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Amumu Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

Jungle The ALP Guide to Amumu Jungle

Jungle The ALP Guide to Amumu Jungle

Updated on January 18, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 28 2 94,075 Views 2 Comments
28 2 94,075 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Amumu Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on January 18, 2025
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Runes: Conqueror Tankiness

1 2
Legend: Haste
Last Stand

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Amumu Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Amumu, the Sad Mummy
Tank, Support, Jungler, Mana, Melee, Magic
Clearing: Fast [3:25]
Ganking: Excellent, lots of CC
Speciality: Crowd Control
Why Jungle Amumu? Amumu is a very fast clearer and a traditional jungler, excellent in all elos but especially lower ranks. He excels so much from his three forms of CC and high damage. A low-ish cooldown stun with two charges and an AOE stun as an ultimate makes for a great combo on a tanky champion. Plus, high AP scaling allows him to build AP items and find success as a damage dealer as well.
Pros and Cons


Lots of CC
Fast Clear
Amazing, Consistent Ganks
Good All-Game


Passive is Situational
Easy to Accidentally Die
Weaker without Ultimate
Weaker Early Game
Struggles to Solo-Carry
Easily Kited

Tank Amumu really can't go wrong build-wise. He's a strong character who it takes a lot of effort to do poorly with - or a lot of misplays. His tankiness is inherent from his passives and allows him to go all-in on squishies, spam CC, and get out alive.

Ability Power Amumu is INCREDIBLY fun. He is fully capable of one-shotting multiple people in a team fight by dashing in with his Q and stunning anyone around him. And if he doesn't instantly kill them, Stormsurge will do the rest of the work. And if that STILL doesn't work, the burn from Liandry's will.

AP x Tank sounds good in theory, and it can definitely work sometimes, but it takes the best parts of Amumu's build and makes them not nearly as useful. He doesn't get the one shot scaling from AP and the full resistances from Tank. But it can still be used if you're lacking in both a frontliner and ap damage.
Skill Order
Bandage Toss

3 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13

1 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18

2 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9
Curse of the Sad Mummy

6 / 11 / 16
> > >
Amumu starts W to leech the life out of his first clear, a buff, or E to refresh his cooldown over and over again on raptors if he is solo clearing. He doesn't max his W though, instead he maxes out his E for the AOE damage. Then he goes into Q for the lower CD on a vital piece of CC, then finally into W.
Ability Usage in Jungle
Cursed Touch
Amumu's auto attacks and his ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, are empowered to mark enemies with Curse for 3 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and Despair's damage.

In the Jungle, Cursed Touch is an idle damaging ability that you don't really have to pay all too much attention to.

Cursed targets receive bonus true damage from magic damage.
Bandage Toss
Amumu throws a bandage that deals magic damage, stuns the enemy, and pulls Amumu towards the target hit. He has two charges of this ability.

Despair can be activated during the dash.

In the Jungle, this ability is used to make clearing faster as well as being a highly efficient ganking tool. Q can throw Amumu over walls if it hits one of his camps to make the walk around the jungle less time consuming. It being a stun on contact can keep enemys CC chained as well.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Despair is a toggle that activates an AOE of Amumu's tears, which do percent health magic damage every second to nearby enemies.

In the Jungle, this ability can be toggled on and left to do what it does best - be a damaging ability like Cursed Touch that you barely pay attention to. It's great at helping clear camps and objectives.

This scales off of Ability Power.
PASSIVE: Amumu reduces physical damage taken, capped at 50%.

ACTIVE: Amumu does magic damage in a circle around him. The cooldown is reduced whenever Amumu is hit by a basic/auto attack.

This ability is one of Amumu's main damaging components, both for enemies and for monsters. It is important to watch your cooldown on this ability as it is usually up way more than you'd expect it to be.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Curse of the Sad Mummy
Amumu entangles nearby enemies in bandages, dealing magic damage as well as stunning all enemies nearby.

In the Jungle, this ultimate is used to win 1v1's against squishy targets who would take a lot of damage in the early game from this, or hit multiple people in a team fight.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Amumu can solo drakes at any point in the game, but he excels much more in the later halves of the game. It is best to bring a teammate to the first dragon then solo the rest of them with proper vision - and don't be afraid to back out or ping for help if things look dire.

Amumu benefits the most from Mountain Soul. This soul grants armor and magic resistance, something that Amumu loves no matter what build he runs.

Amumu has one of, if not THE best solo clears for grubs. By standing in the center of the three grubs, he can toggle his W and spam E to kill them very quickly.

Rift Herald is quite an easy clear for Amumu, especially with the max health magic damage on his W. Ensure you have the mana to take on the objective and ward either in the river bushes or on the redside depending on which side of the map the enemy jungler will come from.

Voracious Atakahn will spawn in lower-action games with fewer kills/damage, taking root in whichever side of the map has the most drama within it. It cannot be solo'd by Amumu but can be done with one high-damaging champion alongside himself. Amumu doesn't really struggle with Atakahn like most junglers. Upon defeating him, Voracious Atakahn grants a free, one-time use of False Life but instead of reviving right in the middle of the fight, you blink back to your fountain.

Amumu will more than likely end up fighting Ruinous Atakahn due to his very high kill potentional in all points of the game. If an oppourtunity arises to kill an enemy in the middle of the fight, carefully navigate around any other enemies and throw yourself onto them, leading Atakahn to attack them as well. Upon slaying Ruinous Atakhan, you are granted Crown of Carnage which permanently boosts rewards from epic monsters slain aswell as 6 stacks of Bloody Petals.

Amumu cannot solo baron at any point in the game. However his W can allow for two to three teammates to complete the objective alone without the need for the entire team. I prefer Baron on Amumu, but both endgame objectives are equally good.

Amumu can.. eventually solo elder. It won't kill him, but it'll take forever to get done. Get it when the enemy is dead or defending so he can safely fight it with friends.


The side you want to start on depends on if you want to solo clear or not. When starting red side, it is proper etiquette to start E and begin on Raptors, as Amumu can solo start from there very easily. Afterwards he can move onto buff, krugs, and go straight in for a gank. If Amumu starts Blue Side, then he starts on the buff as normal and starts the game with W instead. After starting on Blue Sentinel, he then moves onto Gromp, Wolves, and looks for a gank before pathing into red side.
Core Items
Feats of Strength
Most of the time Amumu will be taking Plated Steelcaps for the passive, which reduces all incoming attacks by a small amount. It's a versatile ability to have, but there are some cases where Sorcerer's Shoes will be better as a main boot, especially when going APmumu.

Feats of Strength is gained by completing two of three objectives before the enemy team. These objectives include 3 epic monsters slain, first blood, and first tower. For Amumu the easiest feat is First Blood, which is exceptionally easy due to his high burn damage, cc, and burst on E. Afterwards, due to Amumu's exceptional jungle clear, the three objectives are the second easiest feat for him to complete.

Upgrading PS grants you Armored Advance, providing a buff to Movement Speed and Armor. You also gain a new passive, granting you a physical damage shield upon taking damage. This is particularly good for Amumu against fed ADC's or assassins.

Plated Steelcaps > ARMOR
Most of the time Amumu will be taking Plated Steelcaps for the passive, which reduces all incoming attacks by a small amount. It's a versatile ability to have, but there are some cases where Sorcerer's Shoes will be better as a main boot, especially when going APmumu.
Mercury's Treads > MAGIC RESISTANCE
When going against an especially AP heavy enemy team, the passive for Plated Steelcaps doesn't mean as much as the magic resistance for Mercury's Treads. Take these boots instead when going against a shitton of magic damage.

EARLY GAME: Amumu excels in the early game, but in a much different way than he does in the other parts of the match. He serves as a CC tool, weaving between whatever attacks he can and keeping an enemy locked down with his two stuns as best as possible without feeding in the process. He isn't very tanky and he certainly can't do much damage, but his damage is still reletively surprising after Haunted Guise and is enough to surprise plenty of would-be killers with big egos.
MID GAME: By this point in the game, Amumu has his ultimate and can dive into the masses of team fights, score a kill on his own, and get out while his team finishes up the job. Ideally, an Amumu wouldn't be taking all the kills to himself, instead he should be setting up the kills for carries on his team.
LATE GAME: Amumu should be a tanky menace by the late game, surviving throughout team fights and likely being the last one standing in some scenarios. He should stick to his most fed teammate like glue and act as their personal defender and feed them all the kills he can before dying. Don't forget, Amumu with a full kit can solo lonesome squishies just as well as anyone if he plays it right.
Patch Notes
10/17/2024: Guide Created.
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