shrooms in places where no minions will stand and run through them. Have no mushrooms, your still fine, imagine you have a fake mushroom and walk past it like you're luring someone and they will try to sidestep it lol.
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